Hell Blaze Dragon Sword Techniques

Hot gushes of steam rose in the air, because of the water and fire element colliding against each other, it made an explosion which is the cause of water in contact with a very hot object.

After the explosion, hot misty fog covered the area, the visibility instantly dropped.

The 5th stage cultivator laughed hysterically, he finally killed the ghost! In the corner of his eye, he found a movement, his expression froze and the joy in his eyes was replaced by grim.

He saw the shadow moving forward towards him at a fast speed, a long metal was thrust forward right into his head. He reacted instinctively and put both of his forearms together making an X shape to block the attack.

His gauntlet took all the brunt as he was sent flying 5 meters, his foot sliding on the ground when he landed.

After the steam subsided, the visibility returned to normal. He slowly lifted his head and he saw the little girl with a calm expression on her face holding a sword in her right hand.

His expression turned grim as his brows knitted deeper, and he pondered.

"This girl is no little girl!"


The 5th stage cultivator slowly stood up and gazed straight at Xu Long. Xu Long looked back devoid of any emotions on her face, she was calm as water. However unknown to all, her mind is in turmoil as she was loudly screaming inside her mind.

"Whoooa!? What the heck was that!? Was that magic he used earlier!?"

Xu Long's heart was crazily beating as it pounds harder and harder, however, there were no different movement on her outside face at all. She diverts her gaze on the man and glanced at the Dragon Sword in her hand.

'Last time, there was a fire that engulfed the whole sword, where did it go? Hell Blaze Dragon Sword, what the hell are you?'

The 5th stage cultivator saw that the little girl divert her gaze on him and instead glanced at her sword for a long time.

Feeling ignored, he fumed as he felt that his dignity was being trampled. As a 5th stage cultivator, It didn't even manage to give alertness on the little girl as she felt that he was no danger at all.

Enraged, he clasped his hands then reversed it downwards as they were connected and slowly pulled it apart, spherical water appeared in the gap of the two palms that were made.

"Water Spear!"

The water materializes as a long weapon, a spear. He grabs a hold of that spear as he spun it for a few times before taking a stance.

Seeing this, Xu Long's eyes constricted as she rushed forward, she really want to end this fight as soon as possible.

The man taking a stance with an arm forward and a spear behind his back, his knees were lowly bend near the ground as his right foot on the front while his left foot on the back.

Seeing the little girl rushing forward, he spun the water spear in front as he jumped forward, He circulated his remaining qi as he activated a spell.

"Water Pillars!"

As the spear hit the ground, it trembled slightly as cracks were made and a strong gush of water sprouted underground as it formed a pillar.

Xu Long quickly dodged the water pillars as she moves nimbly avoiding it.

The man thrusted his water spear as he was in the blind spot of the little girl who was busy avoiding the pillars. The spear shot straight as it was intent on piercing her skull, Killing intent poured onto the spear itself.

Xu Long's hair on her arm stood up as she felt the killing intent directed on her. Instinctively, she dodged the attack by hair's breadth. A gash manages to cut her pretty face. She lightly tapped the cut on her face and took a quick look before turning to look at the man again.


A harrumph left her nose as she twirled the Hell Blaze Dragon Sword as she raised it on the eye level sidewards, she squatted to give more strength on her legs, her muscle on the lower body continued to strengthen as a force was repeatedly put in.

The ground crack as a hole the size of a foot appeared on it when Xu Long leaped forward, she attacks vigorously giving the man no opportunity to fight back only on defense.

The 5th stage cultivator holding on the spear as he defended the ferocious attacks of the little girl, found it a little annoying, he snapped and with a shout, he pushed back the girl.

Xu Long flew in a distance, her foot slides on the ground, she was on her knees. Being the 5th stage of Qi gathering, their strength ranging on 600-700 jin while a third stage Qi gathering only has around 400-500 jin.

The limit strength of a normal human is only at 100 jin at most while cultivators advancing a realm higher than their own in the Qi Gathering stage gives them another 100 jin to 200 jin in some cases.

There were deep differences between a 5th stage Qi gathering cultivator and a 3rd stage Qi Gathering cultivator, It was hard to overcome or to jump a realm or two in a fight, It was hard as climbing a steep mountain.

Finding an opening, the 5th cultivator twirled his spear as he rushed forward.

"Seven Petals Spear Thrusting Techniques!"

Seven consecutive spear thrust strike Xu Long, She frantically dodges the strike and uses the Dragon Sword to block some of the spear thrust. However, she was still cut.

One of the strikes hit the shoulder of Xu Long as she was pushed back 10 steps.

Xu Long spurted a mouthful of blood, her shoulder was bleeding. She wiped off the blood on her lips using the back of her hand, her eyes emitted a cold indifference when she looked at the 5th stage cultivator.


In her inner world, Xu Long was frantically looking up for a solution, she screamed wildly as her heart beats wildly.

"What do I do!? What do I do!?"

Xu Long continuously looked left and right as she thinks of a way to escape her situation. Suddenly, a technique surfaced in her mind. She had a doubtful face because she didn't know whether it will work or not but she doesn't have any choice as she was in a grim situation and will probably cost her her life.

Xu Long clenched her teeth. Resolve flashed in her eyes.


Outside, Xu Long twirled the Hell Blaze Dragon Sword backward as she clasped her left palm and the hilt of the sword. It made a loud 'THUD' sound as it connected. Xu Long then parted her delicate lips and enunciated slowly.

"Fire: Dragon Breath Slash."

Qi started circulating in Xu Long's body as it transferred on the sword. Xu Long tightly gripped on the handle of the sword as her strength rapidly fades away. The sword glows brighter and brighter as fire engulfed the whole sword.

As if the sword has been satiated, it stopped sucking the qi of Xu Long. She tried lifting the sword and felt that it was like a huge mountain she was carrying.

Muscle fibers were continuously contracting as she pushed her strength to the limit. Blue and green veins popped on her right hand.


Xu Long gritted her teeth as she forced to lift the sword and made a horizontal slash.

A deep red and orange fire was emitted on the horizontal slash, It manages to materialize and was like a dragon breathing fire. It swept the surroundings whole and didn't leave anything behind.

The 5th stage cultivator's frown deepened as he took a defensive stance. However, it was still futile as the fire eroded his body as it melts him to nothingness.

A fire melting an object into nothingness without even leaving behind ash. It has such a terrifying power, unparalleled in the whole world, as expected of a mighty dragon!


Xu Long panted, sweat rolled down all over her body. She went on her knees and used the sword as support, huffing in exhaustion.

Her eyelids were heavy as she lifted her head to look at her surroundings. She saw the charred ground. The ground was flattened to the point where no bump or small rocks can be found, It was so smooth like a metal surface.

"Hmmph! Competing on the Great me, huh!? Comeback 100 years later if you want to challenge me! Oh... you're dead... you can't come back anymore... That's sad."

Xu Long ended the pity right away as she forced her exhausted body to stand up, she went to the carriage, her face has no expression, cold as ever. However, you can see her facial muscle twitching from time to time as she forced down her grinning face.