Chapter 3:Li Wu

Lao Feng and Lao Long brought the little girl home and put her in the guest room of the house they bought in violet city.

Lao Feng then left to find the girls parents and bring her home, Lao Long went to go make some soup for her so when she wakes up she can eat something.

Four hours later the little girl woke up and smelled something really good, she turned to see where the smell was coming from when she did she found some still warm soup next to the bed she was on.

The girl was just about to eat when she saw the door to the room open and a little boy came over with a smile holding a wet towel.

"Big sis how are you feeling are you alright or do you need help to eat the soup, if you do then say yes if you don't, don't say a word." said the little boy

The little boy was none other then Lao Long he heard some noise come from the room then came in to see the girl was awake.


Seeing the girl say nothing Lao Long did nothing other then take the soup to heat it again so she can eat it when it's still good.

"Little bro what's your name and were am I and how did I get here." asked the little girl

Lao Long then turned and said "I'm Lao Long, your at my house, and you got here when my grandpa saved you from the wolf beast."

"Thank you for saving me from the wolf, when will your grandpa be back" said the girl.

"He should be back within an hour you can rest for now, if you feel better later then come out and help around sense you freeloadering" said Lao Long.

"Oh yeah what is your name you never told me it." asked Lao Long

"My name is Li Wu" said the girl.

"what a nice name" said Lao Long.

"Thank you but yours is a little weird isn't it." said Li Wu

"My grandpa named me that do to my necklace." said Lao Long

"what necklace." said Li Wu

Lao Long took out his coiled dragon necklace when Li Wu saw the necklace she only had one thought "so pretty".

The necklace was made out of black jade a rare jade that only has a 40-60% chance to form.

One hour later

Lao Feng came back with no luck sense he did not know the little girls name he can't find her parents, Lao Feng just opened the door when he saw the little girl and Lao Long cleaning the house together, they look like a little married couple.

He wasn't wrong during this short time Lao Long told her how the events went down they saved her, even going as far as the guard battalion event.

From the start of the story Li Wu felt like she had a little feeling for Lao Longs brave action to save her and how he did not care if he died as long as she was safe.

Lao Long also had a little feeling for this girl she was cute, had dimples and jade white skin even as a little girl of seven year old she was a beauty of her generation.

When Lao Feng opened the door both stopped what they were doing to welcome him back, Lao Feng asked Li Wu where her home is but what he did not expect was the little girl was a homeless orphan just like how Lao Long was when he was a baby and picked him up.

But Li Wu was not born an orphan but Became one do to a battle three years ago near this city, both of her parents were of the fifth abyss realm of martial knight.

There are five realms of cultivation in this world, Martial warrior, Martial knight, Martial king, Martial lord, and Martial heaven, there are also ten abyssal realms in each realm from low, med, high, and grand.

Li Wu was only four years old when her parents died in the battle and was brought up by her neighbor until three months ago when he died of an illness.

The age of cultivation starts at ten years of age when their bodies are strong enough to hold Astral abyssal qi or just abyssal qi.

Li Wu has been able to live so far by going to by he guard station and asking for work, by working she can get some money to get food for herself, she is a only child and has no family or anyone who would take her in.

So Lao Feng said he would take her in just like he did with Lao Long, Lao Feng told Li Wu that she can start living with them now and be one of them.

Li Wu was so happy to hear that she would get taken in by Lao Feng, not only did he save her life he also would take care of her from now on.

She was so happy she cried for a whole half-day, Li Wu was curious about something, how did Lao Feng kill the wolf beast that a normal cultivator at the 6th abyss of the martial knight realm can't kill.

When she asked him she was so shocked she stayed like that for a whole hour after she stopped crying.

Lao Feng was a 7th abyss martial Lord in high level, he did not really care if people knew about this but it would bring to much trouble, so he only used the strength of a martial knight at the 10 abyss.

You might say this new family of three are really suited for each other, a man with no family left alive, a 5 year who was abandoned as a baby, and a little girl who lost her parents and had no other family she knew of.

This might sound sad to outsiders but they were all happy being with each other, the three of them had a good dinner that night and slept really well.

The next day

Lao Feng left to get a bigger house, the one they were sleeping in last night is to small to hold all three of them. That was only part of it, the other part is that now they have Li Wu and a girl needs her own room.

the real big part is that Lao Long is just to smart, the more he grows the smarter he gets, Lao Feng feared that by the time that little rascal is able to cultivate he would do all sorts of evil thing to Li Wu.

But that was far off from now he only feared that Lao Long might tease Li Wu too much and actually make a big calamity, such as Li Wu falling in love with him on a level of no return.

Although he said evil he didn't mean anything really evil, he just meant that Lao Long would tease her all the time and make her cry sometimes.

Later that afternoon

"Lao Long, Li Wu come on and get your stuff we need to leave now" shouted Lao Feng.

"Old man shut up we know already so clam down to not bust a lung" shouted back Lao Long.

"Lao Long be nice to grandpa Feng" softly said Li Wu.

"Ok only because you said to" said Lao Long.

"Lao Long not in font of grandpa Feng" bashfully said Li Wu.

"Oh okay got it so only act this way when we are by ourselves got it down pat my good wife" slyly said Lao Long.

"Tch who's your wife I'm your sister now so call me bis sis wu" angrily said Li Wu.

"Hahahaha" Laughed Lao Feng!

"Old man stop laughing nothings funny" said Lao Long.

"Lao Long you brat stop calling me old man I'm your grandpa Feng not some stranger" angrily said Lao Feng!!

"Fine let's go now where is our new home grandpa Feng" asked Lao Long.

"There is no new home, we are leaving violet city and heading back to my own home at the capital of red luan empire" said Lao Feng.

"WHAT"!!! both Lao Long and Li Wu yelled.

"It's been 30 years sense I have been home and I wish to my son's grave and introduce you to him" said Lao Feng.

"Besides that there is another reason, you two are still growing and need a please that's good enough for you cultivate in the future" continued Lao Feng.

"Also the last reason is that I'm an elder at the best sect of red luan empire, Burning star emperor sect" lastly said Lao Feng.

"We're going to join your section when we are able to cultivate in a couple of years " asked Lao Long.

"Yes but there is still a requirement to enter even with an elders recommendation, the requirement is to be at least of the 7th abyss of martial warrior before the age of 13" said Lao Feng.

"With my power of a martial Lord I'm able to see the potential of a person. I've seen your potential and believe you can do it. Lao Long you have the greatest potential I've seen within my 125 years of age" happily said Lao Feng.

"As for Li Wu your potential is not that far off of my Lao Long, if you two fell in love and had a kid in the future that child will have the best potential of everyone in this realm" said Lao Feng.

"Grandpa Feng don't say stuff like that you know as well as I do that I already like Li Wu it's just the matter of her liking me" slyly said Lao Long.

"..." Li Wu

"Come now it's already evening we should start going now" said Lao Feng.