
"Oh right! I heard people talking about the upcoming Auction which will take place the day after tomorrow! Do you want to go with me?"

Xu Long's family were in a harmony. Eating together, smiling at each other, chatting about life and so on. It was a typical family where only happiness filled the house. The only sad part of the family is the guy sitting in a corner, silently eating by himself.

This person is Xu Shaoze. Seeing the harmonious family before him, Shaoze didn't dare to interrupt their family bonding.

Shaoze looked at them with envy in his eyes. 'It's so nice, having a complete family is really different from those who are self-supported. Xiao Long's luck is good!'.

A bitter smile flashed on the face of Shaoze but he immediately retracts it and put on a flowery smile like he always used to. However, he didn't know that Xu Long saw his facial expression. 'Huh? Why is Shaoze not talking? Does he feel OP? Well, of course, you are! who wouldn't feel OP when you brought someone who you know but he doesn't. It's fricking awkward!' that's why she diverted the topic to the auction house.

Xu Shaoze was stunned when she heard Xu Long's voice as he didn't process what she said. He just stared at Xu Long in a daze.


All six eyes were looking in the same direction. Seeing that Shaoze didn't reply for a long time Xu Long thought that he doesn't want to go with her in the auction house so she furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Shaoze with watery eyes as she pitifully said.

"You don't want to?..."

Actually, Xu Long misunderstood Xu Shaoze's silence as hesitation. Shaoze at that time, when Xu Long diverted the subject, he cursed on his mind.

'Darn! You are ruthless like my teacher! You just loved to pick on those who are silent! tsk, now I learned my lesson to not go silent whenever there is a discussion so that I won't be called upon again!'

Xu Lin saw her daughter's pitiful look like an aggrieved person, he started emanating a hostile aura as he glared at Xu Shaoze urging him to talk.

Sensing the dangerous aura, he snapped out of his daze and flinched instinctively.

"Ah? Sure... Sure! I'll go!"

"That's great! I wonder what should I buy?"

Xu Long's face turned sunny in an instant. Illusion of flower seems to sprout in the background of Xiao Long. She was genuinely happy to go with the one she knows. Unlike being alone, two heads are better than one!

Xu Shaoze was confused of what is going on so he voiced out his concern.

"Ah... Where are we going again?..."

"Hmm? To the auction house! Didn't I say so earlier?"

Xu Long glanced at Shaoze with a weird look.

"Ohh, but what do we do after we reach there? buy some insignificant things? Isn't that a waste of time and money? The items in the auction house are most likely second hand some may even defective and It will be your lose. You won't even have time to complain because It is in their rules not to refund anything bought on the auction."

Xu Shaoze analyzed the things they do at an auction. His first thought was the auction on his past life where the items auctioned are mostly underwears of female celebrities and either imperial jades or blood diamonds which are items that is difficult to obtain.

"Hehe, I heard that this time the auction will be grand! There will be items that are much rarer to be auctioned! What if we find something that we need there for example, for the advancement in our cultivation! Don't you think it's worth it?"

"Well that's true, but how can we avail it? You know, when something is rare buyers will flock just to have those and the price will naturally increase!"

"Didn't I have you?"


Xu Long smirked as she look straight at Shaoze who has question marks on his head. Then, as if he gets the implying meaning, Xu Shaoze widened his eyes as he stood up abruptly startling Han Feimo and Xu Lin.

"Darn, I knew it! You were after my money after all! So that's why you approached me first asking me to be your friend! You were after the wealth and riches I have! You're a gold digger!"

"Hehe, Calm down... Calm down! It's not what you think. What I'm saying is, you have the golds and silvers shouldn't you use it to buy things you want? I mean, money should be spent right? What's the use of being rich If you don't buy things? For decoration?"

Then as if a light bulb went on his head then he ball his fist and smashed it on his palm.


"Oh, that makes sense! Sorry for misunderstanding you earlier!"

Xu Shaoze dropped on his knees as he bowed his head to the ground hitting the floor. He sincerely apologized for the misunderstanding. He knew that his words hurt Xiao Long and her family because his words indirectly insult Xu Long's family. Of course, Shaoze felt guilty.

"Well... Don't worry about it anymore, we know that you didn't mean it and isn't the misunderstanding already cleared? Raise your head!"

"Hmph! Kid, I'll let this go since my wife said so. However, If I ever knew that you wrong my daughter, then I'll become your opponent!"

"Yes... yes... I don't dare to..."

Xu Shaoze suddenly turned meek when he heard the father talk

'Wait, Isn't this the legendary Son-in-law meeting the parents?... or not.'

"Hehe, then I'll clean the table now since everyone is finish eating!"

