Troubles at the door!

"Well then, I'll be on my way! Thank you for having me!"

Xu Shaoze bowed like a gentleman as he clasps his hands. After they finished their discussion Shaoze looked at the time and It was so late in the evening now and his grandpa is probably worried sick for him.

"Ara? It's already that time? I would like to talk to you more but I can see the Patriarch worried look as he searches for you! Hehe, be careful on your way home!"

"Hmm? You're leaving already? Why don't you stay the night at our house?"


Han Feimo and Xu Long's word contradicted each other while the other guy just went silent. Looking at the family of three, Shaoze can't help but smile. A sigh let out of Xu Shaoze.

"It's fine. I want to see my grandpa too to talk about the auction."

"I see. Well then, see you the day after tomorrow!"


Xu Long and Han Feimo just smiled as they send Shaoze home. The other guy is just as silent as it seems.


Not long after, Xu Shaoze went back home and discuss the situation with his grandpa. XU Zhong Kui readily agreed. He doesn't really care about the silvers and golds spent. He was happy to know that his grandson is interested in the auction house.

Zhong Kui knew that this year's auction will be grand and the items on display are much rarer! Maybe his grandson can find something useful and use it to advance on his cultivation.

Days passed and the date of the grand auction will begin shortly. Xu Shaoze prepared himself and sneakily stuffed banknotes on his dimensional pouch until it cannot store any more. Each banknote contains 10,000 silvers. The denomination of this world is quite simple. 100 copper coins are equal to 1 silver and 100 silvers are equivalent to 1 gold.

Shaoze thought that if ever he runs away with this much golds, he can live for the rest of his life lazing around then suddenly he put the thought away. 'Why would I run away if this money is also mine?' He shook his head and went out.

After walking out for some time, Shaoze saw people crowding together in one place. Out of curiosity, he went to take a look at what is happening himself and when he does, he froze on the spot and a chilly gust of wind emitted with a murderous look, he took heavy steps forward as if a monstrously strong creature were on the run.

At the crowded area, a single girl was being surrounded by the members of the Xu Family. It seems like they were mocking the girl in question.

Of course, Shaoze knows who the girl is. It is Xu Long. That's why he looks murderous when he saw her being bullied by her own relatives. He can't help but think to himself that humans are born jealous of each other, not content on what they have, they seek power, authority, and riches.

As long as they think to themselves that they are superior to their peers, they would be satisfied.

At this moment, a group of people from the branch family started mocking Xu Long again when they saw her. Disdain and contempt flashed across from their faces.

"Hey, why is the cripple strolling around, eh?"

"Heh, she has so much free time. What do you expect from someone who is not cultivating anymore?"

"Has good looks but no brain! Indeed a shame of the family!"

Waves of laughter can be heard. The branch family member was so carefree on bullying Xu Long. They think that they have nothing to be afraid of. It's just bullying the cripple and no one would defend the girl. They know it well that's why every now and then whenever they see Xu Long, they will mock her in any way possible.

It was at this time that Xu Dong Lu left his house grumping. Stomping on the ground as he walks with heavy steps. He was so mad at his parents because they expect him to become a genius that will make their household name honored by the Xu Family and the whole world.

However, this gives him the pressure in cultivation which leads to his inability to advance further. Now, Xu Dong Lu is still at the 5th stage of Qi gathering realm despite being 16 years old and has a good background with so many resources at disposal.

Most of the family members in the Xu Family, in the age of 16 are at the Bone Forging realm now. Xu Dong Lu is just slightly better than Xu Long that is in the 3rd stage of Qi gathering realm. His parents were so disappointed with him as they thought of disowning him in their family.

Xu Dong Lu gnashed his teeth as he remembers the disgusted look of his parents. He was so disheartened with his parents as they expect too much from him but he was most frustrated with himself for his inability to achieve their expectation.

That is why he left in a fit of rage. Then he saw a crowd. Even though he is in no mood to join the fun, he was curious about what is happening. He then asked one of the branch family members and explained to him the events.

He came to know the name Xu Long long time ago but haven't seen her in person. It was said that Xu Long is a cripple, a useless girl that is still stuck in the 3rd stage of Qi gathering realm, a stain and the shame of the family.

