Cultivate! Cultivate! Cultivate!

The carriage arrived at the destination, the East Capital. When Xu Long alighted the carriage, she was met upon a series of intense gaze at her and a voice as loud as a speaker reverberated.

"Ah! It's Xu Long!"

Men nowadays were sharp-sighted with sharp hearing senses, when they heard the name 'Xu Long', their ears stood up as they tried to focus only on their hearing sense. Their heads turned around looking for a certain person and when they do manage to locate her, they rushed towards her like a hungry pack of wolves.

"Xu Long! Xu Long! My beauty~"

"My Goddess! You're back!"

"My dear beloved, this is a flower I bought in an auction hall for 70 spirit stones!"

Series of cries were heard in the plaza as men were crowding in one place. There were also a series of fighting couples that are passing by. Their partners were scolding them for looking at another girl beside them.

"What... What the heck is happening!? Arrgghh, Yucks man, don't touch me! I'm not some saint statue to be touched upon! Ugh, bro, we're men! That's disgusting!"

Xu Long cried out as she complained in her heart.

'It's only the start of the day and I already had it rough... wuuu....'

Xu Long then turned towards the carriage and wave at the women in a hurried manner.

"This is where we part... thanks for giving me a ride! It's nice riding with you!"

She then squeezed her way out of the crowd, she didn't know that the men were all red in their faces as she left them standing. Xu Long then tracked her way to Xu Manor according to the memory of the previous owner.

When she arrived at the manor, she saw no one aside from a few servants walking on the side. It was like a deserted place. She saw a servant and called for her.

"You... come here!... where are the others? where have they gone?"

The servant saw the pink robes that the girl was wearing, she respectfully attends her needs.

"Miss, all the branch family members were supposedly called by the Patriarch. They were on the audience hall as we speak."

"...What? why did the patriarch call all of the branch members? Did something happen?..."

Xu Long questioned the servant, asking for more information.

"Miss, we servants dare not question the orders of the master."

The servant respectfully said as she bowed in apology.

"...I see. You can go now!"


The servant bowed respectfully and stepped back and started walking away when suddenly she was called upon again by the girl.

"Wait!... Where's the audience hall by the way?"



Xu Long hurriedly went in the direction that the servant said, she was walking briskly and turned in a corner when she bumped on a handsome boy. She saw his chiseled face, It was like a work of art.

"Damn! This is too beautiful!"

She was stunned for a moment before stepping forward and reached the boy's face as she caressed it lightly, she saw the handsome boy's eyes were dark red in color. You can't clearly differentiate his eye color when you are a distance away from him and only see a pure black, however, when you look at it carefully, It was actually dark red in color.

Then patted his shoulder. She sighed out of exhaustion, she felt that this handsome face would bring trouble for him making his day rough too.

"You have it rough, huh? It's fine... you're not alone 'cuz I had it rough too!"

Then she brushed off the boy and started walking away. "Tsk, tsk. Being too beautiful is a sin!" Xu Long mumbled to herself as she hurriedly made way on the audience hall. When Xu Long is at the distance before the audience hall, she saw the entrance of the door opened, She peeked inside and saw lots of people standing frozen.

A husband and wife saw the person peeking her little head in the entrance, they burst out in happiness as they rushed towards her.

"Xu Long!"

"My dear Long! We're so glad to see you fine... We were worried and didn't know what happened to you! You've been out for days, don't you know that?!"

Xu Long didn't know what to say she was suddenly embraced by her 'mother', she just felt it strange because the current owner of the body of Xu Long is actually a man and the parents of the deceased Xu Long were mistaken about her identity.

Xu Long just awkwardly scratch her head and laugh strangely.

"I... I'm fine, mo-mother..."

Seeing this scene, Xu Zhong Kui then dismissed the audience as he hurriedly went to Xu Shaoze's room.


Xu Shaoze went into his own room, he sat cross-legged on the mat that was prepared long ago and took out the picture book... uhh... no... the cultivation manual and put in front of him. He flipped it open in the first page.

He saw in the picture a man with a bald head, its deep yellow robes were slung on its body as he seated in a cross-legged. A typical Buddhist practitioner. There were dots in the surrounding of the picture and in the belly of the Buddhist man were a hole and it seems like the dots in the surroundings were converging on the lower dantian of the Buddhist practitioner.

'However, how do you create that dots on the air? Is it like a particle, atoms, positive, negative? Should I just sit here and wait for the dots to converge on my lower dantian?'

