Showing His Might

The audience around city square was still on fire even though the fight of Wu Feng and Zi Shuang had just finished up and most of the fired up people in the audience are all obviously men young and old alike.

Seeing her bountiful chest weaving from side to side as she walked and her pristine white skin that seemed to have no taint in it, some even had an erection just from looking at her alone.

"Oh my god, Yu Da-Xia is as beautiful as a fairy, this is too much even for someone like me. If I can have that kind of woman as a wife or even sleep with her for even one time, I would die happy and smiling in my grave."

A lustful middle-aged man said in the crowd.

"Shut your filthy mouth, why don't you first look at yourself before saying that? Even dreaming of something like that is too distasteful, shut up and just watch." A young woman near that middle-aged man said furiously.

A genius disciple from the Nine Flower Valley such as Yu Da-Xia would naturally have many young girls idolizing her. The Nine Flower Valley only takes up women and being a part of the three great sects of the Jade Province a lot of young girls would have their sight of this sect.

"Miss Yu Da-Xia you are too awesome and beautiful, take the number one spot from the other contenders."

"Yu Da-Xia is so awesome, that young man named Wang Xue or whatever should be feeling extremely lucky being able to fight against her."

Everyone had their own opinions, but as for the man in question, Wang Xue didn't care much about the girl in front of him. His eyes were cold and uninterested, he was indifferent to what he was seeing even his heart didn't move a beat faster like the people around him.

Wang steadied himself and took a battle stance, he was planning to end this as soon as possible.

Yu Da-Xia took out a green whip from her storage bracelet, her gaze to Wang Xue was like looking at the prey that she was about to kill, 'You dare to act this way in front of me, you filthy trash? You should be bowing down and worshipping me in awe, how dare you look at me like that?' she thought.

With a flicker of her right hand, the whip moved like a snake aiming for Wang Xue's neck.

Jumping backward Wang Xue was able to effortlessly dodge Yu Da-Xia's attack.

When Wang Xue jumped backward a smirk appeared on Yu Da-Xia's face. Using her spiritual energy and by using her flexible wrist by twisting and turning it the whip that Wang Xue started pursuing him like it had eyes of its own.

Wang Xue notices this point so without wasting any unnecessary movements he tap his right foot on the ground and dashed to the left, then to the right, back, front… Wang Xue was moving around trying to avoid the whip that was hunting him.

He moved a total of thirty-eight times trying to dodge all of the whips moving around. 'This should be enough.' He thought.

'Ha ha! How do you like my Bloody Viper, I will make you bleed!' Yu Da-Xia kept her calm smile on her face, but inside her mind, she was already fantasizing on how Wang Xue would bleed and how he will be begging her later when he exhausts his strength and stop moving.

Then, when Wang Xue suddenly lost his footing Yu Da-Xia's spiritual energy started rolling inside her meridians quickly. Her green whip accelerated, its speed was not like before and from afar the whip was truly like a viper about to strike its prey.

'This is the end.' Like everybody around her.

But what happened next was out of their expectations… Wang Xue lost his footing? Such ridiculousness, when he saw the viper-like whip of Yu Da-Xia a cold grin appeared on Wang Xue's face. Drawing out power from the one-layer Golden Pagoda he places all of his weight on his left leg.

The sturdy fighting stage made out of Fire Stones suddenly had cracks on its surface as it started to break under the pressure Wang Xue placed over it. He stared at Yu Da-Xia's face still held onto her calm smile, and like an arrow released from a bow, Wang Xue's palm met with Yu Da-Xia's pretty face.

'What is happening?' she thought as her smile slowly started disappearing on her face, a palm was in front of her and she wasn't able to do anything besides look at it, when her mind recognize what was happening she was already facing the sky and she was already feeling unbearable pain of having her face grabbed with a strong grip.

Fast it was simply too fast, the audience and the normal disciples from the three great sects alike were unable to clearly see what was happening. Yu Da-Xia was lying on the ground while having her face grabbed by Wang Xue like steel pliers.

Some even started rubbing their eyes and pinching themselves in order to check if they fell asleep at some point of the tournament. But even though they did this what woke them up was not the pain they felt but rather the ear-splitting scream of pain that came from the fighting stage.

"Argh! Release me, get your hands off me!" Yu Da-Xia's face cannot be seen but from her screams alone everyone can picture just how much she was in pain.

Wang Xue looked at her black eyes, his spiritual energy was circulating inside him. 'The explosive power from the Golden Pagoda is not ordinary.' He praised as he held on Yu Da-Xia's face, who had her eyes water from pain and was about to cry.

Looking in her eyes he said, "Give up now or else, I am only giving you one chance give up now or else."

Wang Xue increased the strength on his gripped when he said those words making proving his point, he wasn't kidding around if not for the fact that he was surrounded by tens of Nine Flower Valley disciples Wang Xue would've killed her in that exchange.

