Trial of the Heaven

3 youngsters step out of the tornado in the middle of the stage. All of them had different clothing's from one another, but the three of them coincides what the 3 great sects wore.

After they announce the start of the Jade Province competition, the audience all screamed from excitement at the top of their lungs. The youngsters below the tournament platform were all staring at the 3 people above them.

Everybody's eyes were full of fervor and the urge to fight. The 3 people on the tournament platform were the previous top 3 from the previous Jade Province competition.

Dongfang Qianyin, the man standing in the middle of the 2 people behind him was the champion from last year's competition. Upon stepping out of the tornado he already attracted the eyes men and women alike.

His had a handsome face that can make any woman fall for him, he was wearing clean yellow robes, his pair of black eyes were piercing as if it can see through everything in the world, his eyebrows were like a sword and his skin looked so white and smooth that it can bring shame to most girls, he looks truly perfect.

He was only 18 years old this year but he was already a level 9 Jade Palace realm he also came from the prestigious Dongfang family and being the only son of the patriarch he was given the best resources to be used in cultivation, Dongfang Qianyin was a true genius that stood above his peers.

The two people who stood behind were the second and third placer of the previous Jade Province Competition.

The lady who stood on the right was a disciple from the Nine Flower Valley, her name was Si Niang. Her facial features were very beautiful, wearing a thin a thin and almost transparent shirt the eyes of the men in the square went bloodshot from looking. Her curves and sexy bodies could easily be seen, she had many exposed body parts.

As for the man on the right, his name was Lian Dong. He was from the Heavenly Sword Sect and the person that came in second last year, he was like the sword he was carrying by his waist, sharp and clean.

The two of them were level 9 Jade Palace realm just like Dongfang Qianyin, but they were both older than him by two years. The two of them were undeniably a genius but when compared to the in front of them they simply lack something.

"Oh my god, senior disciple Dongfang Qianyin is too handsome and awesome, I can die happy if I can be just like him."

"Stop dreaming, look at your reflection in your piss you are disgracing yourself, you're too shameless."

"Shut up, will you? That is just Dongfang Qianyin isn't it? He only got lucky last year when he beat our senior disciple Lian Dong."

"That's right! If not for senior disciple Lian Dong doing terrible, Dongfang Qianyin wouldn't even be standing up there and should've died last year."

"Bastards, I dare you to say that again! Showing disrespect to senior disciple Dongfang like that just because Lian Dong got himself beaten is too petty even for you people at the Heavenly Sword Sect, go away and take your rusty swords out of here."

The people from the Boulder Sect and the Heavenly Sword Sect were at each other's throat, the two great sects were enemies and held enmities with one another but from the past decade, their fights were becoming more fierce and bloody.

The scene immediately became intense. The two Sects looked like they were prepared to attack each other and start a brawl then and there. Zi Shuang and Wu Feng reacted indifferently at the fight though. They were both geniuses that will enter the inner circle of their respective sects in the near future. But the way they looked at Liang Dong and Dongfang Qianyin was still full of admiration.

The disciples from the two great sects were about to fight, but the Nine Flower Valley disciples didn't give them much attention as they were a neutral faction and didn't favor any of the two great sects. The way they looked at Si Niang was full of awe and admiration, wishing that they could be there on top of the platform the hearts of the Nine Flower Valley disciples were set ablaze.

Wang Xue was the calmest of all the people in there, he was looking at the three people up the tournament platform, when his eyes passed by Dongfang Qianyin a disgusted look appeared on his face.

Dongfang Qianyin steps forward and with a loud voice, he announced the start of the competition for everyone in the square to hear, "Activate the formation! Step forth and challenge the Trial of the Heaven and join the rank of the geniuses."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The beats of the war drums were then heard once again. The disciples of the 3 great sects started approaching the stairway that leads up the tournament platform.

This stairway had another name, Trial of the Heaven. There were a total of 30 stone steps on the Trial of the Heaven, each step was one meter tall. Any Jade Palace warrior could easily climb such stairways, it was nothing in their eyes.

Every disciple leaped forward instantly climbing two steps, all of them were full of momentum. But when the disciples step onto the third stone step, a heavy pressure started to bore down upon them, therefore slowing them down. This was the pressure coming from the formation placed on these stone steps.

The Trial of the Heavens used a formation placed by the joint cooperation of the 3 great sects. The formation will simulate the force of a Spirit Condensation warrior and bore down upon the participants, however, this was only the beginning because every time a person goes higher the pressure on them will also become stronger.

Not only that, but the formation will seal of the Martial Spirits so they won't be able to summon them.

Wang Xue didn't move from where he stood, he was left to watch the competition alone. The three non-disciple competitor that was with him earlier had also gone to participate in the competition, not only that many youths kept coming to try and climb up the stairs.

"This Trial of the Heavens is ingenious, and it brings back memories of that one realm." Wang Xue couldn't help but feel nostalgic all of a sudden, he had seen the same structure such as this before, however, unlike this one its usage and named was truly meant to be a "Trial of the Heavens".

