There Is No Right Or Wrong

She had woken up and could feel the pain from her injury, it was so painful she felt like passing out again.

"You struggled so much, but I guess everything was futile. You are still in my hands and of course I know my other half would come for you as well. Then I will truly become the ruler of everything," Yuuno looked down at her and said.

She didn't say anything was not even looking at him but was staring at the ceiling.

'I'm tired.'

Somehow she had this thought.

'I'm tired.'

And it just kept repeating itself.

"Hmmm, not saying aything. Well I guess even your gutsy attitude is gone now that you are in a hopeless situation," Yuuno then said before he gestured for Kugure and the others to start.

"Sleep tight now, little feisty one."

And when the light came down on her, the pain she felt was even more tremendous than the pain in her body.

It was like what happened when she had that full descend.