In Purity Of Her Powers

"Come on now, you are already here. This will be done in a short while," he informed her as he placed a hand on her shoulder when she turned around.

Astra took a deep breath and turned around once again. She followed them, trying her best not to bump at anyone.

The interior design was the same with a basket ball court where sits surrounded the stage in the middle.

After finding a place for them to sit, Astra looked around before closing her eyes and expanding her presence. This presence could not be felt by the people of the land.

Only the superiors. The same presence that disappeared when they lost contact with him. Of that person she needs to find in order to return to the mansion.

"Are you nervous?" she then heard Kaito speak beside her.

When she opened her eyes, Kaname who was on her other side was also looking at her. Shinobu and Takao who were on Kaname's side extended their neck and were looking at her.

Seeing all of them looking at her, she cleared her throat, "No, the amount of people are just overwhelming to me."

"I wonder how long you will survive in this city," Kaito laughed upon hearing her reply.

Astra could only sit there dejectedly as they wait for the time.

'For all of these that I have to go through I will make sure to return it to him ten fold if not a hundred fold. I'll make sure I will drill it in his bones the fury of making me do all of these,' was her thoughts.

Not long after, three teachers came out with a machine. Since they are doing the examination inside the building. The testing would be a bit different from the first examination.

The first examination was outside and that was how Kaito understood his strength.

The machine was just the measure of the distance their powers could go and its strength.

Astra watched and waited as the other examinees lined up one after another. She was in no rush to line up as the crowd was too much for her to handle.

Most of them were at number 4, 5 and 6. There was only a handful of numbers 7 and 8.

She then realized something before she looked at Kaname, Kaname looked back at her after noticing her movement. Her numbers were both at the bottom of her eyes.

7 of Spade and 7 of Diamond.

"Let me guess, could you guys be at the top classes of the incoming freshmen?" she asked after seeing Kaname's numbers

"How did you come up with such?" Kaito asked.

"There are rarely anyone with numbers 7 and 8. I haven't seen a 9 as well. So I suppose the reason why they lowered their standards is because there are fewer youngsters with high enough numbers," Astra replied.

"I didn't expect that you are this observant," Takao couldn't help but to compliment her.

Astra just nodded towards him, she didn't think that what she said deserve such compliment.

Plus since this is the first time she had come down, she needs to at the very least observe her surroundings. With what they said yesterday of number 4 being accepted.

And what she heard from her companions that number 6 should have been the cut off number.

And seeing the volume of people currently attending the entrance examination, she was able to come up with this.

"Well, that was also what we thought upon hearing that the cut off was lowered and seeing the first entrance examination," Shinobu said as they look down at the mass of people lining up below.

"So you really are among the top?" she once again asked realizing that they haven't answered her question.

The four of them nodded in unison.

"Don't be sad, we'll visit you in your room when we are on break. We are the ones who pulled you here after all," Kaito smiled and patted her head.

Astra evaded his hand and glared at him, "As if I would be sad. I'd rather not be disturbed."

There are a total of thirty sections for the first years, fifty per class.

The classrooms at the top floor are for those with numbers 7 and 8. The second floor are usually for numbers 5 and 6.

At the same time, most of the enrollees are number 4, so the first floor were alloted for them.

There are times where even number 4's could stay in the second floor but these are only the special ones.

Since Astra just came to search for that person, she actually didn't care about such arrangements.

Not long after, the number in line have lessened quite a lot that Astra finally stood up to enroll herself.

"You guys pulled her to enroll? How can you be so brazen," Kaname finally reprimanded them after hearing what Kaito said.

"Not likely, she accepted it willingly anyway. Plus I don't think she would be staying at the bottom," Kaito replied as they watch Astra below.


"She is quite the same to Shinobu," he replied with a smile.

"In what way?" Shinobu asked upon hearing his name.

"In purity of her powers."

'And more, her control was topnotch despite not knowing how strong a certain number is. She was born special,' was what he thought.

'Plus her strength wasn't just a number 4. Though I presume she wouldn't show it at all,' he added.

The other three finally understood where he got his confidence, Shinobu's powers are both pure.

"Ah, but hers was completely pure, yours still had a very very light opaqueness right?" Kaito added after having a thought.

"Hmmm then she must be really special then," Shinobu nodded in agreement.

"Well at least she would not be bullied," Kaname said with a smile.

Their attention was then taken when the crowd below started a commotion. And Astra who was at the middle looks like she was in trouble.

Kaito shook his head, "Let's check on her."

'She must have been unable to control it and released quite a strong one again.'