There Is More To Him

Leah thought for a bit and remembered that her son asked her to help him out if something were to happen in the board meeting.

He didn't exactly told her the reason behind it but since it is the first time he wanted to use the power of their family, both she and her husband obviously would help him.

But listening to Toyama, it seems the one he wanted to help was this girl who issued a challenge towards a daughter of a major shareholder. But why?

"Do you know the reason behind the challenge?" she voiced out her thoughts.

"It was..."

He told them everything from Kikune's actions that lead to Hikari pulling out some strings in order to get back at Astra in a round about manner.

Leah obviously knew who Kaname is, she was one of Kaito's childhood friends.

She still didn't know what attitude she should show that girl, it is better to understand what really happened from the mouth of those young ones.

"As for the matter?" the first to ask urged for his question was actually left unanswered.

Just as Toyama was about to answer, a knock came from the door.

"Come in," he called.

A young man in his early twenties came in, he was a handsome young man that many ladies would surely fall for.

He was wearing a casual attire but even that gave people the urge to just fall for him.

His green hair was brushed up and fixed with a gel. And his look of boredom was actually making him more enticing to the eyes.

"You're here, allow me to introduce to you. The one who will be replacing the other who just left, mister Hiro," Toyama smiled and walked towards him introducing him.

Finally, the people understood the reason why he was not scared of Hikari's mother's threat of pulling away. A person was already there to catch it.

"And the president?" one asked.

"He was the first mister Hiro approached because of the matter with his sister being bullied here in school."

Everyone was shock upon hearing this, the reason why Astra was not scared of the one behind Hikari was because she can easily exchange place with this person.

"Though we do want you to keep mister Hiro's identity as a secret," Toyama then said making the people around confused even more.

"He will be the temporary teacher for the training class," Toyama smiled and said while looking at everyone.

Astra's physical prowess was taught by Hiro, according to her. With him teaching the students then they would surely improve much more than when Kikune was teaching them.

"And Kikune?" they still asked even though they knew that she wouldn't be left unscathed for instigating the bullying to a student.

"She will obviously be fired, someone who can't differentiate right from wrong. If the students were to do it then we could still tolerate it but for a teacher to do it towards a student then it is unforgivable."

'Wow just started school and already made such commotion, I think even the others didn't get the chance to do this,' Hiro thought seeing everyone around him.

When he told Astra the task given to him, she suggested for him to teach in the school. He obviously didn't want to for every time they come down, he had always been a lazy person.

No to be more precise not one of them dared to take up any job.

But yesterday, Astra went to him and told him to go and search for the president. Buy the shares that a certain person holds at the same time take the position to one of the teachers.

He obviously wanted to decline but then she told him to do his job, he has a task as a superior and so he needs to do it.

Having no other choice, Hiro could only drag his body to start a job he really didn't want.

But seeing that Astra, who was known as an indifferent person, actually stirred up some trouble in the school. He couldn't help but to feel that coming here is a good thing.


Astra and the four of them just ended their class when Kaito was suddenly called then he returned to call for the other three.

His mother was calling for the four of them, she had come from their city and their parents also wants to check on them.

"I'll go home then," Astra didn't thought much and just waved them goodbye.

They left before her and by the time she was by the gate, she saw them with a very beautiful woman. One look and she could tell that this person is Kaito's mother.

Her four friends have their backs on her and so the one who saw her was the mother.

Leah looked intently at her, from the description of the children, Astra was a beautiful young lady.

With her light purple hair and same colored eyes, Leah somehow knew that this was the Astra the young ones are talking about.

Astra seeing her looking at her, smiled politely and bowed, before she went her way.

Returning home.

Even though this day seemed easy, she still had to hold back a lot with her power and her strength. For if she didn't then, she'll end up giving Hikari a permanent damage.

'Going all out is much easier than holding back,' she couldn't help but sigh with this in her mind.

As she walked the roads she usually walk with Kaito, she realized that the quietness was actually unfamiliar to her. She was used with the chattering person while laughing at the smallest things.

'So he really can impact people with his personality,; she thought looking up at the orange sky.

As she entered the train, she once again realized something very important.

'Kaito is not here, that means.'

And to her demise the train got crowded putting her patience at test.

She repeatedly said that it was only for ten minutes until she finally got out of that place.

Upon coming home, Hiro was already and upon seeing her look he couldn't but laugh before receiving a hard punch on his stomach.

"Could it be that Kaito was called by his mother?" he asked.

"I guess they want to spend a bit of time before she returned back to their place- You met her?" she realized his question and asked.

"Well, we bought those shares so it was only natural for me to meet her," he replied with a shrug.

Astra nodded her head and was about to enter her room when Hiro once again spoke up.

"I saw that Daiki person today, he really seemed a lot different from all the people of the land that we have met in the past."

"I think, there is more to him," Astra thought for a bit before she commented.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a feeling he knew that I was keeping my real strength," she answered.

Remembering that time she felt someone looking at her and when she looked around, she saw him looking at her from the principals office window.

And the look he gave her was that of shock and amazement at the same time curiosity. Among all those people of the land she saw looking at her, he was the first to look at her in such a way.

"Try to get close to him, then maybe we can find more about the people who reached the neglected number," she then said.

"Neglected number," Hiro repeated with a laugh while looking at Astra meaningfully.