Appearance of the Serpent Realm!!

"What do I owe the pleasure of having the great genius of the Boulder Sect and the one and only great Young Master of the Dongfang family, Sir Dongfang Qianyin?" Fu's voice was rather calm and cool as she tried to show as much courtesy as she could to him.

Fu was the daughter of a great family from the Desert State and because of that Fu had experience in dealing with this kind of moments, as she took a biscuit Fu gracefully took one biscuit from the silver plate placed atop the table.

As she did this she looked at Dongfang Qianyin, then started to judge him inside her head, 'The great genius who had fallen from his pedestal without even losing in a fight.' She thought as Fu started remembering about the things that were said about Dongfang Qianyin in the past.

Dongfang Qianyin raised his head and looked at Fu, he knew what she was thinking and he knew what the others had been talking behind his back, however being the person that he was Dongafang Qianyin didn't pay them any mind and chose on his current goal.

"The honor is all mine, Miss Fu, giving me the opportunity to meet with you like this, I have two matters I need to confirm if that will be fine for you." Dongfang Qianyin said with a smile.

"I wasn't expecting for you to come here in order to the court, will you? Just say it sir Dongfang," Fu said with a calm look face.

Dongfang Qianyin heard Fu and then the steady look he had on his countenance changed and went from calm and polite to a serious look in one instant, with a flip of his right hand a yellow scroll appeared over his right then passed it to Fu, "Please read this."

Fu took the scroll from Dongfang Qianyin then started reading the contents of the scroll and the moment that she heard Dongfang Qianyin her brows creased then her gaze turn to Dongfang Qianyin with a light chuckle she said to him, "You really are having a hard time when it comes to finding that young man who killed your fellow disciple."

Placing the scroll on top of the table Fu took a sip from her teacup. The contents of the yellow scroll indeed made her think things through however when she thinks of the level difference between her men and the man wearing the bamboo hat and the fact that he was already a level 2 jade palace realm made Fu think who he was otherwise.

"No matter how much of a genius he is breaking through the next level is not easy, are you telling me that Wang Xue already advanced his cultivation just six days after he disappeared?" When she said these words even Dongfang Qianyin was rather shaken.

The scroll tells that Wang Xue and the man wearing the bamboo was the same person however there was a level difference between the two-person however when Dongfang Qianyin saw the frost mark left behind on the corpses when he went to check up on the scene four days ago Dongfang Qianyin was sure that the weapon used to kill those people were made from ice Steel, the same Ice Steel sword that Wang Xue used that day in the Jade Province Competition.

"I agree with what you are saying Miss Fu, however, in the Martial World, there are many things that cannot be explained. When I was his age was also already a level 4 Jade Palace realm cultivator no matter how I see it, I cannot see how he can't be the same as me." He said.

Fu was starting to get irritated at him now, a few days ago when Fu participated in the auction of the Thousand Gold Pavilion, she encountered a man who wore a bamboo hat there he lost in the bid against him for the Fiery Ice Flower so after he left she made two of her men follow him and take the Fiery Ice Flower from him whether they use force or not.

"So are you saying that he's a genius of your level?" Fu laughed then looked at Dongfang Qianyin with mocking eyes, "Do you think a grown tiger can be killed by a cub? Sir Dongfang with all due respect my men will not lose to yours even in terms of fighting capabilities."

Dongfang Qianyin noticed Fu's reaction so he released a dry cough, "I understand what you are saying however we cannot draw a clear conclusion as no one in your family nor anyone in the auction hall had even caught glimpse of his face. This is mere conclusions that I made through speculations…"

Dongfang Qianyin paused his voice then became deep as he said, "If he is, then we can help each and search for him and kill him off."

Fu kept quiet for a while, she took another sip of tea until she finishes the whole thing her eyes were focused downwards as she was brought to deep contemplation, 'What he is saying may be true, however…'

The Dongfang Qianyin of the Dongfang Family was a very calm and collected person however seeing him oozing with killing intent for Wang Xue like this made Fu doubt the credibility of those words. Taking a deep breath she said.

"I know what other people are saying, however, I already sent out my people in order to find him. I will tell you if we ever find him, and if he is the person you are looking for then I will give you his head in a silver platter."

Dongfang Qianyin's brows raised up when she heard after hearing what she had said, he wanted to say something back to him but before he could he heard Fu said something else.

"I know what you will say Sir Dongfang, however, I don't want to argue with you right now. Although our family has a good relationship it doesn't mean we also do. You're a genius of your sect and family while I am the spoiled kid of the Shan family who can only rely on my family's connection in order to live." Fu's voice was rather lonely when after saying this.

