An accidental meeting!


All members of the branch family were shocked and confused about what's happening right now, there were too many surprises that happened they couldn't think fast enough.

"W-What's going on!?..."

"What is the meaning of this?..."

"W-Why would you kill a member of the Xu Family?... This is heresy!..."

Xu Shaoze also looked at his grandfather with questioning looks. Xu Zhong Kui just lifted his nose as he looked down on the branch family members.

"Why would I kill a member of the Xu Family you say?... Xue Lin! Take off their masks for me!"

Xu Zhong Kui ordered Xue Lin. Xue Lin, beside the seat of the patriarch, heard the order and naturally obeyed. He went down and stood in front of the two corpses and then pulled the face of the two.

There's a ripping sound as Xue Lin pulled the faces of the two. The branch families were disgusted at the sight but then, they saw the other face behind the face that was ripped off. It was skull-faced. These are the mark of the Corpse sect.

The Corpse sect took the faces of their targets and use them on their own. Because of the cultivation techniques that they are cultivating, their flesh started to wither away leaving them with only bones. The ones who achieved the highest cultivation level in that manual were only bags of bones, they don't have any flesh at all just white and skinny bones.

"This... This is... These are the members of the corpse sect!"

Waves of gasp were heard inside the hall as they stared at the two corpses lying in the pool of blood. In the corpse sect, when they started cultivating the required manual, the first to rot was their faces that's why they can be easily recognized.

That is how they got the nickname Skull faced.

"How... How did the corpse sect manage to enter our Xu Manor?... What happened to the owner of these faces then!?"

"I can't believe it... they dare to kill a member of a Xu?..."

"They really have more guts right now! To actually kill a Xu... We have to fight back!"

Many branch family members shouted their propositions. There was uproar inside the audience hall as they got panicked. Xu Zhong Kui just brushed it off like it was a child's play and let out a cold snort. Then, silence covered the whole room.

"Who cares if they started to move... I'll take them all on! But before that... let me introduce you the heir of the Xu Family, my grandson, Xu Shaoze!"

Then there was a second uproar ongoing, they just remembered that this boy called the patriarch grandpa, right? How the hell did that happen!?

"Wh-What!?... How can that be!?... Isn't the young lord, Xu Xian is still missing? How can he have a son!?... This is... This is impossible!"

"What is impossible for leaving a child behind? The young Lord is a man after all! Hmmph!"

Two factions of the branch family started to argue with each other. One of the faction sided with the main family to let the main family and its generation to generation to lead the whole Xu Family while the other faction believes that they should pass the seat of the patriarch on the branch family because Xu Zhong Kui has no one left in the family to inherit the seat; Xu Xian is always missing and they don't want to hand over their future on a leader who is not responsible for its people.

"Grand...Grandson... H-How can this be!?... I've waited many years for this old man to pass the seat on my son yet... Xu Zhong Kui actually has a grandson!?... It's over... are my efforts all in vain?... No... It can't stop like this! Not like this!"

One of the branch members who have a high position on the Xu Clan, Xu Beichen, mumbled to himself. His face was ashen long before when the boy addressed the patriarch as his grandpa. Xu Zhong Kui's words serve only as a confirmation for Xu Beichen.

Xu Beichen felt his world crumbling like a piece of glass smashed by a hammer, it broke into pieces. He envisioned him having a high status, standing before others like a mighty king, Spending wealth like a drunken sailor.

However, with just the appearance of an heir, his plans in the future were in tatters. He felt like he went to a good country to make money but then he turned into a beggar instead. He felt awful and wronged at the same time. Xu Beichen's eyes flashed a malicious intent as he murmurs to himself.

"Pa-Patriarch... Is the legitimacy..."

One of the branch members who are in the branch family faction spoke up but then, he hadn't finished his sentence when an outburst of aura pressed down upon him making him feel weak on his knees, his body is as heavy as a lead.

"Are you questioning me, Xu Zhong Kui, on how to do things that you doubt my authenticity?"

Xu Zhong Kui's voice was cold as he slowly spoke and he glanced at the speaker. It made the one who spoke shivers in fright when he was stared upon then, he hurriedly shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.

"I...I dare not!..."

Xu Zhong Kui nodded lightly in return as he diverted his gaze. The speaker went on his knees completely frightened as he sighed in relief.

