You Could Go Crazy

"Are you all ready?" Osamu asked them.

They were able to pinpoint the location five hours ago, he wanted to wait for the teens at least for three more hours. But they came to him and their eyes were filled with resolve when they asked if they were able to pinpoint the location already.

He was honestly stunned by how fast they were able to gather themselves together. It was not easy to lose a precious someone especially with teenagers like themselves. But these children are really much much better than most of the teens their age that he knew.

"We are," they all answered.

There were only about ten of them who are present. Kaito's group included.

It was smaller as compared to the place they are going to but Osamu already tasked everyone.

Since there are still intruders on the other lands, he had them finish it before coming to the location as their back up.