Prophecy Is Set In Stone

That's right, there was that one time.

He had a prophecy back when they were just thirteen. The first prophe y he ever had.

Him seeing a bright light.

'I had forgotten about that but that light was the same light as when I had that accident.'

He couldn't will this.

As compared to the others who has the capability of controlling these powers. He has none, he can see glimpses of them but he couldn't pin point when that will happen.

It was incomplete for he was a half, the other half was the one missing now. The one that could go to the dark side of the world making them really worried about it.

They seem lax now but in reality they are racing with time.

If he were to die here again then finding him would be another struggle. If he were not around then the other half wouldn't be taken either.

They can but that soul would struggle a lot since the one holding it back is not here.