"First of all, you all know that we, Xu's, has a blood connection. We can sense the bloodline of someone who is a member of a Xu! The stronger the bloodline, the stronger we can sense it. This is our unique traits that were passed down since ancient times!"

He then started to explain how things work. All the members of the branch family have a shocked face as if they had come in a realization.

'That works too?'

Xu Zhong Kui then said. "Why don't you try sensing it?" Then all of them started to focus on their sense on their bloodline. In the darkness, they can see many small and medium-sized red dots palpitating like a live heart. Then, they saw a large red dot in the crowd as it gave off a suppressing feeling down on their bones. Their blood was boiling, they felt their blood rumbling inside them and rushing towards their heads. It was like meeting their ancestor.

"This... This is... an ancient bloodline! It was so pure that it can compare to an ancient bloodline of our ancestors!... Amazing!"

"I haven't seen one with a pure bloodline like his... This is superb!"

The branch family members were praising in amazement however Xu Shaoze is unaware of what is going on, he just stood there quietly looking at his surrounding. Suddenly, a smart ass spoke up.

"Then... Then how did the two members of the corpse sect manage to avoid our bloodline sense?"

"That's right! How can they get in when the situation is in our grasp?"

"...Unless there's a traitor inside who helped them to enter the Xu manor."

All people inside the audience room froze as they went silent, they looked at each other warily. Then, a man pointed at Xu Shaoze, his fingers were trembling and his voice shaky.

"Wh-What if... he is the one who helped them enter the manor!? They knew that he is the heir of the Xu Family and made a deal with them?"

Enraged, Xu Zhong Kui abruptly stood up, his face red burning in anger.

"Enough! Do you think a boy can manage to make a deal with them?"


He didn't let anyone object anymore as he stopped them authoritatively. His words contain profound aura that can suppress anyone.

"No buts. or are you just making excuses and make my grandson as a scapegoat!?"

"No... No... You got it wrong, Patriarch!"

The man hurriedly denied as his head rattled like a drum.

"Hmmp! It's decided then. This manual, I'll give it to my grandson, Xu Shaoze!"

This cultivation manual is the same picture book that he threw earlier on the carriage. Xu Shaoze's eyes nearly popped out. 'They are actually arguing about a picture book? Really now?'

Xu Zhong Kui let out a satisfied smile when he heard no more objection from the crowd the manual was raised but then, a voice reverberated inside the hall. A frown quickly appeared on his face as black lines covered his forehead.

"...Even if he's not the one who helped the corpse sect, we can't just let him inherit the whole family. Look! He isn't even in Qi gathering stage! He's only a mortal! Can we let a mortal hold onto the Supreme cultivation technique and manage the whole family!?"

'That's right, how can we let a mortal inherit the whole family and hold to the supreme cultivation technique, It's far too dangerous!'

Branch family members thought to themselves. Xu Shaoze felt anger rising in his head. Just because I'm a mere mortal, I'm already being discriminated.

'Who cares about you and your family!? Fine then! I'll let you see!"

Xu Shaoze thought to himself as he stepped up. Xu Zhong Kui was about to speak when he saw Xu Shaoze walking towards him. His grandson took the cultivation manual that was raised by his hands and turned towards the one who spoke earlier.

"Fine. I'll let your dog eyes see how mighty young master is!"

Xu Shaoze then turned towards the entrance door and left, leaving all the people inside frozen up. He was followed by the waves of female servants who had a red color face.


Xu Shaoze walked away from the audience hall, his heart was heaving in anger. Suddenly, when he is grumbling, he bumped into a little girl in a corner, the girl's footsteps were hurried.

When the little girl saw Xu Shaoze, she stopped on her tracks as he stared at Xu Shaoze for a long time. Xu Shaoze too stared at her. Her face is exquisite with pale white skin and a beautiful pair of eyes and long lashes, her eyebrows were sharp like a sword piercing both sides, she has a long jet black hair and a cherry lip. Overall, she is magnificent, Goddess level beauty.

Xu Shaoze was stunned for a while. Then, the girl stepped forward to reach his face, she felt his face for sometime before her hands went on his shoulder as she patted him.

"You have it rough, huh. It's fine... you're not alone 'cuz I had it rough too!"

Xu Shaoze went blank for a moment. The girl walked away while making a 'tut tut' sound. After some time, Shaoze snapped on his daze, his face confused.
