A flag has been raised?

Xu Long forced her exhausted body to stand up and slowly walk towards the caravan where the women were held, hostage.

There are a lot of things going on her mind, she was confused about the Hell Blaze Dragon Sword. Xu Long thought that it was only a typical Dragon Sword, a more extraordinary than a normal sword. She thought that it was only the will of the previous owner that was left, revenge against the Dragon God using the sword.

However, she found that inside the sword, there were techniques that were locked, there seeming like a chain crawling around an object, or more specifically a dragon. It held down the dragon as chains covered them.

Skills of a dragon were forcefully snatched by the Hell Blaze Dragon Sword as it stores it locking them away and making the skills, spells, and techniques its own.

It was said that when killing a dragon using the Hell Blaze, the skills and spells the dragon use would then be transferred on the sword as if all the life experiences of the dragon were sucked by the sword chaining them down as they slowly extract the knowledge of the Dragon.

Xu Long found that most of the techniques, skills, and spells inside the Hell Blaze were dark and chains covered it, they were locked.

Maybe she didn't have the qualifications yet to unlock the skills or there are requirements needed to unlock it just like earlier the 'Dragon Breath Slash' she unleashed has a minimum of a 3rd stage qi gathering cultivation technique to activate it.

It was just a 3rd stage qi gathering skill yet she can barely use it, what would happen if her cultivation rises? Will it become stronger if unleashed in a higher stage? Will a skill like a 'Dragon Breath Slash' also appear?

Xu Long also found out that the skills and spells were divided into 3 categories; first category and the lowest of them all is Fire, just like earlier the 'Dragon Breath Slash' falls under the Fire category. Second category is Hell, much more powerful than Fire. The third and the last category is Abyss, It is the forbidden skills and spells, like a killing technique of sort?

Xu Long couldn't contain her excitement, she found a new resolve, stronger than anything else she had ever decided. She wants to achieve a higher cultivation stage and unlock all the skills and spells that were on the sword. She wants to become the number one under the heavens!

She clenched her hands making a fist as she gazed at the vast blue sky.

"Fire, Hell, and Abyss... Just wait for me, I'll unlock you all!"


Xu Long excitedly ran down towards the carriage, her facial muscle was twitching nonstop. She thought of the new skills and spells she would acquire once she achieves a much higher cultivation stage.

She also thought of other things like the women in the carriage.

"Hmm... what should I call the women?... Ma'am, you're free to go.... no. it's kinda like a warden telling a prisoner that she was absolved... Should I go, 'Beautiful girls, you're prince has come!'... Nah, it's awkward... how about..'Woman, you are good to go!' hmm... It feels like dominating. Damn! What should I say!?"

Xu Long's face was changing from time to time as she pondered what expression she should make in front of the beautiful women in the carriage. Should she go Polite? Over-enthusiastic type? or a Dominating type?

She didn't know that she has already arrived in front of the carriage, she snapped out of her daze as she opened the curtain in the back revealing those women who were clinging on their knees, shivering, scared and the light of their eyes were dim and not on focus.

Xu Long cleared her throat.

"*cough*. Ehem... uhh... erm.... You're free now, the bad guys are gone! You won't have to be sold on the slavery anymore. Your freedom is back! You can do whatever you want now."

Silence covered the whole area, a pin drop silence can be heard.

As there were no reactions from the women, Xu Long was embarrassed. Her face lit up with bright red color it covers from face until her neck, she covered her face with her little hands.

"Uhh... I'm going."

Xu Long turned around and started to walk, not many steps have been made as she looked back.

"I'm really going now!"

Then she walked another 5 steps and turned to look again.


Seeing that there was still no reaction, Xu Long hung down her head feeling disappointed, she started walking again...

Suddenly, a voice reverberated through the area as there were absolute silence earlier, only the voice of a woman can be heard.


There was clamor inside the carriage as the women have a shocked and confused face.

"You're free... you're free..."

Instantly, they were reinvigorated.

