The Auction Slowly Starts

Wang Xue didn't want to waste time to argue with that man nor did he want to kill as he didn't want to attract any attention to himself while he tried to hide his identity. Walking down the street Wang Xue went directly to the Thousand Gold Pavilion.

He didn't have to walk all that long as he was able to reach the Thousand Gold Pavilion in no time, there were still 30 minutes before the auction starts. Then, as he was walking towards the entrance of the Thousand Gold Pavilion Wang Xue notice there were many people loitering around the place.

Observing them Wang Xue saw both cultivators and common people alike, they didn't enter the auction hall nor did they leave it seems like they were waiting for someone to come. 'What are they doing here? Do they not know the auction is inside?'

Walking towards the guard who stood by the entrance Wang Xue handed out the number of spirit pills needed to enter, he didn't wait to find out what the people were waiting for nor did he want to know what they were waiting for.

Upon entering the Thousand Gold Pavilion, Wang Xue was greeted by an attendant that made him follow closely and led him to the place where the auction will be held. Wang Xue moved his eyes around and saw the glass cases that he saw two days ago when he went here to sell his spirit weapons.

He was still currently at the first floor of the Thousand Gold Pavilion where the daily transactions where held, here they sold the spirit weapons, spirit herbs and other items but when an auction was held this first floor will become a fine and luxurious path for the people who will participate in the auction.

Wang Xue moved his eyes around and saw the glass cases, as he followed closely behind the attendant the two of them entered another door which led them to another room.

When Wang Xue entered the room he was welcomed by a huge open area, he saw rows of seats that numbered over a 500 and the VIP rooms that circled around the whole auction hall. The stage in front of him was also big, from afar the stage looks like it would be able to fit 100 people in it without any problem.

The attendant that led him inside bowed to him before leaving through the door where they came from. Wang Xue looked around and notice something strange, 'It seems that this auction does not hold to its name.' he thought while looking at the almost desolate auction hall.

Wang Xue was expecting something more when he heard about this auction, however now that he's here he only saw around 150 people in that room. An auction hall would usually be filled with people who want to participate in the auction, however, no matter where he looks the seats were mostly empty.

Taking a seat at the very back of the rows Wang Xue closed his eyes and waited for time to pass, he didn't leave even though the big auction was a ruse Wang Xue will at least wait until he got the spirit formation manual that he wanted to get.

"I should've memorized at least 2 or 3 low-level spirit formations back in the day." He grumbled as he waited. As he was waiting for Wang Xue's thought drifted towards the people who were waiting outside, as it seems to have something to do with why there were so few people in the auction hall right now.

As he was thinking about it Wang Xue heard loud cheers coming from outside, with his keen hearing Wang Xue was even able to hear some of the people screaming.

"It's actually Li Qiang of the eleven sword dance, a level 1 Spirit Manifestation expert actually came to participate for this auction? Look there its Zhang Wei of the Heavenly Sword Sect."

"It's Elder Zhang Lie of the Boulder Sect, is he here for the auction as well?"

Wang Xue heard the surprise voices of the people outside, as he keeps hearing the unfamiliar names the more Wang Xue paid attention to them, 'Are they actually here for this auction? The people outside must have been waiting for their arrival.'

He thought as continued to listen, paying attention to the shouts he heard something that caught his attention.

"Dongfang Dishi, of the Dongfang Family, is also here, his older brother is having a problem with the Jade Province Competition incident right now and he's actually here to play around? What a precarious kid, he's nothing compared to his brother."

Wang Xue's ears twitch when he heard someone said those words, 'Dongfang, Dongfang... I am sure that surname is from that kid with the self-righteous look on his eyes. I remember now those eyes that looked at me with contempt, heh it seems that brat is in trouble because of me.'

Wang Xue was feeling good at the moment, remembering Qianyin's eyes and smile as he looks down from above that stone platform made him angry but thinking how he's causing trouble for him at the moment made him find peace.

He turns to look at the entrance and thought, 'Should I kill the little brother as well?'

As the thought passed his mind, Wang Xue, notice people were starting to enter through the door, keeping his head down Wang Xue tried to look as inconspicuous as possible. The cheers outside were still going on but the people who had seen enough famous people or had seen the person that they want to see had lost interest and went inside the auction hall to participate in the auction.

The cheering didn't stop until another half an hour passed, the auction hall had just filled by now and many people had been talking with excited voices, "So many strong warriors and experts are here for today's auction, the VIP room seems to be rented out as well."

"Spirit Manifestation realm expert even went to participate I guess the 500-years-old Blazing Salamander Fruit can attract even the powerful names from all over the Province, and the auction this time around is unlike the others,"

Many talks emerge from everywhere the auction hall, Wang Xue was now feeling that this auction may not be that bad as he thought, after all a 500-year-old Blazing Salamander Fruit was present if the accompanying item with it was to be uninteresting this Thousand Gold Pavilion should be closing shop as they do not know how to run a proper business.


