A Challenge Is A Challenge

Everyone slowly disperse while Kikune and a few other teachers took Hikari to the infirmary with their dark faces.

They never expected for Hikari to actually lose so easily, what is even more embarrassing was the fact that she lost to a number four that shouldn't have enrolled in the academy if not for the fact that the students numbers are too small for the incoming first years.

On the other hand, Astra was once again sleeping on her table while her friends are still talking about how amazing she was in physical combat. She didn't even receive any kind of wound in the battle.

Soon Kikune came in and without saying much, pulled all the students for their training. Still the same hurdle jumping but for the second time, she once again hindered Astra on her jumps.

Astra who was already too lazy to mind her and just did what she was supposed to do. Jump while covering her body with water not allowing Kikune to have any fun at all.

And to make it even more infuriating for her, Astra made sure she run at her fastest speed.

The body they use in the land somehow resembles their body as a superior. Much sturdier and has more endurance compared to the people of the land.

Despite her battle that morning, this little exercise didn't even show them any sign of tiredness on her. Instead she run past them making Kikune stop her hindering for a few students would jump right after Astra did.

If she ended up injuring just one student then her job would be over instead. No matter how much she hated Astra, she couldn't pull the others into this.

Kaname was an exception for she was a friend of Astra's.

In this aspect, Kikune could be shown to have a twisted mind. Kaname was the friend so she was to suffer together with Astra.

"What do you plan about her?". 

During this time, Daiki and Toyama were watching what was going on from the window of Toyama's office.

"We will just finish the first matter then that teacher will no longer be a suitable one, so she is destined to leave this place," Toyama replied with a shake of his head.

He knew that Kikune really dislikes Astra but he never expected for her to actually go so far as to hurt other students.

"How do you plan to straighten things out?" Daiki asked again.

"No worries, that young lady straighten everything out already. I actually have nothing to do but just to listen to everything until it was over," Toyama laughed as he said this.

"She did?" Daiki instantly asked with furrowed brows.

Toyama once again laughed after seeing this.

That afternoon, the board of directors came together with the angry looking mother of Hikari. Toyama had already called everyone yesterday afternoon for a meeting.

He had spoken with everyone other than Hikari's mother and it was a good thing that the fruit did not fall far from the tree. Hikari's mother's temper was just like hers.

They lookdown at people as if they were the highest.

At the same time, everyone that was present were all "players".

Players but not as high as the students, even Hikari's mother only had two number nines. She was unable to get a third one.

"Bring that student out here!!" she roared upon entry to the meeting room.

"Please have a sit before we start this meeting," Toyama answered with a smile.

With a hurrumph, she sat down and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"As you all know acertain incident happened and a challenge was issued. One was a new student while the other was a student council member at the same time a daughter of a major shareholder."

Toyama very patiently started talking, "The condition for the challenge is expulsion. I had already called you all yesterday because the new student was not as simple as you may think. She was a special case student, being enrolled by the presidnet himself. Her abilities were far purer than most people as well."

Hiakri's mother furrowed her brows. She didn't hear about this, only that she was special, special enough to enter the best class within the first years.

"We all didn't expect it but the one to lose was miss Hikari, she has thre number nines and her control over her magma was amazing as well. But she relied too much on her powers, she neglected her physical strength."

He then patiently explained what had happened that morning making the board of directors astonished at the new student.

Hikari's mother was the only one with a dark look on her face, in the end her daughter became a punching bag by a lowly student with only two numbers and to make it worst, they were number fours?

Just how embarrassing could that get?

"And are you telling me that you are going to expel my daughter? You have to know that I can just pull all of my shares in this school, let's see what the president will do to you once he finds out," Hikari's mother instantly threatened.

Toyama nodded his head, "Yes that is why I had called all of you. I want to ask what you plan on doing? It was challenge where in the condition came from your daughter."

Hikari's mother was left with nothing to say.

"Are you going to tell me that we should revoke it?" Toyama asked with squinted eyes.

Hikari's mother hurrumphed once again, "Such ungrateful person, she does not need to be here. She can be somewhere else, I am just giving face tpo the president yet here you acting all high in front of me?"

She stood up, "I guess my shares are no longer needed here after all."

Toyama just looked at her without saying anything.

She couldn't help but to stop her movements, her confidence of him stopping her dwindled a lot.

Seeing as she just looked at him without making further movements, "Do you still have anything to say? We can manage even if you were to leave. But I will not revoke the condition the two students have said themselves."

He placed both hands on top of the table and smiled, "A challenge is a challenge after all."

Everyone was baffled by this but they remained silent.

On the other hand, Hiakri's mother was angered even more. Her daughter was like a princess when she just entered because of her ability, her identity and her capabilities.

But she was cast aside so easily upon the arrival of such a lowly person?!?

This is truly outrageous.

"Suit yourself, I will make sure that the one eating the loss is this school and not my daughter."

After saying this, she walked out slamming the door behind her.

Most could only heave a sigh of relief, that woman was very much intolerable that no one truly wanted to befriend her.

Every time they have a meeting she would always act high and mighty. And she would always stick herself to only one person, Kaito's mother, Leah.

Though the one who truly had the shares was his father, it was his mother who would come during those meetings.

They all looked at her and seeing her indifferent look, they knew that she really didn't put Hiakri's mother in her eyes.

"But how will you deal with it? She is the third highest holder," one couldn't help but to worry.

"The young child who taught her daughter a lesson already made sure that no problem would occur in the achool with her actions. Though she really didn't have to because she was a student."

Toyama shook his head, she was a child who was acting like an adult cleaning up right after her own mess.