Fu was the known spoiled daughter of the Shan family and although their age had a year difference Fu being a year younger than Dongfang Qianyin, the fact that Dongfang Qianyin was being hailed as the top genius of the generation, being pressured all the time made Fu stop cultivation altogether even though she had a clear talent for it.

'Why bother with things like cultivation if I can live a life of luxury if I ever want to.' That was what she thought and she was right. Being the daughter of the head of the Shan Family even if she didn't do anything and let her older brother who was the number one genius of their whole Shan Family will let her do anything she pleases in the future.

"Just tell me the last thing you want to talk about." Fu was getting tired of this conversation already.

Dongfang Qianyin noted this and said, "This not a personal thing like the other one and more of a family matter, and this last bit is my last question and I just request you to answer me in all honesty." As he talked he looked Fu in the eyes and gave her a very serious gaze.

Fu nodded her head to confirm.

"The Dragon Catacomb, is it true that the Serpent's Realm had appeared in the Dragon Catacomb and that your family had been able to locate it already?" Dongfang Qianyin was serious when he talked about Wang Xue earlier but he is even more so right now and Fu hearing what he had just said was surprised.

Fu took a deep breath then gaze Dongfang Qianyin a smirked before saying, "Yes we have, and at the moment the message of it being located had been sent out to the whole Province and after two days no one living in the Province won't know about it, so why are you here exactly?"

"So it really is true…." He mumbled, Dongfang Qianyin didn't mind Fu's mocking smirked as he knew what she thinking about. A genius who came all the way to the Desert State in order to confirm something that will be announced to the public, how laughable was that?

Even so, Dongfang Qianyin did not care as he was even more ecstatic about it, "So your family is already about to announce it to the public? I need to disregard the issue of Wang Xue in order to prepare." He said to himself.

"You know that the Rolling Thunder State is the neutral State of the Province and the Serpent's Realm is something that the whole province had been waiting for to enter if my Shan Family were to hog the information regarding it we just may go out of business."

The Shan Family does a lot of trades in the Jade Province and they have a good reputation in the masses this is the reason why the Shan Family had flourish even though there were many competitors who were eyeing their business, because of this reason if the Shan Family were to secretly enter the Serpent's Realm and try to take the benefit for themselves many people may shun them affecting their livelihood.

"I understand your worries, even my Dongfang family will do the same thing the same thing." Said Dongfang Qianyin.

The Rolling Thunder State was neutral ground for everyone in the Jade Province and no one dares to try claiming it for themselves it was to the point that the Rolling Thunder State was protected by the three great sects and if some group were to try anything weird they will be destroyed almost instantaneously.

Although there were some people who tried claiming the Rolling Thunder State for their own groups most of them did not even last to see the next day and they were already destroyed by not only through the three great sects powers but also by the different clans.

The Dragon Catacombs was a treasure cove where much hidden treasure lays, although dangerous people still dare go in because of the temptation of getting many good things and even if people knew that there were others who had died inside that fact would only give them more excitement in the thought of trying to salvage the storage bracelet of the dead in hopes of getting something from it.

"The Serpent's Realm had once again appeared after so long, everyone's attention will be directed in it and no matter." Dongfang Qianyin had said, the coming of the Serpent's Realm is a big thing and many had been waiting for it and he's one of these people.

He looks at Fu then said, "You will be going to there won't you?"

Fu nodded her head.

"Alright then, I have a proposition for you. Join me in there so I can protect you from harm." Dongfang Qianyin said his voice filled with sincerity and warmth.


Opening his eyes Wang Xue's eyes were blinded by the bright light coming from the sun, his body and meridians had mostly been healed and he was planning to continue the healing process.

However, he noticed that he was not alone, Wang Xue did not bother to stand up nor did he bother to take down the spirit formation so he just yelled, "I know all of you are out there, I will only give you one chance to leave."

The people around were startled and upon hearing what Wang Xue had just said all of them started feeling angry at Wang Xue who gave that warning.

A man whose body was filled with scars stood up then shouted back, "You think you're actually scaring anyone with your bluff!? My men already saw you here a few days ago and we know you are injured."

After finishing these words he charged on the place where Wang Xue sat.

"People just doesn't care to listen to advice"

Wang Xue's blade was already ready to taste some blood and so was the owner, a ghastly smile appeared on his face, "I suppose it is time to get some proper exercise."