Xu Shaoze thought to himself. Then, something caught his eyes in the first page of the cultivation manual. There were written words on the side of the page.

'There is a monk who started to get exhausted in his travel, he seated in cross-legged to rest for a while. However, when he is resting, he saw a speck of dust like energies in the air and it was surrounding him. He then tried to touch these energies but then it disperses when it came in contact with his fingers. He didn't know what to do any more then, he prayed really hard for these energies to gather on him. Suddenly, the energies started to gather in his belly, the lower dantian of a person.'

"There are words written on it!... However, It seems like a story instead of a note of an expert when they cultivated this manual... It really is Picture book like..."

Xu Shaoze read the words written on the cultivation manual. Every stroke of the characters was exquisite as it gushes an ancient aura. It was like hidden beasts unknown to all started appearing making the world tremble in fear.

The only thought that Xu Shaoze has right now is "What the f*ck?" It was actually a kindergarten like a story! Convincing a kid to believe his story.

"But I don't know what to do... might as well follow how it works as the picture book says..."

With that, he seated cross-legged and closed his eyes. His back was straight and his hands clasped together making a sign just like how others meditate. He put his hands just right in front of his lower dantian making a circle.

He started to focus on his senses for a while. After some time, he saw a speck of dust-like energy in the air. He was so excited and abruptly opened his eyes but then the energy dissipated in the blink of an eye.

Xu Shaoze was so angry that he nearly puked blood, however, it confuses him. Why did it dissipate when he opened his eyes? Should he just focus on sensing the energies instead?

He then once again closed his eyes and focused on his sensing the energies, then he saw the speck of dust like energy again. He nearly jumped out of joy but controlled himself. More and more dust like energies started to form and it surrounds him.

Then he wondered. "After sensing the energies, he should pray with all his might to gather the particles on his lower dantian right?" then, he prayed really hard saying like 'Please gather on me! Please gather on me!' beads of sweat started to form on his forehead when a small area of the energies started to move towards his lower dantian. Xu Shaoze was so happy that he wants to dance but still himself. then, he prayed more saying, 'Please, Please, Please, Please!' many times.

If other people saw Xu Shaoze on how he is cultivating, they would surely give him a weird look and laugh out loud because he was like a person dumping on the toilet instead! He was having a hard time releasing his goods as he was sweating buckets! Ha Ha!

The energies slowly but surely started converging towards the belly of Xu Shaoze, he felt a warm sensation flowing inside of him. It was like the spring season has showered him a lot of fresh and warm air.

Then, when the energies were accumulating, Xu Shaoze felt a thin layer like a bubble but sturdy stopping the flow of the energies within him. Unable to hold on anymore, the thin layer popped because of the cumulative energies stored inside his body.

This thin layer is the border between a mortal and a cultivator. A great boundary and unsurpassed wall by some untalented mortals.

Xu Shaoze felt electrified as gushes of energies started to flow on the first level. He was now in the first stage of Qi gathering and can be already called a cultivator! He felt different and brand-new as if other person inhabited his body.

He felt like he was flying in the heaven as he was harmlessly invaded by the energies. When the energy went through the first stage of Qi gathering, Xu Shaoze felt a think layer just like the other one leading to the 2nd stage of Qi gathering but this thin layer was more sturdy than the first level.

Xu Shaoze saw that in his first level, the energies were only 1/4 full. He wanted to cultivate more but he found that he was too exhausted to try. He then felt his body limping, no more strength can be summoned as he lay down then, he saw a transparent bottle on the top of the table. There were round candies on it.

"Grandpa is so considerate... to actually give me a candy knowing that I will be too exhausted in my cultivation..."

Xu Shaoze felt warm inside, he felt loved. He then started to reach out and opened the bottle and took a candy inside. a crunching sound could be heard then it turned into a liquid as it flowed on his throat. It felt hot like drinking a coffee but it's sweet in taste.

"Hooo! It's so sweet. This is to my liking, as expected of grandpa!"

He then took out several candies from the bottle and popped them all in one go. Suddenly, the door on his room was swung open he saw his grandpa standing on the entrance.

"Oh, grandpa! How considerate of you leaving a bottle of candies when you know that is was exhausting cultivating right?"

Xu Zhong Kui saw Xu Shaoze with a 'Grandpa is the best' expression taking several pills and popping it in one go. His face instantly turned ashen as he quickly took the bottle of pills off Xu Shaoze and patted his back with some force.

"Quickly take it out! Don't swallow it!"