After the Killing

Hill of the Fallen.

Three young men were running towards a place in the Hill.

"Where's the Spiritual Trace? Damn it, that Wang Xue actually had the guts to kill Zi Shuang and Yu Da-Xia!? Does he not dear of having the entire Jade Province as his opponent?" A man wearing a uniform of the Boulder Sect said.

"Shut up, we're almost there. The Spiritual Trace only lasts for 12 hours and we already missed 2 hours by checking with the Nine Flower Valley about that bitch." Another man said with his brows furrowed, he then took one look at the young man in front of him and whispered under his breathe "This is all your fault."

The young man in front of him didn't stop but he was able to hear him clearly, with his back still turned he answered "I know it's my fault senior brother Meng, but I will kill that Wang Xue for doing this."

The other young man snorted and said "You better do it, the name of the Boulder Sect depends on it whether you go avenge Zi Shuang or not will have a significant effect on your name."

The other young man said nothing back, this young man leading the group was Dongfang Qianyin one of the greatest genius from the Boulder Sect, however, in just one day his reputation had suddenly gone down and the way how the disciples of the Boulder Sect saw him went down.

The fact that he let a fellow disciple from his sect get taken as a hostage made him a laughingstock, but he was already implementing a plan to get back Zi Shuang from Wang Xue but before he could even start the first phase of his plans he learned that Zi Shuang was already dead and he was tasked to clean the mess that he had created himself.

Dongfang Qianyin looked calm and had the same look on his pretty face, but inside his heart, the raging flames of fury were vehemently burning, 'Wang Xue! I will kill you one day, it may not bring back what I lost but it will be satisfying to torture and see you dead.'

This is the first time that he had felt this much anger for someone before. Being a genius young master of the prestigious Dongfang Family Dongfang Qianyin was only revered and envied by the people and if someone rubbed him the wrong way he can just kill him with a wave of his hand without anyone saying anything to him, it could be said that the heavens were forging a path of greatness for him.

But the sudden appearance of Wang Xue stopped this way of thinking of his. Dongfang Qianying felt humiliated, now he wanted to catch Wang Xue not for Zi Shuang but for himself because in his heart he felt that if he cannot kill Wang Xue with his own hands, his heart will not be appeased and his cultivation will become harder in the future.

"Where here!" Dongfang Qianyin said the three of them was on the very top of the Hill of the Fallen and there they saw the Spiritual Trace that came from ZI Shuang's headless corpse. The head wasn't attached to his body anymore but they didn't have to look for it at all as the Zi Shuang's head was near the lifeless body of Yu Da-Xia.

"How cruel, this is too cruel and brutal. Look at their faces, they must've experienced some form of torture before dying." The man named brother Meng said as he tried not to throw up at the scene in front of him.

The three of them had seen a fair share of a bloody image, but the horrendous sight presented before them was nothing like they had ever seen in their entire life.


A group of three people consisting of all women appeared like the wind, the three came from the opposite direction as they did and their articles of clothing were the uniform of the Nine Flower Valley, although all of them wore different colors of clothes the insignia embroidery on the chest area was clear of their sect.

"Da-Xia!!!" a woman's voice rang in the Hill of the Fallen the moment she saw Yu Da-Xia's body cut into two the woman ran over to check if what she was seeing was not an illusion.

Dongfang Qianyin and the two behind him knew this woman all too well, Si Niang, it was Si Niang of the Nine Flower Valley. She checked the horrified look that Yu Da-Xia had on her face just right before she died and a single tear fell down to her cheeks.

She was closed to Yu Da-Xia as the two of them had the same master Si Niang treated Yu Da-Xia as her little sister and seeing her sister dying like this made her heart broken but that single tear was the only tear she let out.

Taking out a white cloth from her storage bracelet Si Niang picked up Yu Da-Xia's body from the ground, she then turn to looked at Dongfang Qianyin that she had ignored and said "This is all your fault, if you had not given him the chance to take them Da-Xia and Zi Shuang should be alive, if you could've helped me instead of acting all lofty."

Saying those words Si Niang walked out of there, the two women that she came with followed closely behind her and gave Dongfang Qianyin a look of despising before going away. Si Niang and her group started to head back on the Nine Flower Valley,

The path that Dongfang Qianyin's group used earlier lead back to Nine Flower Valley, they went there to check if Yu Da-Xia also died before going here and SI Niang was also the same as them. Dongfang Qianyin saw Si Niang left and seeing her actions he also didn't dally and took out a piece of cloth from his storage bracelet.

He used that piece of cloth to wrap ZI Shuang's body and started to head on their way. 'A conflict may arise between Nine Flower Valley and Boulder Sect.' Dongfang Qianyin thought.

