My words are the law here.

Grandpa Xu and Xu Shaoze were walking slowly as they were being led on their private table where no people aside from them can dine in. People are still rooted on the ground when a voice full of contempt resounded in the room.

"Who is this old man walking like a king in front of everyone!? He even brought his dog for a walk and brag him everywhere!"

The guy on a table near the window slowly stood up and turned to look towards the old man.

"Is this how this country works!? Money can dominate everything and with money, you can even buy the respect of the people!? Treating us like an object can be disposed of whenever you like!?"

The guy in a white robe with leather straps on his arms and leather armor on his chest with a gourd hanging around his waist, pointed his finger towards Xu Zhong Kui as he raises his voice. He seems like in the thirties and a cultivator of Body purifying 2nd stage.

People around started shivering as they stared coldly at the guy in a white robe. Fear welled up inside them as they cursed under their breath.

"Damn! Who is this idiot!?"

"Offending the Demon General means wanting to die early!"

"Damn! He even told Xu Zhong Kui that his grandson is a dog!"

"He's dead! Deader than dead!"

The spectators around tensed up as their knees went numb from fear. As expected, the temperature inside the room dropped as if ice in the abyss surfaced giving cold chills on everyone's spines. The cold was seeping inside their bodies making them numb and if this were to continue, they were going to freeze to death.

Cultivators started to circulate their Qi inside their body to counter the cold, although some were resistant because of the element that they cultivated is related to Ice element. Some who were proficient in Fire element was much better than the others as it counters the cold.

"Damn! We're getting implicated because of this Idiotic person!"

Some of those who are not a cultivator started to freeze. They were cursing the guy in white robes! They really want to rush up and beat the hell out of this guy for saying nonsense. It seems like this guy is not from this area as he doesn't even know the Demon General, Xu Zhong Kui of the Xu Family!

Xu Zhong Kui's eyes were grim as he stared coldly at the guy in the white robe. A murderous glint flashed across his eyes! He was really angry, and when this guy insulted his grandson, he snapped out, madness filled his eyes. He is really furious at this time. He raised his arm towards the guy in white robes, He positioned his arm as if grabbing something and he said coldly.

"You can insult me but you can't insult my family!"

Fear started to appear on the guy in the white robes, he thought that this old man was only a rich merchant or noble that uses the money to dominate people. When the old man raised his arm he felt something clutching on to him, he tried resisting but to no avail. It can be said that he, a Body Purifying stage cultivator, can be considered powerful in this country. He panicked when he thought of this.

"Y-You... Are you trying to kill someone!? Don't you care about the laws here!?"

The guy in the white robes struggles as he became more panicked, then he heard the chilling voice that emanates icy power from the deep abyss cold as the bottom of the sea.

"My words are the law here."

Xu Zhong Kui closed his hands as if he grabbed on to something, then the guy in white robes burst apart as blood gushed like a fountain. Series of screams can be heard as some even fainted at the sight of the bloody mess.

"Are there going to be a problem here?"

Xu Zhong Kui slowly turned towards the restaurant manager as he said in a cool voice, his eyes were slightly chilly it sent shivers on the manager as cold sweat started to appear on his back. He hurriedly denied it.

"N-No... No... Not at all Senior Xu! Small matter, small matter!"

The manager then turned towards his employees as he shouted.

"You guys! What are you standing there for? Am I paying you just for standing still!? Clean up this mess!"

All the employees snapped out of their daze as they replied in a unison manner. "Yes!"

The manager continued to lead the way towards the VIP room as Xu Zhong Kui and Xu Shaoze followed behind.


Xu Shaoze's thoughts were in disarray, he couldn't believe his eyes that a human were being slaughtered in front of his eyes like an ant, powerless. He feels like vomiting because he couldn't get used to the gory scene that happened earlier. 'He... He killed a human without batting an eyelid! Is he even a human? Where are the humanity?' Xu Shaoze thought to himself.

He knows that he was being naive because in his past life, killing someone is a crime itself. You have to take responsibility for what you have done, there is even a saying 'An eye for an eye', if you kill someone, you have to die too to pay for the other's life.

However in this world, 'The strong prey the weak' You need a strong foundation to defend against any abnormalities. To survive, to get resources, you have to have strong cultivation to back it up.

The strong rules and the weak get dominated, It is the sad truth about this world.

Grandpa Xu saw the distressed face of his grandson, he smiled wryly towards him as he patted Xu Shaoze's head as he asked him lightly.

"Are you scared?"

Xu Shaoze looked at his grandpa in the eyes for a moment then redirected his gaze somewhere as he said.

"Actually I'm quite scared because humans die easily, I just wondered if I will also die a horrendous death like him."

Then as if he remembered something he asked his grandpa what he's been on his mind for a while now.

"Ah, right! What's going on with the people outside, why were they being fearful when they saw you?"

Grandpa Xu looked at Xu Shaoze with a smile then he winked as he said.

"Your grandpa is quite famous you know?"


After some time, the dishes were served on their table. Xu Shaoze's eyes sparkled like a bright diamond, he was drooling as his stomach growled, he was really hungry at this time because he hasn't eaten anything since he transmigrated in this world.

There were stir-fried vegetables with slices of Yin snake's meat, a delicacy that is in demand in the market. Many people yearn to get there hands on this Yin Snake's meat, It is said that this meat can cure a marrow disease, it can cleanse and purify your blood.

There were even Roasted Spring Water Duck, a magic beast only found in the Water Spring region of the deep of the Forest of Magic Beasts. It is difficult to get meat, there was even 5 adventurer who went hunting Spring Water Duck only 3 people came back alive and those who returned has a serious injury or a severed limb.

Xu Shaoze started eating as he chomps down all the dishes, whenever he ate those dishes, he felt warm inside, he didn't know about it all he knew was that the dishes were so delicious that he can't stop eating.

Xu Zhong Kui watched his grandson eat as his smile grew from ear to ear, he was so happy that he had a grandchild, he always dreamed of having a grandchild to brag to his friends and he really want to spoil this kid, unlike a certain someone who became a happy go lucky, hedonistic and unbearable fellow who goes wherever he goes without even coming back for years.

Although he missed his son, he can't forgive him for abandoning his only grandson alone so that he can continue his lackadaisical life, This time he is really furious about his bastard son!

Xu Shaoze still ate without giving any attention to his surroundings, It was like he has his own world and in that world, only he and the foods were there, no one else. He ate and ate until his stomach can't take it anymore, he dropped his utensil on the table and slouch on the chair.