
'My body feels heavy, I have been feeling this for a while now.' Wang Xue grumbled as he continued meditating. He didn't know where he was at the moment, as he didn't know what direction he went.

His body was currently battered from the after-effects of the Five Slashes of the Demon, after experiencing 5 simultaneous surges of spirit energy all over his meridians Wang Xue did not only have minor injuries but some major as well like how his meridians in his right arm were about to burst out from being overused.

'My right arm is too damaged right now, and if I was to even try to wield a sword right now I will be suffering from my meridians exploding and even die.' Wang Xue didn't think that he will suffer such severe internal injuries.

Although he was expecting damages having a damage meridians such as this one was beyond his expectations, 'Even with my refined body and veins it is still not enough. Sigh.....' Wang Xue let out a heavy sigh and opened his eyes and stared up the sky and watched the stars.

Closing his eyes Wang Xue recalled memories of his past, as he did this he slowly drifted to his Spirit Lakes, standing above his three complete Spirit Lakes Wang Xue still had his eyes closed, 'The Spirits are the only thing I have a connection in this world.'

The Spirit Lake where Fenrir was resting suddenly had a minute undetected movements, however, when this movement happened Wang Xue lowered his head and Fenrir still in his little ball of light form resting inside the Spirit Lake.

"Don't worry I will hasten our advancement so we can together once again." A rare amiable look appeared on Wang Xue's face, Wang Xue went down and sat above Fenrir's Spirit Lake, where he felt the connection he had with Fenrir stronger than ever.

"I will go now." He stood up and floated up, as he went up he saw the second Spirit Lake where the Dragon Dwelling Pagoda lays, in its current state where it showed no sign movements or any kind of reaction to Wang Xue's calls the Dragon Dwelling Pagoda actually seemed to be sleeping.

Outside in his physical body Wang Xue opened his eyes, he took a deep breath then exhaled. After a while of doing this, he finally regains some control of his spirit energy, "I wasn't planning on using it like this but."

Wang Xue had a helpless look on his eyes as he took out the Fiery Ice Flower from his storage bracelet, he had bought this in order to sustain the amount of spirit energy that he will use in the future and break through the next level of the Jade Palace realm, however looking at his current position Wan Xue do not have the luxury to be stingy.

He looked at the Fiery Ice Flower then placed it in front of him, as he do so Wang Xue tried summoning the little bit of spirit energy inside his meridians and dantian and started forming runes. Wang Xue did not stop until he flushed out every spirit energy inside his Golden Pagoda and made sure that there was no trace of spirit energy left inside his body at the moment.

The runes silently floated around his body, a formation was formed and the surrounding 2 meters around Wang Xue was sealed off from the outside world everyone will have a hard time trying to find him and they will not even be able to sense him, or to be precise to anyone lower than level 3 of the Jade Palace realm.

The last bit of spirit energy that was inside Wang Xue's body was used to form this formation, Wang Xue checked the formation and made sure that there was no problem of any kind in it before picking up the Fiery Ice Flower.

Steeling his resolve Wang Xue threw the Fiery Ice Flower inside his mouth and began to feel the two completely polar opposite elements rampaging inside his body as the elements of the Fire side of the flower and the Ice part of the Flower fought for dominance with one another.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wang Xue felt his internal organs being constantly attacked by heat and cold energy, however, he grits his teeth and just waited for the spirit energy around the world to be absorbed inside his body. Wang Xue's body does not have any spirit energy as he had already squeezed it out in order to form the runes and placed a Low-Tier 2 spirit formation.

'I need to endure!' Wang Xue's eyes were full of determination, although Wang Xue's body was devoid of any spirit energy Wang Xue did not do it for no reason.

The spirit energy of the Fiery Ice Flower possess were a lot, added to that the two elements inside it were different an explosive energy would appear inside the body of a person the moment the Fiery Ice Flower was consumed, and the moment this explosive spirit energy appears violent spirit energy will go in a rampage inside the body, this is the same thing that is happening on Wang Xue right now.

'Endure the pain, gather the spirit energy of the world to my damaged meridians and direct the violent spirit energy to the Golden Pagoda.' 5 minutes to the procedure of absorbing the Fiery Ice Flower, Wang Xue's back was already drenched in sweat and on his forehead was bullets of sweat streaming down his face.

He emptied his body in order to meet the sudden explosion of spirit energy from the Fiery Ice Flower, with his cultivation only at the level 2 of the Jade Palace realm Wang Xue did not have the capabilities to withstand the Fiery Ice Flower if he were to absorb it right now and with his severe injuries Wang Xue had a big chance of imploding from overloading his meridians.

