One Strike

All of the disciples from the three great sects were in the edge of their seats, everybody was intently watching the fight that was about to unfold before them, this fight might even be treated as the main event of the Jade Province Competition in the hearts of many.

Wang Xue was also interested in this fight, he wanted to observe the capabilities of the geniuses of the Jade Province but as for the result of their fight, he couldn't care less.

"Wu Feng, the two of us have fought many battles all of them ending without a clear winner. Let's take today's fight to find out who's the real number one really is!"

ZI Shuang had a tall and muscular body, although it was not as muscular as the other disciples from the Boulder Sect he was still big and he also carried a loud voice. Domineering aura was leaking out of his boy, his eyes had a bright fire in them like they were itching for a fight, he determines to win it all and get the rewards of the competition.

"You say too much as always. ZI Shuang you are no match for me, just surrender and walk away!" Wu Feng said.

With a harrumphed "Hmph! Wu Feng, I don't care if you're a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect or you have a great Martial Spirit in you, killing is allowed here and before you can even surrender I will make sure to break your head open."

Zi Shuang let out a snort, and cold glint appeared in his eyes.

Wang Xu e's attention was taken from him when he heard Zi Shuang talk about Martial Spirit. 'What was it? A great Martial Spirit? This will make things interesting.' Like the others around him, Wang Xue was now paying his full attention to this fight.

"Enough of your bullshit, let's fight!"

Wu Feng moved like a fierce animal. His sword shone in the light of the sun, raising his sword a blue spirit appeared behind him. It started taking form and before long it took the image of a ferocious lion. Wu

Feng's entire body was enveloped with whirlpools of spiritual energy, he then slashed down as he tried to cleave down Zi Shuang in two his attacked was like the lion that loomed over him.

The sword of Wu Feng traveled in the air, the sound of something being slashed into two rang in the air of the square, the lion behind gave a roar making Wu Feng's sword skill stronger. His sword showed a visible myriad of mysterious symbols.

On the opposite side, Zi Shuang faces turn serious as well. He slowly raised his momentum as spiritual energy started flowing out from his body. He stretches his arm forward and a golden shield started to form. His shield carried a domineering just like him, taking out an ax about two meters long from his storage bracelet Zi Shuang prepared himself to take on Wu Feng's attack.

"This fierce spiritual energy, it seems like his Martial is the Raging Lion a great Martial Spirit to possess. But this Zi Shuang fellow's Martial Spirit is also not something to ignore, the Engraved Round Shield is something that holds great defensive strength and paired with that one-handed ax this fight will be hard to decide."

The two Martial Spirit was truly interesting, the other possessing a beast type Martial Spirit and the other a weapon type Martial Spirit was a fight he wanted to see, although it wasn't something as rare as an elemental Martial Spirit it still gets his attention nonetheless.

Zi Shuang planted his feet on the ground and steadied himself and waited for Wu Feng to come to him.


With a shout, Wu Feng's sword and Zi Shuang's round shield met creating a boom, dust scattered around the fighting stage. Although Zi Shuang was able to block the frontal attack of Wu Feng, the ground where he was standing was cracked resulting for the web of lines to appear.

The fighting stage was made of Fire Stones, and to create a crack on its surface the attack would need to contain at least 10,000 pounds of force and to break a Firestone the attack would need at the very least 17,000 pounds of force, so the floor cracking like that showed just how the really were.

Zi Shuang felt that shock all over his body, but he gripped the handle of the Engraved Round Shield and shove Wu Feng's sword. Zi Shuang didn't let Wu Feng regain his footing on the ground, unleashing his spiritual energy Zi Shuang swung his axed as he aimed for Wu Feng's body.

The domineering spiritual energy of ZI Shuang was unleashed, his muscles started to bulge out and becoming bigger than it normally was. Zi Shuang trained his body diligently, his body was unlike many others out there and even Wu Feng who he treated as someone of the same level and even his rival cannot much against him in this manner.


Zi Shuang's ax was met with Wu Feng's sword which had the mysterious symbol that came from the Raging Lion behind him. However, even with Wu Feng's sword guarding against the devastating strike of Zi Shuang, it wasn't enough.

"Die!!!" The loud voice of ZI Shuang was followed by a cracking sound.

Click! Clack!

The sword of Wu Feng had cracked from ZI Shuang's attack, however, even when Wu Feng saw his beloved sword cracking he didn't have the opportunity to get it in front of him, it was the only keeping him and Zi Shuang ax from meeting head-on.