When Xu Dong Lu heard the description, he smiled slightly and started to mock Xu Long in his mind.

"This girl is an idiot!"

Even though he was just slightly better than Xu Long, still he is proud of it as humans want to be superior on their peers. Just in time he needed to vent out his frustration, came knocking this useless girl, what a lucky day. Xu Dong Lu thought to himself

"What is the use of you, wasting your time like that? Since you can't advance any further, you are just like a cripple! However, I'll be merciful on you and make you an offer. Why don't you just serve me? In return, I'll help you advance with every way possible!"

Xu Dong Lu looked down at Xu Long with disdain on his face that clearly says 'Still, I'm better than you!'.

Xu Long on the other hand, just watched the series of events unfold with cold eyes. She is amused by the show they put. She remembered that the former Xu Long has a blocked meridian that is why she can't cultivate and she take damage instead.

Thanks to the fire of the Hell Blaze Dragon Sword, she manages to advance in her cultivation. Now, she and Shaoze are at the 5th stage of Qi gathering realm. They have reached a bottleneck so their cultivation speed reduces.

However, these things are unknown to the other branch family. They still thought that Xu Long is just like in the past, a girl who can't advance in cultivation. That is why they mock her to feel good.

"Oh? You'll help me advance? Then let me ask you, how will you do that?"

Xu Long asked with an amused expression as if watching Nyanko big jump from a wall to another wall but fell midway because of its own weight.

"Of course, I'll help you! You don't have to question my validity. If I see you make a good performance in being a servant, only then will I help you advance!"

Xu Dong Lu proudly raised his hand beating his chest as his nose pierced heaven.

However, inside he was laughing. 'Kahaha! You serve me forever but I still won't help you! Not that I can help though! Kahahaha!'

"Ohh, then let me ask you a question!"

"Sure! Ask me anything you want!"

Xu Dong Lu was grinning from ear to ear but when he heard the question of Xu Long, his smile froze and slowly turned into a frown while his eyebrows furrowed.

"Do you want to die?"

Enraged by the sudden threat coming from a weakling, veins popped in his head. He slowly walks forward, cracking his knuckles.

"It seems like you have a death wish, eh?!"

Xu Long readied herself to draw the sword in case a fight would begin when suddenly a cold voice permeated in the air. There she saw Xu Shaoze trying his best to squeeze in the crowd. His full golden pattern in his robe is striking with a cold and murderous look that compliments his overall appearance. It's just that it looks epic fail when she saw him squeezing but can't move any further.

The person in front of him is clearly annoyed by the squeezing of the guy behind him and he wanted to teach that person a lesson when he saw the pattern on his robe, he froze with fear lingering on his face but there is a relief expression that can be seen.

"Hmmp! It seems to me that 'you' have a death wish!"

When everyone heard his voice, they turned to look at him and then they saw the pattern in his robe. Their face suddenly became pale as they parted to the side making way. In unison, they greeted him with respect.

"Young Master-"

Fear-driven, Xu Dong Lu started to panic. He didn't know why the grandson of Xu Zhong Kui would stick his nose to where it doesn't belong to trying to be a busybody. His parents always told him to never offend the grandson of the Patriarch ever since they came back after the meeting in the audience hall.

"Young master, t-this is..."

Xu Dong Lu wanted to explain but he was cut short with a snort.

"Why are you crowding a single girl? Are you trying to bully Xu Long? Did---"

Xu Shaoze was trying to make a speech and preach Xu Long when he was cut off in his sentence. This enrages him even more.

'Goddarnit! Do these people have no manners at all? These uneducated swine!'

"Young master, we are just trying to tell Xu Long to make use of her time and to try to figure out how she can advance in cultivation."

Xu Shaoze glared at the person who interrupted him and shouted.

"Shut up! Let me finish my sentence!"

The crowd went silent and those who wanted to chime in swallowed their words as they gulped harder. Then Shaoze cough twice and continued what he was saying earlier.

"Did you know that Xu Long is my friend?"

Sounds of gasp came from the crowd. Disbelief started to show in their expressions. Some even had a disdain on their faces thinking that they were the same bird that flocks together. One a cripple and the other is a useless bum.

"You disrespecting Xu Long means disrespecting me, Xu Shaoze!"