There was a limit for everything, however, Wang Xue needed to heal right away because he knew that if he dally he will die a dog's death before he could even let Fenrir gain the ability to talk. There were simply too many people after him right now and whoever is the person responsible for sending out those men he or she would most likely become his enemy.

'I am in an open field without any guard and no ability to fight back, if I am to be attacked by some low bandit right now I'll be dead in a heartbeat.' Wang Xue thought, in his current state he could barely even hold a sword and if he was to wield one, in his first slash alone his meridians have a high chance of exploding killing him in the process.

That is why he is currently pushing himself to endure this harsh treatment, without any kind of medicinal pills or even medicinal herbs Wang Xue only had the backwater method of fixing his body by absorbing a lot of spirit energy, therefore, hastening his regenerative capabilities.

But the pain he is feeling right now was worse than the backlash from the Five Slash of the Demon although it will only happen in the first stage of the recovery process the pain brought to Wang Xue was still too immense.

His meridians were unguarded by spirit energy when the two elements fought, he had to empty himself in order to avoid overloading, Wang Xue grit his teeth and inside the Golden Pagoda he was constantly trying to redirect the spirit energy to be purified then sent them to his damaged meridians.

However, most of the spirit energy from the Fiery Ice Flower was still too much for him, resulting for a huge amount of spirit energy to become savage and rampage inside his body, in turn, he was forced to forcefully flushed it out of his body through his opened pores.

'Keep going!' he encouraged himself, then finally he felt it, his meridians were being nourished. The purified spirit energy still carried the properties of the Fiery Ice Flower resulting in a warm feeling when it went to envelop his meridians.

The Fiery Ice Flower may have destructive properties and it can even kill people if taken in the wrong manner, however, the Fiery Ice Flower held a lot of healing capabilities that soothes the person when the rampaging spirit energy was to be tamed.

"I may not be able to tame it, but if I am able to even control its rampaging power I will be able to send it to use the Golden Pagoda as a purification item."

The process of cultivating a Fiery Ice Flower was through controlling it, trapping it inside the body then controlling the amount of spirit energy that will be released by the two sides, if someone were able to do this he or she will be able to absorb very powerful spirit energy that is full of vitality.

However, Wang Xue didn't trap the Fiery Ice Flower as he didn't have any spirit energy to use in order to trap it and he also didn't control the amount that should be released as he just forced the flower to do whatever it wanted to do, but Wang Xue still got the spirit energy by purifying the spirit energy directly using his Golden Pagoda Skill.

With his method Wang Xue was able to absorb a very minute amount of spirit energy, however, a lot of the spirit energies were being wasted by him.

Wang Xue showed a smile on his face, his meridians had been recovering slowly and steadily, but he had one more problem now and that was the remaining amount of the spirit energy left in the Fiery Ice Flower, 'It is starting to run out.'

Feeling his meridians being nourished and the Fiery Ice Flower continuously losing its strength, Wang Xue decide to begin absorbing the spirit energy of the world, with his meridians being nourished little by little and the Fiery Ice Flower starting to run out of spirit energy Wang Xue gained the confidence to trap the Fiery Ice Flower inside his Golden Pagoda.

Wang Xue continuously absorbed the spirit energy of the world and sent them to the Golden Pagoda to be purified, after a long while Wang Xue suddenly circulated his spirit energy and attacked the Fiery Ice Flower.


As if the Fiery Ice Flower had its own consciousness a sudden burst of hot and cold spirit energy was released trying keeping the spirit energy away from itself, it kept discharging a large amount of spirit energy that it actually pushed Wang Xue's spirit energy back.

Making use of the moment Wang Xue directed the path of the discharged spirit energy and purified them in the Golden Pagoda. After doing so Wang Xue sent that spirit energy to his damaged body parts.

Wang Xue did not stop the attempts of trapping the Fiery Ice Flower, with great tenacity Wang Xue did not stop his attempt until he finally captured it at the twentieth time. Upon capturing the Fiery Ice Flower Wang Xue then started to control it making things much easier.

'I need to get out of here fast.' With that said Wang Xue hurried his treatment, not knowing that a people were approaching his area fast.


Desert State, Shan family estate.

A beautiful young lady wearing a green dress and a handsome young man who was wearing yellow clothing were having tea.

The beautiful young lady took a sip of the tea then placed it down on the table, she looked at the young man then said, "So what do I owe the visit of the great genius, Dongfang Qianyin?"