I Am Only At Level 4

"That is because, the one who cooked it is different. You have to understand that the one cooking for us is one and the same for thousands and thousands of years," was what her companions would have said.

In reality, they can't watch each other through the pool. They can only feel their companions through a connection. They would suddenly receive a signal that tells them that their companion will be returning.

What they told her was that she must think seriously about the word return, then they would feel her.

But she still couldn't use this to trick them, for that jerk must also do the same. If it was only her then they won't let her back.

She couldn't help but sigh at the thought of the work she needs to do up ahead.

"You said it's delicious but you are sighing?" Kaito who was happily eating his own food, noticed this and looked up at her.

"I was just thinking about something else. That's right, is there a possibility for us to walk back to the apartment without using the train?"

She tried racking her brain but she couldn't see past the main roads she had memorized. And all those have no way for her to walk back.

"You do know that the only reason we can arrive here in ten minutes is because the train was fast right?" Kaito asked her in return.

"Of course, I am not stupid."

Seeing as she was serious about walking back, he too couldn't help but sigh, "Are you planning to walk for 6 to 8 hours? Are you planning to walk for half a day back and forth?"

Seeing the logic in his words, Astra could only pout. She really hates crowd.

"Well why not just use a cab then?"

"I'll think about it. But its expense would be four times than the train fee," she complained as she continued eating her food.

Kaito started laughing in her response, "You say I'm weird but you are actually weird yourself."

She just shrugged it off, in this place she is a weird person after all. A weird person in a different way.

"Kaito? Hey Kaito, it's you," as they continue eating, they heard another voice.

Looking to where the voice is coming from, "Hey Shinobu."

It was a young man with golden hair and green eyes, he has two numbers as well, an 8 of heart and 7 of spade.

Together with him was another young man, he has red hair with brown eyes, an 8 of clover and 6 of diamond.

"Have you settled already?" Kaito asked after giving the two of them a high five.

"Luckily both Takao and I are on the same room. But you sure are lucky, you actually live close to the academy."

Astra didn't bother looking any longer and just enjoyed her food.

"You're on a date already?" Takao then asked looking at Astra.

"Ah, that's right. This is Astra, my new neighbour. Astra, this is Shinobu and Takao my friends. We all are attending the Gem Academy."

"Nice to meet you," was her response.

Kaito moved and sat beside her, while the other two sat opposite them, after ordering.

"So are you an incoming student as well?" Shinobu asked looking at Astra.

'That's right at this age, one would be entering the academy. Only those who have two 6's and above are allowed to enter the academy. More like accepted by the academy.'

"I can't, I am only at level four," she replied as she pointed at her numbers.

The three looked at each other, "Have you not heard? The rules have changed, as long as you have two numbers, you can already enter the academy. Though your class will still depend on your number and your abilities."

"Then I'll think about it."

"That's right, another entrance exam will happen tomorrow, why don't you give it a try. You are already lucky enough to have two numbers after all. It would be a waste if you couldn't develop it further," Kaito then added.

The academy helps trains the students and accumulating more essence but the school also has some rewarding system where they give away essence bottles of different amount.

This essence bottles are what the students are aiming for, for these bottles helps them become stronger faster and have higher levels.

Some who graduated became well known politicians or instructors. Some were trainers for rich young kids who wants to enter the academy at the right age.

While others were in the task force to tackle down the "players" that became criminals.

Different kinds of jobs with different types of payment.

But of course, players have higher salaries than those who are not. That is why everyone had the desire to become a player.

And that is why entering the most prestigious academy of every land is a must for players who wants to have a brighter future.

And if you are lucky enough you would be able to work at the Central Land where the competition was being held.

All the people in there were players and they are the ones facilitating the tournament and their pays are obviously top notch.

She was about to say no and decline the thought when she remembered a very crucial thing.

'I have no idea what he looked like in here, disregarding his level, just his appearance was crucial enough. Adding to that, no one actually knew his name here.'

'He was a sixteen year old one as well, it wouldn't be that bad to try and look for him in school.'

"Very well, I'll give it a try," she looked at them and said after thinking about all these stuffs.

'But this is truly troublesome, why didn't they give me enough information about him? That way I would be able to at the very least find him faster and not just blindly looking for a needle in a haystack.

She looked outside as the three guys started having their own conversation, she watched the people walking here and there while thinking of ways to find him sooner.