A loud sound suddenly echoed inside the hall, the loud sound rang inside the ears of every cultivator inside the auction hall and their attentions were all placed upon the man who stood in the middle of the platform who had both of his hands placed upon his back.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Cheng I am the auctioneer for today's auction, on behalf of the Thousand Gold Pavilion I welcome all of you to our monthly auction, I know all of you had been itching to see the treasures we have today so I will not bore you to death with my ramblings."

Cheng raised his right hand and a beautiful lady wearing a skimpy tight dress walked, she stood right beside Cheng and with a flip of her hand a wooden table appeared on top of that table was a floating blood red sword that emits ominous sharpness, as it floated on top of the table steadily everyone on the auction hall was made to see.


The sound of the blade echoed inside the hall, followed by the sharp sound of that blade was Cheng's excited voice,

"Everyone, to start off the auction I present to you one of the finest swords created by grandmaster Shi of the Boiling Rock Mountain of the Red River State, he claims it to be his greatest masterpiece, with its sharp edge that can easily cut through boulder"

The introduction of the sword was grandiose that some of the people who sat in the middle row of the auction hall were leaning forward in order to get a better look out of it.

Cheng saw their reactions and a big smile appeared on his face.

"This Mid Human Category spirit weapon Crimson Edge will be sold at the starting price of, 5,000 spirit pills, the auction will start now."





The audience who sat on the normal seats started bidding for the Crimson Edge, people who entered to participate in the auction came prepared with spirit pills.

Wang Xue didn't even bother to look at the spirit weapon on the stage, he didn't have any kind of interest when it came to spirit weapons as he already has the Ice Steel Sword and the sharpness of that sword in his hand were comparable to a High Human Category spirit weapon.

However, he was not the only one quiet, amidst all the excitement of the people bidding the people who were sitting on the VIP room upstairs only watch on as the 'poor people' tries to compete for something that they deemed as worthless.

For the people upstairs all they are seeing on that stage at the moment was a normal sword a dull and worthless sword, the real treasure for them will be coming on the later stages of the auction, wasting money at something like this was meaningless.

In the end, the person who got the Mid Human Category spirit weapon was a scarred man for 5,000 spirit pills. It was a very standard price for a Mid Human Category spirit weapon. The so-called treasures that were sold in the first half of the auction were not all that special, it didn't even gain any interest from Wang Xue.

The higher floor had yet to bid anything. However, for the people on the same floor with Wang Xue, the atmosphere had become heated and everyone was in a fervor to buy something. All the warriors were shouting on top of their lungs as they continued to bid for the treasures that they wanted.

"We are done for the appetizers, the next treasures will be the true start of our auction."

Cheng silently signaled the lady behind him, with a flip of her right hand a flower with contrasting color appeared, a mix of cold and hot air created warm air to appear in the room.

"This is High Human Category Fiery Ice Flower, many of you may have heard of this flower and what it could be used for. Holding two contrasting elements while being able to survive the Fiery Ice Flower can be used as an ingredient for creating a spirit weapon that possesses two attributes, wielding the power of fire and ice at every slash a weapon like that can make a fish fly like a dragon from amongst his peers, the start of the bid will be 25,000 spirit pills."

Cheng announced.



The people of downstairs started to bid, all of them at one point have heard the mysterious Fiery Ice Flower, however, this is the first time. Many started bidding until someone spoke that made everybody quiet.

"30,000 spirit pills, sorry everyone but this Fiery Ice Flower is mine please understand my needs." It was someone sitting on the second floor who spoke up, at room 13 a beautiful young lady sat wearing a green dress she attracted the eyes of many.

Her face was full of smiles and she was confident to get the Fiery Ice Flower today, although this is not the treasure she came here for the idea of wielding both the power of Fire and Ice tempted her to bid.

"It seems like lady Fu had bid, we cannot do anything about it now otherwise you want to antagonize the whole Dessert State." The people downstairs who was just bidding earlier had gone quiet as no one wanted to bid against her and with no one from the second floor wanting the Fiery Ice Flower the lady named Fu was the one who will most likely take it.

Cheng sighed as he witnesses this scene, he knew that no one would fight for it if someone from the second floor bid and nor that someone did the price of the Fiery Ice Flower is fixed at 30,000 his heart was in slight pain but seeing so one was bidding he announced, "30,000 going once, going twice…."

Then as he was about to announce the winner someone sitting at the very back of the rows raised hands and shouted, "I bid 31,000 spirit pills."

Fu's beautiful smile twitch a little.