Wu Feng circulated his spiritual energy to the Raging Lion, as if it was responding to his call the Raging Lion made the light of his sword glow brighter, however it was no use. Zi Shuang's strength was too strong for him, his sword broke and his body met the ax.


The wind was broken when Wu Feng's body flew out in the air and out of the fighting stage before crashing below the stage near the stairway, Wu Feng struggled to summon his strength but failed in the end and slumped down on the ground with his sword that had lost its upper half.

"I admit defeat." He said in a pained voice, his sword was already broken and he didn't have any strength left inside of him and the only thing that he can do right now was admit his defeat.

One move, the two rivals only exchanged one move and it was extremely fast to the point that some from the audience was not able to clearly see what really happened and before they know it Wu Feng had struck Zi Shuang's round shield and the next Wu Feng was flying in the air like some kite that had its string cut.

This fight was too fast for them but that doesn't stop them from showering Zi Shuang with praise.

"That move of Zi Shuang was too intense, overpowering a genius like Wu Feng like that is too overpowered even for him, and I guess he wasn't the top genius of the Boulder Sect this year without a good reason."

"But Wu Feng was also strong, that Raging Lion is fierce and if he were to complete the sword manual of the Heavenly Sword Sect, his fierce sword will also improve greatly. But Zi Shuang's physical prowess was still too strong."

The audience was talking about the previous fight with fervor. The disciples from the Boulder Sect was also like the audience acting all excited like them, and seeing Wu Feng getting carried by his other sect disciples made them especially happy.

"Hahaha! You people of the Heavenly Sword Sect is truly too weak, go home already we from the Boulder Sect and the Nine Flower Valley have the rights to fight for the first place. But the Nine Flower Valley don't specialize in fights so the Boulder Sect would take it home again this year."

"Wu Feng you are too weak! Beaten by one move, your name is too big for you that you even let it inside your head."

Many from the Boulder Sect started trash talking Wu Feng and the Heavenly Sword Sect, however for the disciples from the Heavenly Sword Sect the only that they could do were keep their heads down, they knew the disciples from the Boulder Sect were right they didn't have anyone else to fight for first place and the Nine Flower Valley don't necessarily have higher combat strength than them.

Wang Xue was watching all this drama unfold in front of him but the only that he found intriguing was the fight earlier. 'Seems like this ZI Shuang fellow practiced some kind of body refining that train one's body, if not then he should be possessing incredible physic.'

A person that had the Raging Lion as their Martial Spirit would gain a boost in their strength and even when they're only at the Jade Palace realm it's still hard to deal with them, but seeing Zi Shuang beating Wu Feng with one strike Wang Xue had his doubt.

But even with this, Wang had the Golden Pagoda skill that grants him formidable strength.

"The fifth fight is now over, Zi Shuang from the Boulder Sect won." Dongfang Qianyin announced the results of the fifth match with a smile "People holding the plate with the number 6 engraved on it step in the platform."

Wang Xue heard what Dongfang Qianyin had said so he stood up from where he sat and went to the platform right above him. Wang Xue calmly went up the stairway with his hands behind his back, he seemed to be having a leisure walk.

When he reached the platform what welcomed him was the woman who took the third place earlier, the number one genius of the Nine Flower Valley this year Yu Da-Xia, with her alluring clothing many pairs of eyes were drawn to him.

When Wang Xue saw her, a headache appeared in his head. 'This is the kind of fights I don't like.'

Fighting a woman was no problem for him, he can kill them as easily just killing any other men but this kind of enchantress in the one that he chooses to avoid and especially in this situation where he can't kill someone at the moment.

Yu Da-Xia bowed to Wang Xue and said to him "The dark horse of the tournament holds secrets, please don't be so hard on Da-Xia."

Her voice was playful and sounded like music to people's ears, but to Wang Xue, it sounded so fake and irritating that he was cringing on the inside he just wanted to get this over with. So Wang Xue just straight greeted Yu Da-Xia and went to ready himself.

"Wang Xue of the Red River State, ready."

Yu Da-Xia saw how she was being ignored right now by this average looking person who didn't have any favorable features in him except for his luck that let him participate in the final round of competition, so being ignored like this by someone like Wang Xue made her angry.

"Yu Da-Xia of the Nine Flower Valley, ready." With that said Yu Da-Xia decided to whip him up good until he begs her.