Ability As A Superior

Soon he found her in the garden that was not yet fixed, it was plainly filled with flowers and a gazebo with swing and trees.

She was by the gazebo reading.

He slowly approached her before sitting beside her and started enjoying the scenery around him.

The others who are watching from inside the house high fived with one another.

Astra was actually the one who told them she will be staying outside. They couldn't push her any longer for she looks irritated already.

Yet who would have thought that it would actually work.

Or maybe this was what she had planned from the get go?

"That is not true, I guess?" they brushed everything with this thought before going back to what they were doing.

Only Silvia returned and so she was the only one who noticed that Astra looked up from her book and looked at Joker who was enjoying his surrounding.

A smile appeared on her face making Silvia stunned on place.