Five Slash of the Demon

The two men who had been following Wang Xue was left to stare dumbfounded at the bloody scene in front of them, a rain of blood started as the mutilated body parts of the three bandits who tried to stop Wang Xue from going forward started to fall from the above.

As the blood rain descended from above Wang Xue stood in the middle of the messed he had created, turning his head towards the direction of the two men who were originally following him Wang Xue reeked with the baleful aura of death.

The two men wanted to turn their heads and look away from this horrible scene… however, they were not able to as that murderous gaze which was hungry for blood was staring at them from afar just like how a hunter looks at their prey.

Wang Xue's body was covered with blood, his pristine white clothes were slowly starting to be dyed red he took a step forward and started walking towards the two men. As he walks he held his black sword that was shining red from the blood of Guo and the other two.

As he walked forward Wang Xue summoned his murderous aura from inside his soul and spread it out for the men to feel, although the two men were approximately a couple of hundred meters away from Wang Xue they were still able to feel that murderous aura that reeks of death, although it was slow the source of this murderous aura was coming slower to them and the aura was also getting stronger with his every step forward.

The two were frightened, the bloody scene and the crazy maniac in front of them was scaring them, they were 2 levels higher than Wang Xue but at this moment they had forgotten about that point… but no one will blame them if anyone else was in their position because the pressure coming from Wang Xue at the moment was not something any level 2 Jade Palace Realm can possess.

However, despite the fear they were feeling the two of them were professionals that had seen many things, forcing their emotions to become as stable as possible one of them stood up using his sword as support he stood tall and was about to help his partner up when his head suddenly turn to Wang Xue's direction.

The aura of death was getting closer to them and then a booming sound was heard from afar. A large smoke screen suddenly appeared made by the explosion of the ground hiding Wang Xue from their eyes and the bloody scene of mutilated body parts.

The man who stood up saw this scene and readied himself, he had seen what Wang Xue had done after he suddenly made the ground cave in with his step, he and his partner were expecting Wang Xue's inhuman speed to appear.


Then as expected Wang Xue darted out of the smoke screen and like a beast hunting in the wild Wang Xue used his sword to make the kill. His spirit energy was already surging inside his body and his speed had increased by a fold since he had made his third slash.


His sword tore through the air and the blood stains in his black sword were no more as it had already been cleansed by the strong winds created by Wang Due's sheer speed, 'Fourth Slash of the Surging Demon!' He roared inside his heart while experiencing almost unbearable pain, the amount of time of how long his body can sustain the Five Slashes of the Demons were reaching its end.

The man raised his sword in order to guard against Wang Xue's deadly strike which aimed for his neck. The man circulated his spirit energy and summoned everything that he had inside his dantian where his four Jade Palace lay.

"SCRAM!!" He roared out loud and a meter long brown armadillo appeared from behind the man and tried and tried to shield him from Wang Xue's incoming blow. The Brown Armadillo curled up and did it not only covered its master but his master's partner as well.

Bang! Clang!

Wang Xue's sword met with the armadillo's outer shell, his sword was able to slowly cut through the armadillo but its defense was simply too tough for even Wang Xue to beat resulting for Wang Xue's right hand that holds the sword to be deflected back.

Being deflected away Wang Xue did not stop his movement as he threw three thin black items upwards and as he did this the armadillo was starting to unfurl its shell and from inside it was the two men who had been protected, one had a blood streaming down his face while the other was in a crouching position as he eagerly awaited for the right time to pounce against Wang Xue.


Seeing Wang Xue being flung into the air the man made his move the moment he found an opening, calling out to his Martial Spirit an old looking saber appeared in his right hand, as he held the saber above his head a bright light came out of it which illuminated the dark night.

"DIE!!" The man slashes down to Wang Xue.

They were fighting to kill right now and both he and his partner used most of their spirit energy in this one follow up attack, his partner shielded the two of them while simultaneously hiding them resulting for his partner to have internal injuries.

This strike of his was their determination to kill Wang Xue, although they were scared earlier by the immense pressure pressed down upon them, now they had their minds clear as it could be and now his Flash Saber will cut Wang Xue right in the middle.

'We got you!' he thought as he saw his saber go down, but all plan doesn't work perfectly most of the time. As he celebrated he and his partner's victory over Wang Xue he saw a smirk suddenly appear on Wang Xue's mouth then saw his hand gestures that were pointing up.

He tried to ignore him thinking that Wang Xue was only trying to distract him when he heard a scream from behind, there's only one person behind him and that was his partner and hearing that pained scream he could not help but turn around and take a look, this is what Wang Xue had been waiting for.

A lapse in concentration was something that can be fatal in a fight to the death, with a single fight that mostly lasts for only a couple of seconds getting distracted was the last thing anyone could wish for and this is most certainly true if the person you are fighting with was a monster who had a fighting experience that span over millions of years.

The moment the man turn around and see his partner having two little black knives stock in his body a chill run down his spine, not because he was feeling sympathetic to his partner but because he felt the stinging pain and something warm trickling down on his neck, and as he tried turning his head to once again look at Wang Xue what he found was nothing and on his right side was a sudden gust of wind that had passed by, "Sh*t, I was too careless."

Leaving one of his Ice Steel knife on that man's neck Wang Xue moved, the fourth surge of spirit energy had appeared when he failed in cutting down that armadillo and he was currently missing time. The man in front of him was now an easy target, with internal injuries and two Ice Steel Knives sticking a stock on his body this man was dead to Wang Xue.

Wang Xue jumped upwards and dove head first for the man who was lying on the floor, he saw the armadillo coming out once again however before this armadillo could even curl up Wang Xue's sword had already made its way through the man's neck.

The armadillo slowly started vanishing and the man's eyes had a slight tear slowly appearing, the last thought on this man's mind was the family that he had left behind, 'Sorry.' A single tear silently streaked down his cheeks as he felt his vision starting to dim and become completely dark.

"Huu!" exhaling Wang Xue looked inside his body and found the five surge of spirit energy tides, 'The Five Slashes of the Demon is still too much for me.' As he thought of this Wang Xue knelt down on one knee, his body was being attacked by an unbearable pain as the five surges slowly started to disappear.

Pushing himself to stand back up Wang Xue moved out of there with great speed after retrieving the Ice Steel Knives that he had used, he needed to find a place to rest his battered body or else he will be suffering great consequences.

The Five Slash of the Demon was a skill he had in his previous life and was one of the few techniques that he can barely use with his current strength, Wang Xue used to love this technique because every time a slash was successfully completed a surge of spirit energy would occur granting a sudden burst in speed.

However, such powerful technique would have problems in it, with the five forceful surges of spirit energy Wang Xue's body will experience excruciating pain that felt like his body was being ripped to pieces inside out and if this technique was to initiated the five slashes must be finished or else the first surges of spirit energy will flow backward killing the user instantly.

Wang Xue would've died in one of those rules if one of his set up, in the end, would have failed. His fourth slash was blocked by that armadillo thankfully he was able to swiftly kill the other guy when he was distracted by the pain of his partner.

Wang Xue run through the open field, his speed was fast and before long he was able to run 1 kilometer however by now the four surges that had remained his body had disappeared when it did, Wang Xue's body fell on the ground and tumbled on the ground.

He started squirming around as his body was continuously assailed with great pain, feeling this pain Wang Xue didn't have any method he could use in order to recover his strength, but lying down would only his recovery slower, so Wang Xue forced his worn-out body to sit up and after he did he closed his eyes and tried feeling the spiritual energy of the world.