3 Great Sects

Wang Xue was floating right above the 4 Spirit Lakes, he was in deep thought thinking whether he should enter or not. He was lucky enough to get the second prize by chance when he killed the thief, but his mind wasn't at ease when he thought of the grand prize that he would be getting.

He couldn't care less for the 1000 sprit pills and the 2 spirit weapons, what he wanted the most was the Jade Lotus.

"The Jade Lotus is a unique High Human rank herb that can strengthen foundations, this is especially effective for those at the Jade Palace realm."

Wang Xue didn't have a palace to think about, but the Golden Pagoda skill strictly said that foundation was important and the function of his Golden Pagoda and a Jade Palace was not all that far apart so he wanted to see whether it would have an effect.

He opened his eyes on his physical body to find that it was already deep in the night and Wu Hui who he was going to asks was already asleep in her futon. Wang Xue didn't bother to wake her up and just took out the ice steel sword inside the storage bracelet.

"I don't have any weapons to use tomorrow, and Fenrir is still not suitable for fighting in his current state. Sighed, that guy should be done when I reach Spirit Condensation realm."

Wang Xue grumbled a weapon is important for those who do not possess weapon type Martial Spirit. He cannot use the sword type spirit weapon tomorrow if he didn't want to be caught so his best chance now will be to refine the ice steel sword.

He laid down the ice steel sword on his bed and started silently enveloping the ice steel sword with his spiritual energy and begun the refinement.

"Refinement needs for a person to wield the element of fire, I don't cultivate any fire type technique but thankfully this sword is not a spirit weapon." Heaving a sigh of relief Wang Xue proceeded with the refinement.

The Ice Steel is a rare type of steel found only places where the temperature is low enough, the Ice Steel also makes for great weapons with their durability almost reaching the peak of a High Human rank treasure the Ice Steel is valuable no matter where it was sold.

Wang Xue enveloped the sword with his spiritual energy, the sword was already full of rust but after 2 hours of Wang Xue's hard work the rust finally began to get off and what came out from underneath that rusts was a beautiful black blade.

The black sword was half a meter in length, the way it looks now was too different from how before, that if he took it back to that man and claim that it was the same sword he would just be met with a snort and be ignored.

It took Wang Xue a full 3 hours before he was able to fully polish off the blade but when he saw how his face was being reflected by the blade Wang Xue didn't care for much. Taking out the 9 throwing knives from his storage bracelet then kept the sword.

He didn't complain even a little bit, refining ordinary weapons with spiritual energy also helps him a little so he was thinking this as a practice so Wang Xue didn't mind. All 9 throwing knives were finally complexly refined by Wang Xue when the sun was just about to rise.

Keeping all the throwing knives to his storage bracelet Wang Xue stood up from the bed, he didn't have time to wait for Wu Hui to wake up because he didn't know if there were any time limit when entering the competition.

Wang Xue was able to gather enough information yesterday that the competition will be taking the application at the square, where the trade fair was just held the day before. The sky was still dark but it was already packed with people.

Wang Xue wasn't able to measure the area of the square because his eyes were only at the merchandise being sold here, he notices that the area of the whole square was about 15 miles or more, but even with that, it was still filled with even more people than yesterday.

The people of the Cloud City are all excited for the once a year Jade Province competition, this was the biggest event in their City, and every year the Cloud city square would be pack.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rhythmic beating of the drum sounded out when the sun finally rises up to the sky and illuminated the Cloud City, the beating of the drums were the announcement that the day had begun, the battle drums were located at the four corners of the city making it impossible for anyone not to hear.

Wang Xue saw new things that he didn't see yesterday when he was looking around the trade fair, above the city square were three banners with different words written on it.

From the left, it was Boulder Sect, Heavenly Sword Sect, and the Nine Flower Valley. Wang Xue didn't know the banners were for but from his memory, he could remember those three names in the banner.

The Boulder Sect, Heavenly Sword Sect, and the Nine Flower Valley were the 3 great sects of the Jade Province, they represented the various powers that are in the whole Jade Province. They were the peak existence there and this Jade Province competition was something the 3 sects collaborated to create in order to scout geniuses from the 12 states of Jade Province.

Finding one of the people that looked to be an organizer, Wang Xue asked how to register in order to enter the competition. It didn't take him a while when he talked with the man but he was able to learn everything that he needed to know.

This Jade Province competition turns out to be a free for all competition where the last man standing in the tournament platform will become the grand winner and obtain the prize that he wanted.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sounds of the war drum reverberated once again around the city square announcing the coming of the 3 great sects, inciting the excitement of the people in the city square especially the young people that came to join the competition.

