
Carrying the Yu Da-Xia and ZI Shuang's body with him for half the day Wang Xue was currently in the Hill of the Fallen where he first woke up. The surrounding was dyed with an orange color as the sun started to go down.

Thud! Thud!

Wang Xue threw Zi Shuang's unconscious body and Yu Da-Xia on top of his grave, he took out the map from his storage bracelet and started checking landscape of the Jade Province. Wang Xue didn't know much about the whole Jade Province nor does he know where to go for now, if he chose to wander without knowing anything that is something that would be dangerous for his current situation.

Besides, he doubts that Dongfang Qianyin and Si Niang would go find him at this time if they had that much courage he would have been long stopped by the two before he could get out of the city.

'Those kids may not pursue me but their sect is not the same. The Boulder Sect and the Nine Flower Valley are the greatest holder of power in the Jade Province, meaning I have two choices presented before me, first would be I go and escape by going to the bordering Province or hide my identity until I can destroy them.' He thought as he went through the different locations in the Jade Province.

Then one particular place grabs his attention.

"Huuuu!!" groaning in pain Yu Da-Xia took in deep breaths, with Wang Xue's hand gripping her face earlier like steel pliers earlier Yu Da-Xia did not have the luxury to breathe properly. turning her head she looks at ZI Shuang's body beside her who was lying there unconscious, a feeling of disdain and hate appeared inside her heart.

'I would not be in this situation if you were strong enough.' She was blaming ZI Shuang for her being in that place, Yu Da-Xia felt her hands throbbing with pain. The missing thumb on her right hand Yu Da-Xia started circulating her energy in it.

Forcing the bleeding to stop, Yu Da-Xia then took one look to Wang Xue's face and her body immediately shuddered from fear. She wanted to try and get out but remembering the past failed attempts that she made hopelessness spread in her heart.

Yu Da-Xia tried forcing her emotions to calm down but failed when she heard Wang Xue suddenly spoke to her all of a sudden, "Hey you! What's this Dragon Canyon in the Rolling Thunder State?"

Wang Xue's voice didn't have any kind of emotion, he didn't say any threatening words nor did he emit any pressure out of his body, but Yu Da-Xia felt like her body was doused with cold water as her back became wet from sweat.

But she answered him fearing that Wang Xue may kill her.

"T—the Dragon Canyon is a special place of the Jade Province, it holds many mysteries and not many are known about it…" With her shaking voice, Yu Da-Xia explained.

From Yu Da-Xia's explanation, Wang Xue got the main outline of what the Dragon Canyon truly was. The Dragon Canyon's name originated from the Dragon Catacomb located underneath it, the Dragon Catacomb was a vast place that spread out to many places it was even said that it stretched throughout the Crimson Wind Continent.

The Crimson Wind Continent have a total of 9 Provinces and all of these provinces were vast that even the smallest of the 9 Provinces the Jade Province still have 12 States that all have their own cities and many villages and settlements.

The Dragon Catacomb didn't have any record of being thoroughly explored it was said that even a Spirit Manifestation realm expert from the past was not able to return alive after entering the fourth level also known as the danger levels.

With the location of the Dragon Catacomb located underground light was a huge problem, add to that the many demonic beasts that had evolved through the passage of many millennia being attack by these demonic beasts while being underground would be dangerous.

After hearing the explanation of Yu Da-Xia, Wang Xue was now sure where he should be going while he try avoiding the two great sects that were after him, but the problem he had was the amount of time it would take to travel on foot from the Hill of the Fallen all the way to the Dragon Canyon.

The distance was about 100 kilometers away from where he currently was and if he wanted to make it there while carrying ZI Shuang and Yu Da-Xia with him before the two great sects made their move was just impossible, so Wang Xue didn't hesitate and made a split second decision inside his head.

At this time Zi Shuang who had lost his consciousness woke up, feeling the pain on the place where Wang Xue cut off his shoulder Zi Shuang struggled on getting up, he then tried moving his head to check the unfamiliar place he was in.

Thinking things through he was able to make out what was currently happening and what was he doing there 'That bastard took me as a hostage in order to get out of there.' But even so, Zi Shuang didn't panic.

Then, not far from him about 2 meters away he saw Wang Xue watching his every movement, in front of him was Yu Da-Xia on the ground who seemed to have no strength left inside her, seeing YU Da-Xia's helpless situation ZI Shuang wanted to come to her side but before he could move Wang Xue's voice entered his ears.

"Good timing, for you to wake up." Said Wang Xue.

Meeting eye to eye with Wang Xue, ZI Shuang remembered what happened on the fighting stage, how he got his left arm cut off all the way to how Yu Da-Xia was treated so poorly, rage started boiling inside his heart when he saw Wang Xue's face.

Zi Shuang was angered then he spoke a few words from between his gritted teeth, "You bastard will not be getting away with what you have done. You may think that with me and Yu Da-Xia here as hostages our sects will be helpless, well then let me tell you that the Boulder Sect have our own ways of dealing with this kind of business."

