Try Waking That Dragon Up

"So the teacher couldn't do anything to her and asked someone else to do something to her friend? And they are trying to distance these people from her?" Xenon said when Subaru got the information they needed.

Subaru rubbed his chin, after the two of them compiled everything that they got from why this challenge emerged, everything went back to Kikune, the training teacher.

She hated Astra for staying in the top class when she was only a number four.

Kikune felt that the Gem Academy will be criticized because of this.

"A teacher acting like a student. Truly what an eye opener," Subaru said as he shakes his head.

Xenon didn't comment and just shrugged, they found out the reason adn it was reasonable enough for her to barge in the office like a thug. Plus the challenge was official so they will just go and officiate it.

Upon arrival, a lot of students were already there. First years to third years, some teachers were also present.

"A phenomenon indeed," Subaru commented with his usual smile as he waved at some students who was smiling at him.

"A special case number four with only two numbers challenging a number nine that has three numbers, obviously this is something out of norm," Xenon answered only glancing at those students.

But even that glance made those students shriek.

"Oh here comes the challenged party," Subaru commented upon seeing Hikari walked to the stage and of course, she has some minions behind her.

Acting like guards making sure her path to the center was unhindered.

It was early in the morning, one hour prior the start of the class, yet all these students came to watch despite some of them being the ones always late in class.

Murmurs errupted at the back in the direction of the main gate.

People started moving aside as Astra and her four friends walked to the center.

"Ho, I wonder what you think about this match miss Astra?" Subaru asked for they were on the side where Astra and her friends are walking to.

Astra didn't even give him a glance making his lips twitch, even Xenon was stunned by this kind of attitude.

"We apologize for her behavior," Shinobu speak up before looking at the sky.

"It was very early after all," he added before looking back at the seniors.

Though they had fun watching Astra tease their senior yesterday, it was not to the point where they would ignore these two idols of the school.

"Early?" Xenon furrowed his brows as he asked.

Shinobu smiled, it was a smile that made others feel at ease, "That girl is not an early person. Kaito here had to bang at her door non stop together with the door bell in order to wake her up today."

He pointed at Kaito was was at the back and Shinobu almost laughed when he saw his look.

He looked like he had a fight with tens of men, despite his face not being injured, his clothes were untidy while his hair was a mess.

Kaito puffed his cheek, "I say, try waking that dragon up. I was lucky I was a bit prepared and covered my face. If not then even my face would be left unscathed."

"Brother Hiro is not there?" Kaname asked.

They waited for these two by the gate and when they saw them, all words of wonder and worry dissipated when a black cloud was hovering over Astra's head.

"No, I don't know where he went but Astra told me yesterday that he was not around," Kaito replied as he tried to fix his uniform.

"Then why did she chose early morning if she was not an early person?" Subaru wondered.

"She hated it even more if she were unable to instantly get home during the afternoon, Kaito replied as he gave up on fixing his uniform.

Though challenges aren't rare, the teachers and the principal tasked all students not to do it during class hours. It would either be early in the morning or after class.

Both Subaru and Xenon could only stare at the little one on the stage, they didn't know she was this peculiar.

"I had been wondering what I did for you to be this angry at me," Hikari opened her mouth and asked in an innocent manner.

Astra was standing opposite her witha dark look and only gave her a look without saying anything.

Hikari furrowed her brows, this person was obviously ignoring her, "Why must you challenge me? I am scared that you owuld end up being beaten too bad with this."

Some students snickered, they all still don't understand just where did this number four's brain went to.

How courageous was she to actually challenge the secretary who was among the top of the third years.

In return to her words, Astra remained unmoving and just looking at her.

Hikari clenched her hands into a fist as she gritted her teeth, this person truly is unruly, not even replying to her senior.

"Just as I thought you really are not suited to be a student here," another voice chimed in.

Looking where it was coming from, they saw Kikune at the side of the stage together with some other teachers.

Some teachers were against Astra's admission and class location. While others were neutral.

Astra slowly turned her head to look to the side, her dark face turned darker and her eyes turned chilly. Kikune who spoke up were rendered speechless by her look.

Just one look and that same pressure she felt, back when they were accusing her about the bucket of liquid, was also there.

Superiors aren't always the kind one, of course they are not. They also have their own tempers and their own personalities. This allowed them to watch over the land with every angle in their mind.

Kaito chuckled, "They shouldn't do that."

Subaru and Xenon who were still beside them looked at him in confusion.

Kaito grinned, "They shouldn't provoke her when she was already in a bad mood. That girl has a very very bad temper when in a bad mood. They are just adding oil to the fire."

With a look, Kikune was unable to add more words to what she already said. Even the teachers beside her were rendered speechless by this.

"Heh~," Daiki who was beside the principal reacted as a smile appeared on his bored face.

"A pressure that shouldn't appear in a number four was being exuded by her. A ver special case indeed," Toyama commented.

Daiki didn't say anything but in his mind, 'She was not a number four and was someone of too high a rank. But why was she not cultivating a third number?'

At teh same time he also knew, that the pressure she exudes was very much different from the high numbers. As someone who was once able to reach the pinnacle of three numbers.

Daiki was fully aware of what kind of pressure one could exude at the pinnacle. But Astra's pressure was not something that could make one fall to their knees and feel like a boulder was suddenly on them.

Her pressure was something like, 'A lowly one dares to speak to me? Just who do you think you are?'

That kind of pressure was something he never encountered before.

After Astra gave them a look, she returned her eyes on Hikari who was also stunned silly by what just happened.

"Let's end this now," she finally opened her eyes and said before looking at Xenon and Subaru.

Subaru then realized that he was the one who should open this challenge and so with a clear of his throat he went up the stage.

"The challenge between Hikari and Astra shall now begin. Killing and permanent damage are the only things prhibited in this challenge."

He gave Astra a look, somehow despite the gap in numbers. The way she spoke yesterday, Astra seemed to be someone who wouldn't lose to this at all.

"As for the condition..."

"Expulsion," Hikari instantly said.

She was sure of herself, she has three number nines while her opponent only has two number fours.

Plus she has a lot of connection, with all of these, she was sure that she will not lose at all.

Astra just nodded her head, she didn't care about this woman being expelled. What she cared is that she can vent out her anger during this challenge.

As long as it is not a permanent damage right?

Subaru looked at the principal before opening his mouth once again.

"Then... begin."