I Ignored Him

Contrary to Kaito's expectation, Astra was not even close to the machine. But she was looking at a young man who was looking at her full of anger.

No, to be more precise she was standing looking bored at what was going on.

Before they could get close, the young man pounced at her to which she easily dodged.

Having been embarrassed enough, the young man once again rushed towards her. Astra extended her hand and pushed his shoulder just as he got close. She used his momentum to change his direction.

This simple movement and the young man's speed caused him to go to a different direction making him run into another student who stepped aside, causing him to fall down on the floor.

His head hitting the ground, scraping his forehead in the process.

The young man looked back at her as if he wanted to devour her whole for what is going on with him.

Astra raised an eyebrow as she looked at the young man, that's when Kaito and the others get close to them.

"What happened?" he instantly asked after seeing the resentful look of the young man.

At the same time the four of them surrounded her as if ready to protect her if she were to be attacked.

"I didn't know. He must be too full of himself, being a number 5 but ending up not passing the entrance exam. I was just standing here quietly minding my own world when he saw me."

"He then mocked me that if someone like him couldn't pass, I should just go home for surely I also wouldn't be able to pass as well."

"What did you do then?" Kaito asked again, seeing as she was truly unaffected.

"I ignored him. Who does he think he is for me to speak with him? Well I suppose he couldn't accept that he is being ignored so he kept mocking me."

She then shrugged, "But I still ignored him, so he got really mad and tried to attack me. Don't look at me like that."

Kaito and the others looked at her as if they were sure that she hit him prior to that wound on his forehead. For that person was looking at her as if she started all of these fiasco.

"I just dodged his attacks, as for him getting that wound. It was also his fault, I pushed his shoulder as he rushed towards me. So his direction changed and since he couldn't control himself."

She then pointed at the young man still sitting on the floor, "He fall down on his own and wounded himself in the process."

Kaname blinked a few times, Astra said the whole story as if she was not an involved party. She spoke everything without hiding what she had done.

And now she was once again looking bored at what was going on. Kaito smiled helplessly at this, he knew what they think of her being bullied for a number like that, would never happen.

She might just stare at all those bullies like they were but dust for her, looking bored at what they were doing or saying.

Even Takao and Shinobu had the same look at her while Kaname gave them a defeated smile.

Astra was a new comer but it seems that she will attract more trouble than necessary with her current attitude.

After all of these, Kaito looked at the three teachers who were actually just staring in shock. They didn't expect for the man to actually lose his cool and try to attack another examinee.

They could only be grateful he didn't attack with his powers, they would be caught unprepared if that happens.

"I didn't expect for the teachers of this school to be this much incompetent," Kaito spoke up and smiled mockingly at the teachers.

The teachers felt insulted but one of them soon realized who Kaito was.

"Don't, don't disrespect him," he said to the other two who was ready to lash out at Kaito.

"Why? He insulted us, he was just a student," another complained.

"He is not just a student, his family is one of the major shareholder of this school. Do you want to lose your job?" he gritted his teeth as he explained.

The other two gulped in fear, if they lashed out before their coworker realized who it was that was in front of them, surely their jobs would be gone by tomorrow.

Kaito was not interested with whatever they were talking about, instead he clicked his tongue.

He was not fond of using his background for such petty things, he can do just fine with his power alone. Plus the teachers were in the wrong this time allowing such commotion.

"What kind of performance do you have? You are the teachers and should have stopped a brawl the moment it started, yet you just stood there?"

"Young master, that is-"

"I don't care what kind of family or background we are having here, but I do want to finish this already," Astra butted in, as she started losing her patience.

Shinobu, Takao and Kaname looked at her agape. It really feels like she was not the one who was wronged at all.

The events of a while ago was brushed off from her mind just like that.

Kaito looked at her with amusement, if this was someone else they would already be throwing his weight upon knowing who he was.

As a superior, she actually really don't care about this kinds of things. She was just here because of her search and she was in this entrance exam because she was pulled to be in it.

Plus she IS a superior, why would she bother with such when she was among the highest being in this world? Though that is something she could never tell them.

In other words, none of this was her complete free will.

Astra looked up at him and seeing his amused look, she frowned, "It's too crowded."

He laughed upon hearing her words, she didn't bother with the incident but was still frowning over the crowd.

"Please take that person out now and let's finish this examination now," Kaito looked back at the teachers.

One have called for security and took out the young man who was in complete shock upon knowing that the one he tried to hurt was actually acquainted with a young master.

Everyone decided to let Astra finish first, there were not much of them remaining in the first place. Seeing as they are adamant on letting her go first, she could only sigh and walk to the machine.

She had watched them do it, so she first conjured wind and threw it to the machine, after the number was written. She conjured water and threw it again.

After that she looked at the teachers who were looking at her with shock.

They saw it, with both their eyes, this girl, who looked like she was always bored, had both her elements as pure as possible. Not even a hint of opaqueness.

The strength and distance recorded were also at a level higher than number 4, could be at number 6.

"Did I pass or not?" she asked seeing as they have no plan on speaking.

One of the teachers cleared his throat, "You passed."

Astra nodded before she started walking out of the venue with the other four.

"Separate her papers, we need to show that to the headmaster. A number 4 with a strength of number 6. Both her powers are pure as well. She is one in a million, she has a special physique."

The one who recognized Kaito instructed the other two teachers.