The word of the little girl earlier keeps resounding on their mind. their eyes started to recover their focus as they slowly lifted their face, they saw the little girl kept looking back on them with a despondent face.

They stood up abruptly as they opened their mouth and called the little girls who are a distance away from them.


One of the women manages to build up courage as she shouted. Only her voice was heard that echoed in the mountain.


Xu Long's face lit up as excitement and joy appeared on her delicate face, she was instantly rejuvenated, she really wants to run back towards the carriage and carry all the women.

This is the time where she creates a flag, right? Then, the next thing would happen is that they will offer her their whole life to Xu Long, right?

However, she put on a facade to stir up the girl's emotion.

"Hehe, I've played countless dating sim back then! This is how you conquer a woman's heart!"

Xu Long's inner self was screaming and laughed in an evil way however her face filled with worry and knitted brows as she turned to look towards them.

"W-What's wrong?.... What is the matter?"

The women looked at each other as if they've discussed it already themselves. Gratitude filled their face as they felt they were lucky this time, If the little girl hadn't come to save them, they and their future will be doomed!

"Thank you... for earlier... You have saved our lives... W-We... We...."

'Yes! That's the way! Say it! say that you'll offer me your body, your whole life!'

Xu Long was screaming, profound joy started to blossom inside her heart as she felt that she is in heaven. However, the next second, her face froze, her eyes sunk and felt that she lost her footing towards the heaven and fell in the abyss of ice.

'The more you climb up high, the harder you fall' Having high aspiration, or hope, when it fails, the harder it is to accept or the more you are depressed. Truly as the saying goes!

"We will take you to the city!... It seems like you'll walk your way towards the city... also it is a coincidence that we're going the same path... so, we discussed to let you in the ride as you also saved us earlier!"

Xu Long froze on her tracks, she stood there silly for a long time, when she was shaken by force by the women and she snapped out of her daze.

'Damn! The script is wrong! There's a virus that changes the dialogues of the character! Quick, take it down!'

'This isn't how it works! It should be the latter! where have I gone wrong!?'

"Uhh... Can I?"

Xu Long sighed. It seems like she can't have women by his side as she too in this world is a woman.

'Don't they know [Yuri] stuff?'

Xu Long grumbled as she boarded the carriage along with the rest of the captive girls. One of the women who knew how to manage the horse-drawn carriage held the reins as they made way towards the East Capital.

'My path has been long and there was still a long way to go before I can have fun in this world.', Exhausted, Xu Long leaned on the carriage as she closed her eyes falling asleep and waits for the carriage to arrive at the destination.


In the vast galaxy outside the Planet Xian Shu, there were millions of star covered the black space, twinkling as they made a light in the darkness.

Planets like Xian Shu were hovering in the space. However there was a distance between the planets, and it was millions of billions of miles away from each other. There were also strikes of light traversing the vast space like a meteor, It was so fast that you can only see the tail made of light as it fades away in the darkness.

Below the space were absolute darkness, a space of nothingness. There were no stars, or light that you can see, However, It is certain that there is a space below the floating planets. You can wonder how these planets float in the space.

A light slowly brightens below the space, It was as if an ancient and primeval beast were awoken, It slowly opened its eyes. A burst of chaotic energy spread through the vast galaxy when the eyes were fully opened.

Its eyes were golden in color and its pupils were vertical, Black straight line as if piercing the space from up to down as it divided the golden color in half.

In its eyes were images of a little girl hugging a bright red sword with a golden carved pattern on it. The sword vibrated a little and hummed soundlessly as if it felt a similar aura observing it.


In the vast galaxy, below the space, a snort left the ancient beasts' nose. A puff of smoke rose and made its way on a planet nearby, this smoke has full of energy and flew in a fast speed, when the smoke made contact in the planet, debris, and meteors size of mountains, It was blown away into pieces. There was a loud explosion that occurred as the planet exploded.

After the puff of smoke subsided, there was a clear view of the galaxy, however, you can't see any objects or planets. It disappeared along with the puff of smoke. It was like a patch of darkness, only that area was blown away, no light passes through.