Wang Xue turns to look at one of the gates of the square that was a few meters away from him, 3 groups of young people appeared from that gate all of them wearing their respective uniforms.

The first group from the left wore white clothes and all of them carried a sword on their backs and waists. The second group of people were all female, they all wore varying colors of skirts that showed their curves to the people in the city square most of the men in the square were looking at this group. Lastly, the third party finally wore yellow clothes, most of them possessed a big and burly body.

The 3 great sects walked shoulder to shoulder with one person leading their own groups. The group of people that are wearing all white was the Heavenly Sword Sect, all of the disciples of this particular sect carried a particular air in them like they were as sharp as a sword. Lead by a young man who carried a sword on his right hand they all walk straight like the swords they carry.

The second group wearing varying colors were the ladies from the Nine Flower Valley. The women of the Nine Flower Valleys were all sexy and seductive, Nine Flower Valleys only allow women disciples and the Valley was a haven for women who wished to cultivate. They were being led by a woman wearing red tights, she had an elegant look on her face but deep in her eyes there was ferociousness in them, Wang Xue felt that he saw her before, but shook that feeling off of him immediately.

The third group of young people who wore yellow clothes was naturally from the Boulder Sect. Their bodies were their pride, they're both intimidating like a battle axed and a shield at the same time. Their group was being led by a big man whose eyes were a little sunken but his muscles were clearly bulging from all over his body.

The war drums sounded out from all four directions, each beat was loud, but would gradually fade, it shook everyone in the square. The audience in the stands heard the war drums beating and felt their blood boiling from excitement.

This competition was supposed to be a free for all competition but all of the people in the square knew that it was actually a competition for the 3 great sects to know who have the strongest youths. They entered shoulder to shoulder but they still held hostility to one another.

"The disciples of the big 3 are here, it seems like it will be a fun year once again!"

The disciples all paraded themselves with pride around the audience to see, some of them even had their eyes pointed at the sky showing their arrogance. Many of them were enjoying the envy and the respect that they were given.

Every disciple from the 3 great sects was all Jade Palace realm, judging by their looks, the weakest amongst them were level 2 Jade Palace realm. Level 1 and below didn't have the right to participate in there or so they believe.

The level 2 Jade Palace realm disciples up in the tournament platforms were the best of the best, normal people at level 2 of the Jade Palace realm won't be able to hold against them, they wouldn't dare to come here, they'll just disgrace themselves.

Wang Xue had a smile plastered on his face as he watched the people of this bog sects parading themselves like this. But, he was honestly impressed by the Heavenly Sword Sect showing indifference to the attention they were getting was something worthy of respect.

"Look over there, Zi Shuang from the Boulder sect is here! He's already a level 2 of the Jade Palace realm at the age of 17!"

One of the disciples of the Boulder Sect attracted much attention, his burly body was even bigger from the others in the Boulder Sect.

"Hey, that's Wu Feng of the Heavenly Sword Sect! Carrying his sword behind him, I heard he cleared out a bandit den alone, seems like he's the only one that can match with Zi Shuang!"

Someone from the crowd pointed at the young man at the end of Heavenly Sword Sects line who was wearing a white robe. That young man was like a sword and he was emitting a shard aura even while as he just stood there he was able to intimidate many people in the crowd and the other competitors.

"Yu Da-Xia is also over there in the Nine Flower Valley, she's the best outer circle disciple from her sect! Her abilities are no less compared to Wu Feng and Zi Shuang"

"This year will be hard to predict so many geniuses have emerged all of a sudden and all of them are already at the level 2 of the Jade Palace realm."

"That's true, but do you think there will be people other than the people from the 3 great sects will win the competition this time?"

"I don't think so, there are so many geniuses here and they think they can win? If I were them I'll just go and train some more so I won't lose face in front of so many people."

The discussions of everyone revolved around one thing and that things were who will be the winner this year. But even with their discussion going around like this no one believed that someone from out of the 3 great sects will even enter the final 8 that will decide the rankings.

Wang Xue counted all the people that had just entered, 150 from the Heavenly Sword Sect, 200 from the Boulder Sect, and 170 from the Nine Flower Valley. He had many competitions, as for the people who wished to enter from outside there were only 4 of them standing at one side.

There were over 500 participants in the square but only 20 of them can advance to the next round… the rate of elimination was high.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The beating of the war drums got more rapid than before until it became to nothingness. With the drum not making any sound everybody in the square, all held their breaths as they waited.

Wang Xue didn't know what was happening so he just continued watching, then the wind started picking up and started gathering in the center of the tournament platform creating a little tornado.

As this happened many people gasped. Then, a voice rang in the square.

"The Jade Province Competition is now officially started."

3 silhouettes step out of the tornado.