I Am Sleepy

The moment his words fell, Hikari instantly used fire towards her.

Astra stood there just looking at her, but when the fire reached Astra, a water rise came from the ground extinguishing the fire she had just thrown.

Everyone wondered, a number nine fire power shouldn't be extinguished so easily by a number four water. Despite the amount, so how did this happen?

"Using wind to blow the fire on a different direction while using the water to extinguish it," Toyama commented.

It was not an instantaneous thing, the moment Hikari released the fire power, Astra already used wind to slowly change the direction, at the same time water droplets were incorporated on the wind weakening the fire.

The fire that was already weakened were then extinguished by the strong water rise.

At the same time the wind made sure the fire would change direction constantly in order for it to reach Astra much slower than the intended speed.

"A good combination of abilities at the same time utilization of the difference of their strength," he added while nodding.

Daiki was confused, Astra was really planning on not showing her true power. And she was not even showing her power back when she enrolled in the school.

She was really just a number four right now.

Hikari hurrumphed at this, it was a little fire power. It would be too humiliating if she was unable to at the very least stop it.

But before she could cast another attack, Astra moved from her original position.

It was not too fast but it was something that Hikari could not follow with her naked eye.

For Astra was suddenly in front of her and a strong slap resounded. Her lip burst open and she could even taste blood inside her mouth.

This shock everyone that was watching, they were waiting for a battle between number four abilities and number nine abilities.

But Astra's first move was a physical one that not all of them was able to follow.

Hikari stepped back from the strong slap before she used wind on her feet allowing her to fly up.

She didn't know what had just happened but she needs to distance herself from Astra.

If it was her power then Hikari had the confidence that she would be able to stop it but if it was physical then Hikari who was pampered so much would be able to do so.

She heard gasps from everyone when she was high up but still couldn't see Astra.

Then she felt strong pain from her back before she was shot down slamming down on the ground.

"Wind can make you fly but before flying there was allowing you to jump fast and high. Since Hikari flew to escape Astra, Astra used jump in order to arrive fast behind her before hitting her hard," Toyama was like an announcer instead of the principal as he narrated what Astra had done.

Indeed if you only want to fly then you would surely stop at some point floating up in the air. But if it was just jump then it would be faster than fly.

Hikari coughed up blood before she slammed both hands on the ground.

The whole stage were then engulfed with Magma, the second level of fire and earth.

Daiki was astounded for he saw it, the moment Astra returned to the ground. She immediately used fly as if she knew what Hikari was planning to do.

If she were just a bit late then she would be engulfed by the magma.

Even Subaru and Xenon who was watching only Astra from the beginning were shock at how fast she can move and how strong her attacks are.

Kaname, Takao and Shinobu were looking at Kaito with a shock look on their faces.

Despite the laughs a while ago, they were genuinely worried about Astra since she challenged such a strong opponent. But why does it look like she was not at the losing side at all.

Kaito laughed, "I guess it is best to pressume that she trained her body more than she trained her abilities. So if Hikari that was inclined more to using her abilities were suppressed by Astra with her physical attacks then there is nothing more to say."

Shinobu and Xenon who were still near them heard this and understood what was going on.

If one were unable to use their power due to barrage of attacks then their powers would be useless. No matter how strong on is, if your thoughts were disrupted, then the way you use your abilities would be chaotic as well.

Just like now, Hikari who could have just moved away and tried to distance herself from Astra, was using a higher power that would deplete her energy faster.

Astra who was using her fists most of the time actually just flew up to avoid it.

The difference of the usage of their energy were too great that even though Astra was a number four, she might end up having more energy as time goes on.

Hikari was looking around with a smile after releasing her magma but then furrowed her brows when she didn't see anyone struggling at all.

The moment she looked up a barrage of ice attacks came down just around her, the magma that was surrounding her instantly released strong steam covering her view.

And even though magma was still on some parts of the stage, it was obvious that the one surrounding Hikari have already evaporated.

People didn't know what was going on within that steam but they could hear skin hitting one another.

In another minute, Hikari was thrown out of the steam before water fall on the magma where she would be landing.

The next thing they saw was another steam enveloping the two people and they could hear more beating up.

When Hikariw as thrown out of the first steam, they saw that she was actually battered up.

They didn't see Astra but when they heard more beating up on the next steam, they knew she had jumped to that side already.

"Indeed an amazing mind, she used ice in a concentrated spot in order to maximize its power. Allowing her to evaporate the magma on that part."

Toyama was rubbing his chin as he continued his assessment of what was going on.

"And then the magma's power greatly lessened when Hikari was beaten up by her on that spot. When she threw Hikari out of the first steam, water was enough to evaporate the magma on that part."

A light appeared in his eyes as a smile spread on his lips. He never saw such young talent before. Someone who can utilize her abilities to the fullest allowing her physical strength to prevail.

"But if it was someone who is not as stupid as miss Hikari then this would be a difficult battle for her," Daiki commented after listening.

"I think she did it this way because Astra knew that Hikari was relying too much on her power," Toyama replied with a laugh.

"At the same time, I think the reason she chose to use her fist instead of her ability was for her to vent out all her anger without giving too much damage on her opponent."

Toyama slowly nodded his head, "Yes, slow damage but was very painful instead. How cunning, a truly cunning one."

As he and Daiki talked the Magma that was still surrounding soem parts of the stage disappeared.

The steam slowly disintegrated and people finally saw the two people.

Hikari's look was a complete mess, her whole face were battered up not even her mother could recognize her.

On the other hand, Astra was standing shaking her hands while looking down at the now passed out Hikari.


After saying only that one word, she walked back to where Kaito and the others are.

The moment she got clsoe to them, "I am sleepy let's go to the classroom."

She shook her hand a few more times before she started walking, the other four followed her with an astonished look.

Well except for Kaito who had already experienced her capabilities in hand to hand combat.

But seeing her shake her hand he knew that she was using her full strength in hitting Hikari.

He shuddered, 'I will never make her mad.'

The five of them left and the moment they disappeared in their eyes was the only time that everyone returned to their senses.

"Th- The match is over, as per their condition, miss hikari shall face expulsion."

Even Subaru couldn't belive the words he was currently saying.

"I wonder how chaotic this would get?" Xenon couldn't help but wonder as he looked at the principal who has a smile on his face while walking away.

Hikari was a daughter of a major shareholder, her being the secretary could be neglected but the other would bring difficulty to the school.

Yet why is it that the principal does not look worried at all?