Aren't I Just A Number Four?

Astra was in a bad mood, Hiro was massaging his fore head.

Even though entering the academy was her plan, she still didn't like being awaken and so Hiro who woke her up early that morning was hit by the door hard in the face.

"This is your plan, why is it that it was I who should suffer," he complained as they have their breakfast.

Astra didn't reply and just ate, her things were already prepared by him.

'I really do feel like a nanny right now,' he thought as he surrendered to his fate.

The last few days of her vacation, both of them focused on getting her to control her powers into that of a level six.

'No wonder they didn't tell me to come back once she was accustomed in her power already. They knew that she can't do so many things.'

He couldn't help but sigh, when he pushed her to the pond, he didn't know there was a back up plan. A plan for someone to be her nanny.

"I'll... do my best to hold back as much as I can when I am irritated."

As he was lost in his thoughts, he heard her say. He looked at her and saw her looking only at her food, he couldn't help but smile.

She was someone who stays alone most of the time that is why she was also awkward towards them despite the thousands of years they spent together.


The door bell rang just as they finished eating.

"Let's go!"

It was Kaito, all dressed up.

"We're going," Astra called to Hiro.

"Bye bye Hiro," Kaito waved at him.

"Take care you too," he waved them goodbye.

When the door closed he couldn't help but to chuckle, both he and Astra was now living like the people of the land.

"Well, maybe this is a good experience for her as well," he then mused while looking down through the window.

There are so many things they couldn't do that could be enjoyable for the people of the land. One of them is going to school.

He never heard of them coming down to study. They only came to enjoy themselves.


Kaito was laughing as he and Astra walked towards the main gate of the academy.

Since it was the beginning of class, there would surely still be a lot of people in the train despite it being early.

And with that, Astra's face darkened even more.

She was woken up early that morning and now she just came out of a train packed of people. If not for Kaito who was trying his best not to squeeze her, her face might be even darker now.

Astra glared at him and he stopped laughing, suppressing it instead. He knew just what was the strength of her hand every time she hit him in the arm.

"Astra!! Kaito!!"

Upon entering the school gate, they heard Kaname's voice and with her was Takao and Shinobu.

All of them were looking at them with pleasant disbelief.

"What is it?" Kaito asked after giving the other two a high five.

"You won't believe it," as Kaname said this, she pulled Astra and run towards the bulletin where they would see their classes.

Kaito looked at the other two and run after them.

Astra's eyebrow twitched upon seeing the amount of people in front of the bulletin but she couldn't just pull away from Kaname who was pulling her in front of all the people in there.

"Look," Kaname happily said as she pointed at the class.

It was class 1A, the top most class of the in coming freshmen.

Astra wanted to curse even more upon seeing her name in there, together with the other four.

The pushing of the people from behind made her even more irritated.

'Why must I be in that class? Aren't I a number four?'

She wanted to just grab the teachers and ask them why they must put her in such class.

She wanted to live a low key life. A low key, okay.

"And up we go," as she was in thought whether to just hit the people that had been pushing her.

She was suddenly carried, to her surprise.

The students couldn't help but make way, when someone suddenly carried another.

Kaito grinned at her and left the crowd. Once they were out of that place, he put her down before looking at Kaname who was blinking her eyes while looking at them.

"You do know she hates the crowd, we can't have her drop out on the first day of her class," he then said while shaking his head.

"Oh, that's right. I'm sorry Astra. I just got excited when I saw that we are on the same class. Forgot about the fact that you hated the crowd," Kaname then apologetically looked at Astra.

"Ah, no. It's fine, more importantly," then she looked at Kaito before giving him a punch in the stomach.


He could only squat down after receiving such strong punch.

"Why must you make such a scene," she then said but they can see how red her face and ears are.

Kaito, who was just in pain, couldn't help but to laugh.

"There, there I'm sorry. Seeing your look I thought I needed to bring you out of that place before you murder all those people," he stood up and placed a hand on her head.

Astra could only click her tongue for she really was about to explode a while ago.

"Anyway, I need to speak to the principal," she then said looking around, searching for a map or something.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"To ask why am I in that class."


As she took her step, Kaname stopped her by the hand and exclaimed.

When she looked back, what welcomed her was Kaname's puppy eyes together with Kaito's eyes, the one he always use whenever he was silently telling her how heartless she was.

She wanted to rebuke but Kaname's eyes stopped her in doing so. She run her fingers in her head before sighing, "Fine, shall we just get to class?"