
"What's he doing!? Does he have a death or something? Antagonizing with the sole daughter of the biggest family in the Desert State?"

"F*ck, I just hope we don't get caught up in this problem. Does he not know just how lady Fu does things, does he really want to have a fight with lady Fu for some Fiery Ice Flower!?"

The audience downstairs all started whispering to one another as their hearts all started to beat faster than normal. Lady Fu was a well-known lady woman in the whole Jade Province not for her genius on cultivation but for how she acts.

It is common knowledge to never antagonize Fu of the Shan Family from the Desert State, being the only daughter of their family, Fu was spoiled rotten by her brothers and parents.

However, this common knowledge in the Jade Province didn't matter to Wang Xue, as at this time a smile can be seen on his face under the bamboo hat.

"31,500 spirit pills." Lady Lu announces as she looked down on Wang Xue from above.

"32,000" Wang Xue didn't mind the murderous looks he was having as he was intent in obtaining that Fiery Ice Flower, even after hearing the talks of the people concerning Fu of the Desert State he chose to continue bidding.

The Fiery Ice Flower was a very rare type of treasure that only grows in a harsh environment. Although being categorized with only a High-Human Category spirit herbs Fiery Ice Flower have a large abundance of spirit energy.

The Fiery Ice Flower has halved in two distinct colors, the right side of the flower had a bright red color signifying the burning power of the yang and on the opposite side of this burning spirit energy was the cold energy of yin.

Because of the two present different kinds of elements present in the flower, an explosive kind of energy was formed that made it hard for people to assimilate the spiritual energy inside it to the point of almost impossibility as there was a huge possibility of implosion happening from the two elements fighting inside the body.

With the almost impossible hurdle for complete absorption of spirit energy, the people of the Jade Province and even chose only to use the Fiery Ice Flower for different purposes. Indeed the Fiery Ice Flower can grant a small amount of power that can cause a little bit of frost and a little burn to someone's enemy once it turns to a spirit weapon.

However, using the Fiery Ice Flower for cultivation would be even better as it will grant a huge help in breaking through the next level and strengthening the foundation of a cultivator. By using the explosive power of the two elements as they fought inside the cultivator's body the foundation will also be refined.

Seeing the Fiery Ice Flower presented as a lowly material for forging a spirit weapon Wang Xue could not help but laugh at the stupidity of the people in this auction, 'A Fiery Ice Flower for as a material for spirit weapons? Although that is good using it for cultivation is even better.'

Fu was starting to get irritated, 'Someone dares to bid with me? I will show you.'

"35,000 spirit pills." She announced for everyone to here, she then gazes down and said to Wang Xue with a devilish smile on her face, "Do you really want the Fiery Ice Flower that badly?" her voice was very gentle but everyone in the auction knew the meaning inside her tone.

'I dare you to bet more, let us see what happens. This is the message that everyone got from what Fu had just said, everyone thought that Wang Xue would back down by now however they weren't expecting what happened next.

"40,000 spirit pills." Wang Xue's voice was indifferent but it was loud, Wang Xue then uttered another set of the line for Fu, "Keep threats to yourself, this is an auction, not your personal market don't make a scene as you try to flaunt your weight all over the place."

Wang Xue said as he looked forward, he didn't even move his head to look at Fu when he said these words which made Fu angrier.

Fu's face at the moment was indescribable as it was constantly changing from green to black then to normal. What Wang Xue had just said to her made Fu want to tear Wang Xue to pieces then feed him to the Ravage Culture of the Desert State.

Looking at him from above with fury in her eyes, Fu was about to make another when she heard an old voice coming from behind her, "That's enough playing Fu, we came here to get the Blazing Salamander Fruit not to get the Fiery Ice Flower, stop wasting money for such trivial things."

An old woman walked up to Fu then gave her a light scolding, after scolding her the old lady's gaze turn to Wang Xue who was bidding against Fu earlier, 'What a gutsy yet stupid young man.' She thought.

Fu wanted to protest but seeing the old lady scold her like that Fu dropped the subject about getting the Fiery Ice Flower, however, giving up the Fiery Ice Flower does not mean he forgave Wang Xue for taking the Fiery Ice Flower from her, 'That man, I make you pay for humiliating me like this.'

Cheng who noticed that no one from Fu's room was bidding, so he started to count, "40,000 going once, going twice… sold to the man in the bamboo hat." His voice was filled with joy.

Wang Xue won the Fiery Ice Flower from Fu, however, no one knew that the number of spirit pills that he currently has been lower than what he actually bid with, in his storage bracelet Wang Xue only had a total of 39,500 spirit pills, he was 500 spirit pills less.