Wang Xue listened to ZI Shuang and didn't stop from talking, on the contrary, he had a serious look on his face and was listening intently, seeing this Zi Shuang gain some confidence and thought that Wang Xue was getting worried.

"Senior Dongfang, only let me go with you because he knew he will be able to come to my rescue even, Wang Xue you better let us out of here now or else when the sect got a hold of you, only a future of torture and inevitable death awaits you."

Zi Shuang smiled thinking that he would be able to get out of here and even save Yu Da-Xia on the purpose. 'This guy is still only an individual who does not have any affiliation with any sects, even if he was only the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Nine Flower Valley can match the Boulder Sect's might.'

Zi Shuang thought to himself.

Wang Xue who had kept quiet and listened to Zi Shuang and after listening to him talk like that, he stood up and took a step forward closing in on him, he crouched down and stared at ZI Shuang's eyes and a smile appeared on his face, making Zi Shuang's heart skip a beat.

"And you're considered a genius of your sect with that kind of stupidity!? Do you even know what you're talking about? Even if your sect truly did have something like that do you it will matter if you die here and now before?" Wang Xue said as he took out his Ice Steel Sword from his storage bracelet.

The black sword on Wang Xue's hand reflected Zi Shuang's face, the smile that he previously had was slowly going down to a frown, sweat started appearing on his forehead even though the sun had completely gone down and the darkness befell the Hill of the Fallen but Zi Shuang was able to see the eerie gleam on Wang Xue's eyes.

"What you're talking about is your spirit board right? The thing that every sect have and every inner sect disciples obtain when they're acknowledged by the sect, let me tell you something even when I kill you now your sect will not go after me at least for another 3 hours and by the time that they did I will be long gone from here."

Wang Xue said.

"Stop sating bullsh*ts, do you think I will believe what you say to me!?" Zi Shuang rage and started shouting at Wang Xue with his eyes starting to turn red. From what Wang Xue said Zi Shuang knew what will happen next and him being a genius of a great sect he still didn't want to die.

Zi Shuang forcefully tried circulating his spiritual energy inside his body, the wounded meridians that he had gotten from the fight earlier started throbbing and some even started popping and bursting like balloons when the wave of spiritual energy passed through it.


"Argh!" ZI Shuang coughed a mouthful of blood from his meridians bursting but Zi Shuang didn't stop circulating his spiritual energy, from inside his body his spiritual energy came rolling out of his body then he started moving with a sudden burst of energy. Zi Shuang was attempting to escape.

"Do you really think you can get away from me?"

ZI Shuang had not even made it 1 meter away from where he used to be but heavy killing intent suddenly press him down on the ground, the pressure pressing down on him was like a mountain and blood started seeping out of his skin as the ground started caving in from the pressure.

"Cough, argh! Please don't do this, I will give you anything you want just please don't kill me, I apologize for not recognizing your greatness please let me live! Do you want money? I'll give you no matter how many you want! Women? I will give you the greatest women in the world, I will become your servant I will become your… Please don't kill me, NOOO!"

He started crying and begging for his life the moment he got pressed down on the ground, his face was filled with despair, tears, snot, and blood was flowing out of his orifices he wanted to get away but death was already behind him in the form of Wang Xue.


Zi Shuang's head was separated from his body, his face still had that horrible look as it started rolling on the ground.

Wang Xue was already expecting Zi Shuang to beg for his life but the sudden burst of offers the moment the pressure and aura of death came pressed on him still made Wang Xue expressed a clear look of disgust on his face, "Do you really think I need any of that!?"

Yu Da Xia was near and she was able to watch the whole scene of Zi Shuang dying with that horrible death, the way he begged and how pitiful he looked was too much, Zi Shuang's severed head rolled over all the way to her side and when it stopped moving Zi Shuang's dead eyes met with hers.


The stench of blood assailed her nose and with the head of Zi Shuang staring at her, Yu Da-Xia vomited from both fear and disgust. As she was vomiting Yu Da-Xia suddenly felt the aura of death creeping over her and when she lifted her head he saw it, those gleaming black eyes that Zi Shuang saw and when she saw that, urine started flowing out her body as she prostrated to Wang Xue and started begging him like Zi Shuang earlier.

"P—please let me live, I will give you everything I have, my body my soul just let me live I will give you pleasure and satiate your desire I…" Yu Da-Xia was like a prostitute all of a sudden but she didn't even make it to her second sentence before her body was horizontally split into two.

But unlike Zi Shuang, Yu Da-Xia didn't die instantaneously. She started crying tears of blood as she remembered the mistake of getting on Wang Xue's bad side, only in her death did she finally realize that the moment she attacked Wang Xue's back she was already destined to die a horrible death such as this.


Her body was separated into two, the last emotion she had before dying wasn't hate, but regret. She deeply regretted the fact that she ignored the kindness given to him, but alas there's no medicine for regret.

Wang Xue took a step forward and took Yu Da-Xia's storage bracelet and Zi Shuang's storage bracelet. Then, without turning around to check their bodies, Wang Xue left for the Rolling Thunder State, his destination was the Dragon Catacombs.