Chapter 2:The Wolf Beast

Lao Long was still 5 years old , only that he and Lao Feng were at a city called violet city at this point in time there were kids playing in an open field.

The kids ages ranged from 5-8 years old the kids were having a nice little game of tag Lao Long was running from a girl who was the one that was it.

Lao Long was happy playing with the kids when all of a sudden he heard a scream coming not to far away from him when he turned to look he was scared to see that it was a first class wolf beast near a child of around 7 years of age.

He was scared he did not know what to do when the other kids looked over they all ran away in fear you can't really blame them they were only kids not even old enough to cultivate yet.

Although Lao Long was scared he was not scared of the Wolf beast he was scared because if he turned to run and find his grandpa Feng the other kid might die, the reason why Lao Long was not scared of the Wolf beast was because although he could not cultivate he knew how to fight off some first class beasts and just so you know the wolf beast was one of the lowest of the first class.

Lao Long made up his mind he would fight the wolf beast and then run with the kid as fast as they could!

He rushed to were the kid and Wolf were at when he was just about to get there he saw a shadow appear in front of him and hold him back when he got a better look at the shadow it was a old man in a black Pao obviously the old man was none other then Lao Feng!

Lao Feng look at Lao Long with a happy yet sad look in his eyes Lao Long knew the reason behind his eyes, Lao Long was a smart kid for his age able to see far ahead of other kids a couple years older then him, although he was smart he was still a kid so he liked to use his smarts to play pranks on the adults.

Lao Feng told Lao Long "little guy it was good that you wanted to help but what could you do other then get yourself killed instead, I know you like to help your friends but keeping your own life is more important then dieing knowing it was for nothing."

"Grandpa Feng i know what I was doing i was going to run with the other kid when I got the wolf distracted." said Lao Long

"No it doesn't matter what you were going to do it was going to be useless any way the wolf beast strength is its speed it's many times faster then both you and the kid together." said Lao Feng

"Grandpa Feng just let me deal with the wolf and then I'll run with the other kid then you can deal with it." said Lao Long


Just when Lao Feng said this his figure blurred and he was in front of the Wolf beast, he just lifted one of his fingers and pointed at the wolf's head at the same time a black dot the size of a peanut appeared.

Martial skill"Dark point"

As soon as the black dot appeared it was shot out in a instant the wolf was pierced through the head with no time to howl.

Lao Feng then turned to look at the kid that was unconscious due to the fear of getting killed by the wolf beast.

At this moment Lao Long came over and saw that the kid was actually a 7 year old girl, Lao Long was to far away to see this little girl clearly he could old guess her age.

"Grandpa Feng what do we do now, do we take her home and ask her where she lives when she wakes up" asked Lao Long.

"I guess we should do that little guy when we get home you take care of her I'll go around the city to look for her parents" said Lao Feng.

"Ok Grandpa Feng" said Lao Long.

Lao Feng picked up the little girl and started to walk towards the city gate it only took 5 minutes to get there when he arrived he was a guard battalion coming his way.

The guard battalion was the secondary force of violet city, the main force were the martial cultivators that live in the city.

Violet city was a weak city that only had around 1,000 martial cultivators, the stronger city's all have at least about 10,000 martial cultivators.

"You there did you see a first class wolf beast out there in the plains when you were out there we got a report that one appeared and we're heading there now please if you have any information then may I ask sir to please give us some" said the guard battalion captain

"Mr.captain I just killed the wolf beast to be honest right now sense you seem to be a righteous man I'll say this if you were to keep going at the same pace you are now this kid in my arms would be dead already, I'm not saying you are in the wrong but please next time there is a report of a beast leave as fast as you can so you can save as many people as you can" said Lao Feng.

The captain was speechless if what he said is true then they really would have killed many due to thier carelessness of speed and urgency.

"Good sir please forgive me for my actions of being a bad captain when he got the report all we got was a report that a wolf beast has shown up near the city we had no other information if he had known a little girls life was in danger I would have rushed over even with my armor" said the captain.

"Then next time please be more alert because reports are never was they really are in the face of danger, Lao Long let us go home and see if he can find this girls home" said Lao Feng.


Then they left, the guard battalion was then called back to the barracks and left the main street of the city.