Xu Long got up and clean the table, she went to the kitchen to wash the dishes used. Xu Shaoze was in dilemma. At first, he wanted to help clean the table and wash the dishes but he was ruthlessly rejected by Xu Long telling him that he was the guest of the house so he just relax and be at home.

The ones left at the table were Han Feimo, Xu Lin, and Xu Shaoze. Shaoze awkwardly hung his head down and his nerves tensed. He gritted his teeth and cursed on his mind.

'Be at home my *ss! How can I relax when your parents are staring at me! One is glaring and the other is staring at me like a newly arrived guinea pig!'

Han Feimo smiled from ear to ear. She put her elbow on top of the table and used her palms to support her chin and she stared at Xu Shaoze. She then stretched her arms and hold Shaoze's hands.

Xu Shaoze shivered when Han Feimo's hand made contact with his hand. He was so shocked that his mouth formed an 'O' shape. Shaoze blushed as he turned sideways as if avoiding eye contact with Han Feimo.

"Madam... we... we can't!... your hu-husband is here... we can't do that!"

With a troubled expression, Xu Shaoze said seductively as he blushed. He remembered watching H*ntai where mother and son-in-law have a secret affair. Shaoze thought to himself, 'Is what I'm thinking going to happen to me?'

"Nn? What are you talking about? Hehe, I'm just happy!"


'You hold my hands because you are happy? what a heavenly unreasonable demand was that? I didn't know that there's such a magical words that exist on this world!'

Xu Shaoze shiver in excitement then, he opened his arms wide ready to hug Han Feimo.


"I'm happy because our daughter, Xiao Long made a friend for the first time!"

Shaoze froze on the spot when he heard Han Feimo's sentence. His world seems to break apart like a crack in the wall.

"Ah? Why is your arms open wide?"

Han Feimo looked at Shaoze with a confused expression

"Ah?... Oh... Hooray... Hooray! Congratulation for Xu Long to have made a friend for the first time!"

The once frozen arms of Shaoze stiffly raised above head trying to find an excuse as he shouted. However, inwardly he was crying 'the greater the hope, the greater the pain.'

Amused by the stunt of Shaoze, Han Feimo laughed softly and she continued her story.

"You see, when Xiao Long was child, she was like a normal kid. Playing with other children, muds on the clothes and face were visible whenever she went home, laughing with others. However, when she found out that she can't advance in the 3rd layer of Qi gathering realm, the parents of her friends forbid them to play again as they circulate a rumour that Xiao Long being stuck in the 3rd layer of Qi gathering realm is congenital and they naturally stayed away from her like a plague."

Han Feimo wiped the tears forming in the corner of her eyes. Xu Lin went forward as he comforted Her.

"And then she became silent and unsociable all of a sudden. She avoid people except for us, her parents. However, It's hard to see my daughter all alone forever in life so it's natural for us to be worried. We went to every household trying to convince children on the same age as Xiao Long to be their friends but they disdained and chased us away. We went to the Patriarch to consult about the matter but the patriarch said that 'we can't force the children to become friends with each other and it is also one of the obstacle Xu Long has to overcome in order for her to advance in the cultivation world! If she is weak-willed, then it's better for her not to become a cultivator!'"

"That's why when we heard that our daughter was bringing a friend home, we are naturally happy for the sake of our daughter! We didn't know why, but when she came back three months ago, she seems to have a different personality and she became cheerful. We are worried that our daughter is mentally unstable so we observed her for a while but found nothing. She seems normal."

At this time Xu Lin butted in the conversation as he said.

"At that time, I thought my daughter is having menstruation so we put the suspicion in the back of our head!"

'Wow, that's a really good effect for a woman who's on menstruation period!'


Seeing the awkward situation, Han Feimo elbowed her husband Xu Lin as she continue.

"Anyways, we thank you for being friends with Xiao Long! We hope that you forever take care of her in the future as well.

"What!? Are you giving your daughter to me?!"

"Ah! No... It's not what I meant. I mean, take care of her in the future as a 'friend'!"

"Miss Han Feimo and Mister Xu Lin, don't worry, I'll take care of Xiao Long in the future. I'm also glad having Xiao Long as a friend! I swear in the name of Xu Shaoze that I will take care of Xu Long in the future!"

Han Feimo's tears burst when she heard the confirmation of Xu Shaoze. She was so happy to see that the friend of her daughter is sensible and responsible.

"It seems like I can leave my daughter in your care at ease."

'Isn't this like the parents hesitating to give their daughter to the son-in-law?'

In the side, Xu Long was eavesdropping on the conversation between her parents and her friend, Xu Shaoze. She smiled and slowly walked away.

"It seems like I picked the right person!"