Did You Really Just Meet Each Other?

She sat with them until the two were done eating and she found out that the entrance exam was just simple control over your shapes and how much can you control the elements you don't have.

She listened and nodded in understanding but at the same time her mind was somewhere else, she was thinking how will she start looking for him when she can't even feel his presence.

And if he was nearby then he should have felt her presence as well if she were to expand, which she had been doing for a while now.

And every time she would be interrupted by Kaito, who was as talkative as ever.

Though she didn't feel irritated for somehow his jolliness was comforting.

'Just what did he do to actually get lost? He was doing this for a while now, coming down and looking around. What happened to him?'

She may not look like it but she was truly worried about him. The two of them were born at the same time.

Might be coincidence or the work of fate but of all fourtee n of them, it has to be the two of them who was born at the same time and their predecessors died at the same time.

"I suppose it is time for me to return home," she then said to them upon noticing that the sun was about to set in another two hours or so.

She didn't know how fast time passes in the land, back to the mansion, one would rarely see the night. Most of the time it was morning and you sleep when you feel sleepy.

Kaito looked at her and couldn't help but to laugh out loud, "You look like you are about to enter a battle field."

"I AM about to enter such a battle field," was her reply and she looked like she was really dreading it.

Just the thought of being pushed and being squeezed by so many people makes her dread the ride home.

"That's why, why don't you just get a cab?"

"Too expensive."

Kaito once again laughed.

Shinobu and Takao couldn't help but to admire Kaito. He really could befriend anyone he wants.

At the same time they were told that these two only met today.

They can see a bit of aloofness from Astra but it always seem to disappear whenever she was talking with Kaito.

"Did you really just meet each other?" Takao couldn't help but ask as the four of them left the restaurant.

"Yes, why?" Kaito asked.

"The way you two talk just seemed natural, that's all."

Astra and Kaito looked at each other, before shrugging.

"Anyway, make sure to bring Kaname tomorrow, she'll be happy to have a new friend," Kaito said as they bid each other goodbye.

Astra waved at them as well, despite only coming now. To actually have companions is not that bad. That is why she did not reject the idea of meeting another.

But there is a limit to whom she would befriend over here.

She also does not plan to have some deeper friendship for she knew that her stay was temporary.

She only came for a mission and once that is done, she will have to leave them.

As for how, maybe she can just transfer school and eventually lose contact with them.

The train was once again crowded but seeing her pitiful hatred look, Kaito couldn't help but laugh but he did his best to at least protect her from getting squeezed.

They only met but both found that they were at ease with each other.

"I'll knock at your door around 7 tomorrow. The entrance exam would be at 9, I'll introduce you to one more of our friends so we should go early," Kaito said as the two of them reached the last floor.

"Are you my guardian or something? Why does it feels like, you are holding my schedule?" Astra retorted.

"*laughs* Seeing you today, I have an inkling that you are someone who didn't care about time. We'll know if I'm right by tomorrow," he waved her goodbye before entering his own apartment.

Astra, on the other hand, shrugged and instead of going in. She went to the balcony and stood there watching everything from below and the buildings around. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She was expanding her presence, trying her best to see if she could connect with that jerk. But after half an hour, there was still nothing.

"*sigh* How am I supposed to find him now?"

With the way her first day of going out went, she just wanted to finish this as soon as possible.

The amount of people was an overwhelming thing for her.

She was not overwhelmed by the buildings or even the place itself. Or how advanced the people of the land have become.

She just found it interesting but the amount of people was what she didn't like.

"Find who?"

She was startled to see that Kaito was actually behind her again.

"Why are you out again?" she asked looking at his door.

"I remembered I didn't ask your number, for easy contact," he replied as he waved his phone.

Astra stared at him before taking his phone and punching in her own number. Afterwards she returned it and started walking to her apartment door.

"Hey so who are you looking for?" Kaito still followed as he asked.

"A person, I don't know his name, I don't know how he looks and I don't know where he was," she still replied without looking at him.

"Then how are you going to find him?"

"Either he recognizes me-... no that's impossible as well for he didn't know how I look right now. So I can only tell through his presence. Good day to you and thank you for accompanying me."

After replying she entered her apartment and closed the door behind her. Kaito shrugged, he was just curious anyway. He turned his back and walked back to his own apartment.

But before entering he looked at the balcony where she stood and furrowed his brows before shrugging it off and truly entered his apartment.