Wang Xue stretched his body out and took a step forward towards the stairway, his plan was to win this competition and take the prize money and the Jade Lotus and in order to do so, he had to at the very least go up to reach the twentieth place.

The Trial of the Heavens of last for an hour and before he moved just now 45 minutes had already passed by. Wang Xue step onto the first step and breezed through it with his hands behind his back, while the other disciples from the great sects were all fighting amongst each other as they climbed step by step on the stone steps, Wang Xue was calm and patient trying to make his movements as little as possible so he wouldn't draw any attention to himself.

"Such strong pressure, my legs feel like they are made out of Jelly and had been injected by lead. This formation is too much to handle I can't go any further than 7 steps… this is too shameful!"

Someone from the Trial of the Heavens said while wiping his sweat. All of the disciples from the three great sects who were participating were all level 2 of the Jade Palace realm warrior, and the strongest out of them were only a peak level 2 Jade Palace realm warrior.

The competition lets people up to level 5 Jade Palace realm warrior, until two years ago but in order to find talents at an early age the competition was lowered a bit and the limit now was peak level 2 Jade Palace realm warrior.

Zi Shuang, Wu Feng, and Yu Da-Xia were all geniuses so they were all at the same standing of peak level 2 Jade Palace realm and was only a step away from becoming a level 3 Jade Palace realm warrior.

The three of them were in the lead, with Zi Shuang holding first at the twenty-fifth step, Wu Feng second at the twenty-fourth step, and Yu Da-Xia at third place at the twenty-third step, they weren't allowed to physically attack each other but they were still fighting with their words as they moved up.

"Wu Feng you look pathetic! Just give up already, I will be taking the first place like senior disciple Dongfang, stop your futile and meaningless struggle and just give up already!"

Wu Feng took a step forward whilst resisting the pressure boring on him by the formation of the Trial of the Heavens. Ha! With a shout, he grits his teeth and finally went up to the twenty-fifth step.

"I don't care what you plan to do, I will attain first place to regain the name of the Heavenly Sword Sect and prove to everyone that you people from the Boulder Sect just got lucky."

Yu Da-Xia had also gone up from the twenty-third to the twenty-fourth step, she didn't care what kind of animosity the other two sects held so she just focused.

The leading three were too far from the others, the closest to them was someone from the Nine Flower Valley who was at the twentieth stone step, she was sweating all over her body as she attempted to go up, however she didn't have enough.

She wanted to summon her Martial Spirit but because of the special formation, she was not able to call upon it. They were all struggling to catch up to the people at the top but the pressure was just too heavy for them.

Time was running out, many tried to advance forward further but was left to despair upon knowing their limits, only those who were a part of the three great sects had the capabilities to enter the top 20 and this was proved by the fact that everyone who was currently at the top 20 was all disciples from the three great sect.

Lian Dong was watching the disciples as they climbed the stones steps, then, he notices Wang Xue who wearing white clothes as he climbed up with great difficulty. His eyes were drawn to him, he was currently on the fifteenth step one stone step away from entering the top 20.

Not standing out from the rest acting inconspicuous this was the trait that he saw from him, he was average from the way he looks, and his strength was also only level 1 of the Jade Palace realm. He was average through and through, but he looked simple and honest this was the impression of Lian Dong to Wang Xue when he first saw him.

Then he saw when the time was about to finish and the Trial of the Heavens was about to stop, he saw him take the step up and reach the sixteenth stone step, therefore, entering the top 20 let him advance through the next and final stage of the competition.

Lian Dong was the only who saw this, Dongfang Qianyin, Si Nian and the audience seemed to have not noticed the fact that someone from out of the three great sects was able to reach the top 20. The formation was then stopped letting the pressure over the disciples dissipate in the air.

"Hey! I think someone from out of the three great sects was able to enter the top 20 and move up to the second round."

Someone was surprised when he noticed this fact.

"That is ridiculous, no one other the three great sects disciple had entered the final round since this tournament had started. Go and check again you may find out that you were wrong."

Someone shouted back.

"Y—your right, wait a minute let me check, Number one is Zi Shuang from the Boulder Sect and Wu Feng Heavenly Sword Sect both of them tied, with Yu Da-Xia close behind them."

That man recited everyone until he finally reached the person who was at the top 20. He was still doubtful at first but after checking it a couple of times he clearly saw it, someone who wasn't wearing the uniform of the three great sects was able to reach the top 20.

Other people from the audience also saw this causing a turmoil in the crowd. Somebody besides the disciples from the three great sects was able to reach the top 20 and move forward.

Then as the people were talking about it a loud voice was heard.

"You cheated! I saw you move up after the formation ended passing me, we were both at the fifteenth stone step, you better admit your mistakes and quit now, or else!"

A disciple from the Boulder Sect was screaming at Wang Xue's face accusing him of cheating in the competition.