However, even if this was the case Wang Xue did not mind at all as he has many spirit weapons in his possession at the moment. Inside his storage bracelet, there were a total of 8 Low Human Category spirit weapon 5 Mid Human Category spirit weapon and 1 High Human Category spirit weapon and if things got steeper for him he still had the demonic core he got from the Black Boar.

He possesses more than enough spirit weapon to pay his debts, Wang Xue got all these spirit weapons from his looting, although he only got a small amount of High Human Category spirit weapon Wang Xue still had many Mid and Low Human Category weapon to sell.

Wang Xue raised his hands and called a female attendant over to himself. The nearest female attendant walked over to Wang Xue and asked what he needed.

Wang Xue passed a storage bracelet to the female attendant then said, "There're 39,500 spirit pills in there and a bunch of spirit weapons, take the spirit pills as the payment for the Fiery Ice Flower and as for the missing amount I will be selling the spirit weapons so you can take it from there."

The female attendant to follow his request to sell spirit weapons and pay for the Fiery Ice Flower. Wang Xue didn't want to stay for long n this place as he didn't have that much interest about the auction, a 500-year-old Blazing Salamander Fruit may look good but it is currently useless to him as he did not have that much of spirit pills.

Cultivating the Golden Pagoda Skill needs spirit pills, buying resources need spirit pills, Wang Xue wanted to know just where he should get the spirit pills he will be needing in the future and although he may have experience when it came to pill concoction that doesn't mean anything if he didn't have any equipment to use.

Wang Xue then raised his head to have a look at the girl from the second floor who he fought in the bid earlier, he heard everything she said and was able to get the meanings but Wang Xue didn't bother to mind her that much as she was too weak to even post a threat to him.

'A level 4 Jade Palace realm girl do not post any problem… however, that person with her up there can create more troubles for me if he/she decides to do something.' He thought as he silently swept the room 13 with his spirit energy.

There, in the room 13 of the second floor, Wang Xue was able to find a level 7 Jade Palace realm cultivator and it would seem that she was eyeing him at the moment. Wang Xue didn't even need to look to know if he was being observed, because he was currently feeling the murderous glare being thrown at him from room 13.

'I better get out of here the earliest chance that I get." Wang Xue murmured to himself, if he were to leave early than the others he will be able to effectively leave town and avoid any further trouble that may head towards his direction.

While his head was at a lost the auction continued and this the people of the upper floor were the main people who bid for the items presented to them.

"Sold to the gentlemen of the room 12." The loud voice of Cheng reverberated inside the whole auction hall, after selling a bunch of good items to the people of the second floor Cheng signaled for the girl behind him to bring the item out.

With a flip of her right hand a yellow book appeared on the table, on the cover there were five glowing words visible for everyone to see, Blue Mist Tiger Devouring Wind it an intimidating name and the air it gave the people who were sitting in the very front row a slight feeling of being pressed upon by something.

"This manual's name is the Blue Mist Tiger Devouring Wind, this spirit formation holds a great amount of power and being a Mid-Tier 2 formation its power can be compared to any level 4 to level 6 Jade Palace realm cultivator. Every formation master will be dying to get this manual, the bidding will start at 30,000 spirit pills."

Everyone took in cold breath after haring Cheng announce the spirit formation manual and how much the bidding will start. 30,000 spirit pills?

Then from room 6 an old man suddenly popped out of the window..

This old man was known as the White Old Man, he was called as the White Old Man because of his hair all turn white and no black can be seen mixed in there and seeing his clothes was like that as well everyone started calling him that.

White Old Man didn't get angry when he was called as White Old Man because he started thinking how his white hair marked as a good reminder of just how much he had lived for, seniority was a good thing in the Martial World after all, and the other thing he liked about his name was the fact that it signifies him.

With his age almost 200 White Old Man is nearing his years and he's still yet to find a single disciple that he wants to raise, with achievements of spirit formation almost at the very peak of tier 2, White Old man is now starting to want his legacy to pass down to the next generation or create an original spirit formation that he the White Old Man does.

And at this time he was here in the auction of the Thousand Gold Pavilion so he can buy this spirited book and research it so he can make use of it when he tries to fulfill his second ambition in life.

However, the person who wants the spirit manual at this time was not only him.

"33,000 spirit pills, haha White Old Man do you think I will let you get the spirit formation manual? You have been getting on the years so just let us from the later generations fight for it."

The person who bet was a middle-aged man in room 19.

"35,000 spirit pills, haha, just give it to me and no problem shall arise." Another voice from room 10

The people of the higher floors were all starting to bid and the atmosphere around them were all heating up to the point that even the people from downstairs were feeling it.

Then as the people of the higher floor argue whether who it should belong to another voice rang out, but this time it wasn't from above.

"40,000 spirit pills."

It was Wang Xue who had just retrieve the spirit pills that got from selling all those spirit weapons.

"Him Again!?"