Would That Be Enough



"Miss Astra."


Astra who was expanding her presence with her eyes close snapped out of it when someone suddenly shouted right beside her.

She opened her eyes and looked at the one who shouted, she blinked a few times upon seeing that it was the teacher who was standing in front a while ago.

They are currently introducing themselves and Astra who was at the back was waiting for her turn, though she really didn't want to, and thought that she could try and search for that jerk.

She didn't say anything and just looked at the teacher who obviously didn't want her presence in this class.

"It is the first day and first hour of class, why are you sleeping already?" the teacher berated.

"Ma'am allow me to correct that I only have my eyes closed, but I am not sleeping," she answered in the most respectful voice she could muster.

The teacher's brow twitched upon hearing her answer.

"Are you telling me that you are listening to the ones introducing themselves while having your eyes closed?"

"Yes ma'am."

She was no longer shock though that this person knew her name, she was after all a number four that was in the top class.

The teacher squinted her eyes at Astra, "Then one by one, tell me their names."

The other students started whispering to each other, even they who has their eyes open, couldn't possibly memorize the names right now.

Kaname who was in front of Astra, Takao and Shinobu who was on either side of her and Kaito who was behind her felt worried by this.

They didn't notice that she closed her eyes and only realized when the teacher approached her.

Astra sighed before standing up, she then pointed at the person who first introduced her self.


Then to the next person, "Lilian."





And so on.

As she said the name of each person that had already introduced themselves, her classmates started looking at her in disbelief.

The final person was three people before her.

"Would that be enough ma'am?" she then asked looking at the teacher who was also staring at her in disbelief.

"Saying their names is not enough to say that you were listening properly. You-"

"Minami was from Diamond II, the same goes for Lilian. Toya came from this city. Freeda came from Diamond IV while Narumi came from Diamond III."

As she said these things, she pointed at each person she was talking about and her classmates turned agape.

After telling the place where the last person said he was from she once again looked at the teacher, this time she already have her bored look.

"Would that be enough ma'am? Or must I also tell you what they are proficient with and their favorites?"

The teacher gritted her teeth, "That is enough. Refrain from acting like you are sleeping from now on. Misunderstanding would occur from it."

She was actually among those who didn't want Astra in this class.

They couldn't accept the fact that just because her powers are pure, she already has the right to interact with this people who are gifted enough to have strong powers at such young age.

Astra just smirked at the teacher who turned her back at her.

'Do you really think that a superior especially when expanding their presence wouldn't know such trivial things? We can listen and learn so many things at the same time when we expand our presence.'

Kaito was stopping himself from laughing as he watched this, she really has no care whoever it is that she was facing.

The teacher was obviously embarassed by the way she had answered.

After everyone was done with their introduction, the teacher cleared her throat.

"This time I need you to project your abilities. This will allow me to assess how we can guide you as a whole in improving your abilities," the teacher then said.

Astra who has her head propped on her hand and looking bored had her eyes slowly grow wide.

She had completely forgotten about this fact.

Players could project their abilities and this projection was in the shape of the playing cards.

Each card had a shape in the middle which was colored until the amount of essence they currently have.

This is also the indicator whether they are about to level up or not.

But other than projecting it, one could also go to their inner self and see it on their own.

And that's what she did as her classmates one by one showed theirs.

Astra almost cursed upon seeing that she only has one card.

'Damn, that's right, the soul was still of that a superior. Obviously the card will still be what we have as a superior.'

That's right, the cards are also known as a part of their soul.

For superiors, they only have one card despite having the four elements.

This card has the four shapes on the four corners and their corresponding numbers beside it.

The card itself was in crystal form with only the four corners having those numbers and shapes.

Astra's brows twitched as she stopped herself from exploding because of this realization.

She snapped out of her thoughts when the teacher once again called for her attention.

"Miss Astra, I need to asses this class as a whole that means that it includes you despite being a number four."

Astra sighed before standing up, "Then please do create the practices in accordance with what the others have. I will keep up on my own."

She then pointed at her numbers, "My numbers are already proof enough that I am at the bottom of the class. I can't hold back our class just because of this."

The teacher gritted her teeth, she was intending on making her as an example that one must practice and work hard despite being special.

Who would have though that she herself would use it.

"Even so, I need to check your abilities," she insisted.

Astra sighed before once again opening her mouth.

"Then I apologize for I have no desire on showing it and be the center of ridicule or attention."

"Miss Astra!!"

"Expel me then ma'am. If you don't want my current attitude, then please do expel me."