The possible conflict that may arise between the two great sects all started from his mistake. Dongfang Qianyin's position was getting worse by the minute.

'I must get his head before this event starts affecting my position in the Clan.' With that thought, he and his group went towards the direction where Si Niang's group came from.


Wang Xue had been running for 2 hours since he left the Hill of the Fallen. He was currently in a place called Dark Forest, he was planning to get out of here so he can reach the next state and take a rest there.

The Rolling Thunder State was two states from the Flowing Cloud State, the distance between each state may be that far but it would still take Wang Xue a day and a half of running without stopping before he could reach the Rolling Thunder State and enter the Dragon Catacombs that he had taken interests in.

As Wang Xue was running a smile can be seen on his face "The disciple from the Boulder Sect and the Nine Flower Valley must have found the body of Yu Da-Xia and Zi Shuang by now." He said as he continued running.

Wang Xue had anticipated for the two great sects to find the two corpse on the Hill of the Fallen by now, or if they are too slow an hour from now, it may seemed fast but for a sect that ruled over a Province this kind of response was too slow.

The reason why they were slow this time lays on the fact that he had Yu Da-Xia and Zi Shuang on his hands.

Every sect has Spirit Boards that have a piece of the spiritual essence of their geniuses. This Spiritual Board holds on the spiritual essence and if the owner of that were to die the spirit board will blow up and a spiritual trace would remain that will guide the people of the sect to the of their geniuses and so they can also find some clues regarding who killed who.

But spirit traces only lasts for 12 hours, although it may vary to the level of Spirit Board they use and the quality of the spirit essence placed upon the Spirit Board considering the size of a sect like the Boulder Sect the Spirit Board that they mostly possess should be lower level ones.

That means the moment Zi Shuang or Yu Da-Xia died the spirit board on their respective sects would have alarmed them about this, but this is also the reason why he killed Zi Shuang and Yu Da-Xia earlier.

The fact that he has Yu Da-Xia and Zi Shuang in his hands, and the fact that he may inflict damage on either of the surviving people with him will have an effect on the judgment of the two sects, so in order to know the situation the two sects will have to communicate with one another and confirm the situation.

"Killing them both stalled time letting me get away, with this the chance of the two sects helping each other in order to find is now little, hehe!." Wang Xue was laughing, as he made his way through the dark forest.


AS he was running a roar suddenly rang out, a black shadow flew towards his direction. Wang Xue notices this a quickly he took a step forward and met the back shadow with a punch with his full strength behind it.


With a shout his spiritual energy started rolling out of his Golden Pagoda and into his fist, golden colored light enveloped his tightly clenched fist and struck forward with all his might.


His first met with the black shadow sending it flying out the opposite direction from its original trajectory, flying for 20 meters away it crashed on the tree nearby.

"What a foolish beast. A Black Boar actually thought I am easy picking!? Thinking I am weak and could be eaten huh? Come here, I will cook you tender as my dinner tonight." Wang Xue faced the Black Boar without any fear, taking out his Ice Steel Sword Wang Xue took a step forward and dashed towards its direction.

A Black Boar is a common species of Demonic Beasts that lives inside the Dark Forest, although it didn't possess great intelligence its power was still comparable to Level 1 Jade Palace realm expert. With its powerful strength and fast speed the Black Boar was hard to deal with, however, its tough hide can be sold for a high price as leather.


Before it could even get up, Wang Xue slashed out with his Ice Steel sword. The sharp blade met with its tough fur but even its steel wire like furs Wang Xue's Ice Steel sword its body was still split into two. The Black Boar didn't have any chance to move and Wang Xue had already killed it.

"Foolish." With that said Wang Xue went over to its head and used stab the Black Boar's forehead with the tip of his Ice Steel Sword.

A Black colored marble started emerging out of its forehead and before long it was already floating in front of him. Wang took that black marble and kept it inside his storage bracelet "I wonder how much a normal Demonic Core sells in the market?"

Wang Xue thought.


Wang Xue's stomach let out a growl, feeling his own hunger Wang Xue started preparing his meal, "As promised, this guy will be my dinner."

Wang Xue started preparing for his own meal, he started a fire and cook the meat he had just procured over it and started eating. As he was eating he remembered the prize that he had gotten from the Jade Province Competition earlier.

He then flipped his right hands and a Jade-Colored Lotus appeared on top of his hand, the sweet aroma from the Lotus assailed Wang Xue's nose, "I am still a level 1 Jade Palace realm cultivator, I must strengthen my foundation now before I encounter any future trouble, individual strength is still the most important thing."