Yu Da-Xia's tears started to fall from her eyes, she was not expecting this kind of thing to happen when she was about to fight Wang Xue, the humiliation that she was feeling was enough to make her feel despair of her actions, she wasn't even able to call upon her Martial Spirit, her hate of Wang Xue grew even more.

But even with the hate in her heart Yu Da-Xia had no choice but to do what Wang Xue "suggested" her to do, hating him didn't mean fear was not sowed in her heart.

"I give up!" although Yu Da-Xia's announcement was trembling a little it was still loud and clear for everybody to hear.

Hearing Yu Da-Xia giving up Wang Xue immediately took her hands off her face and turn to leave, he wanted to review what he experiences when he used the Golden Pagoda skill earlier. As he started to slowly walk out of the fighting platform Dongfang Qianyin regained his senses and announced who had won.

"Winner of the sixth match, Wang Xue from the Reed River State." When he was announcing this words, Dongfang Qianyin was still in disbelief. In his eyes, Wang Xue was getting more mysterious by the minute.

After the announcement was made an uproar suddenly emerge from the audience.

"What happened? Did Yu Da-Xia loss to someone who's only a level 1 Jade Palace Realm Warrior. This is too insane!"

"This can't be true, Miss Yu Da-Xia's a level 2 Jade Palace realm warrior, this can't be happening. She's the brightest genius of the Nine Flower Valley this year she didn't even get the chance to call out to her Martial Spirit."

Some were angered and confused to what was happening, but some were amazed by what they had just witnessed and Lian Dong's one of these people. He was contemplating and reflecting on Wang Xue's move earlier.

'Moving around to make it look like he was losing, then pretending to lose his ground while simultaneously bursting with speed when Yu Da-Xia had thought she had already won the battle and then taking her down in one move.' He was having many thoughts, he was like Dongfang QIanyin intrigue and confused as to who Wang Xue truly was.

What he did was not ordinary, if one wrong move was made earlier Wang Xue would be the one on the ground. But the movement was so done fluidly and perfectly everyone including Lian Dong thought that he would lose.

'This young man is a monster, it's a pity he won't join us but it's also lucky he won't join the Boulder Sect.' Lian Dong was pretty calm about all this, however for Si Niang it was a different matter.

Yu Da-Xia the genius of her Sect was defeated just like that? She cannot take this, if not for her reputation and the rules of her Sect Si Niang would have already gone down there and killed Wang Xue in order to preserve the pride and dignity of the Nine Flower Valley.

Then, she notice another movement happening in the fighting stage, Yu Da-Xia had stood up even before her fellow sect disciples went to help her up. Fierce spiritual energy came out of her body and something started to form behind her.

Green colored scales and green eyes, this is the first thing that shone in the light, a green viper appeared behind Yu Da-Xia. Tightening her gripped of the whip, the air around Yu Da-Xia became heavy as she poured spiritual energy to her Martial Spirit that was slithering behind her.

Her tear stained face carried crazed eyes, she wanted to get back at Wang Xue. Believing that she was taken out because her Martial Spirit was still hidden away, Yu Da-Xia wanted to prove who truly won.

Her whip glowed with a bright light and spiritual energy enveloped her body, "DIE!!" with a shout she flicked her wrist and aimed for Wang Xue's back that was getting further away from her.

"STOP DA-XIA!" when Si Niang saw how Yu Da-Xia's sudden sneak attack the anger she had for Wang Xue also disappeared..

An ominous feeling enveloped Wang Xue's body, a dangerous being was coming for him from behind. He didn't think and dodge by jumping upwards, his instincts had saved him before so he trusted it very much so.

He jumped over 15 meters high, while in the air Wang Xue saw Yu Da-Xia looking at her hatefully and a tinged of fear. The Green Viper behind her was hissing at him and almost looked as if it wanted to strike him down.

Anger boiled inside his heart, after taking it easy on her she dares to strike from the back like this? Wang Xue was furious when he landed the Fire Stone fighting stage formed an almost 5 meters web-like crack.

He dashed to her even faster than before and aimed for her neck with his right hands. The thought of being surrounded by disciples of the Nine Flower Valley disappeared inside his mind and was replaced with the urge to kill.

"You dare take my kindness for nothing? I don't do second chances, so DIE!!"

Yu Da-Xia still hadn't recalled her whip and she was unable to redirect it now, realizing her mistake death started closing in on her.

Clang! Boom!

The sound of metal behind hit was heard in the fighting stage, a voice suddenly appeared "How dare you try killing Miss Yu Da-Xia?"

Carrying his engraved round shield Zi Shuang glared at Wang Xue as he tried protecting Y u Da-Xia from him, Zi Shuang took out the spear from his storage bracelet and pointed it to Wang Xue "Step back, or else I will f*cking fill your body with holes!"