A Feeling

Wang Xue was walking towards the direction of the Line City's entrance and as he walked on the pathway there were many people was passing him quickly as if they were in a hurry while some were like him taking it easy and walked in a leisure pace.

As he walked forwards, the white clothes that he had changed into sway with the wind, he was currently trying to reserve some spirit energy for later.

Upon reaching the city gate Wang Xue was welcomed by the loud voices of people haggling as the scene laid in front of him was like the scene of the trade fair that happened in the Cloud City when the Jade Province Competition was held.

The only difference between the two was that this sight that Wang Xue was seeing was just the normal scene that happens every day in Line City. The Dragon Catacomb was near and with it being near the people who were able to obtain some treasures by scavenging the corpses in there and by encountering treasures with some stroke of good luck the Line City was the perfect place to sell off the treasures they were able to get.

"Obtained from the second layer of the Dragon Catacomb this Mind Crystal is…." The same scene was also even playing out from the Cloud City, this made Wang Xue smile a little as he found it a little comical.

'What a lively place… well time to go to the Dragon Catacomb's entrance, if what that pissing man told me was correct then it should be near here..' he thought as he remembered what the scarred man told him.

Yesterday Wang Xue had to deal with a group of small-time bandit who happened to see him when he set up his formation, it would seem that when they saw Wang Xue they had thought that he was injured so the men who saw him went to call their boss and by the time they came back Wang Xue had already mostly treated his own injuries so when they picked a fight with Wang Xue all of them became fertilizer in the middle of nowhere.

However when they were fighting Wang Xue made sure to question the leader many things and when he cut one of his feet in order to make him more obedient, a little incident happened to result for the leader's pants to become wet, hence Wang Xue dubbed him pissing man.

Pissing man said that after entering Line City Wang Xue only needs to head farther north and he would be able to reach Dragon Canyon after half a day of continuous journey after reaching the Dragon Canyon Wang Xue would naturally be able to reach the entrance to the Dragon Catacomb's that was located in the middle of the Dragon Canyon.

'Time to hurry now, I will just supplement my cultivation with demonic cores.' He thought as he directly went for the exit of the Line City and directly went for the Dragon Canyon.

Wang Xue traveled for a half a day as the pissing man said to him, 'There it is.'

Seeing the rocky view up ahead Wang Xue quicken his pace and directly went deeper, he passed many cultivators who were coming in and out of the canyon. The men and women who were about to enter had two looks in their faces, they were either excited or serious, while the people who exited were either excited with their haul and in pain from the physical, mental, and emotional wounds that they have.

With the Dragon Catacomb located in the mid area of the Dragon Canyon Wang Xue passed more people and all of them had the same two different kinds of looks on their countenance, then as Wang Xue was about nearing the Dragon Catacombs Wang Xue felt a chill run down his spine.

Stopping in the middle of the pathway Wang Xue starred directly at the path ahead, 'What was that?' as he felt the chilling coldness Wang Xue started looking around if other people were able to feel it.

'Nobody?' Seeing that everybody was moving in the same pace Wang Xue thought if that chilling feeling was the norm here, however that feeling only appeared very briefly making Wang Xue doubt if that cold and chilly feeling was a normal occurrence.

That feeling was not ordinary and Wang Xue was able to tell that it was most likely not of this world, 'What's the secret does the Dragon Catacombs hold.' He thought as he increased his speed.

What he just felt was not of this world and that coldness was not something that came from any kind of frost the coldness he felt was more like a breath that came from some being that came from the other side where the plane the ethereal being dwells and lives… the spirit realm.

Taking note of this made Wang Xue think how can a being from the other realm be present in the physical realm? This is his question, Wang Xue was attracted to the mysteries ahead of him, making him want to explore Dragon Catacomb even more.

Upon entering the Dragon Catacombs Wang Xue tried finding the chilly coldness that he felt, however, upon entering he found no trace of what he was looking for taking out a light sphere that he got from the pissing man Wang Xue proceeded to head deeper in the dark Dragon Catacombs.

'My third goal has appeared.' he declared in his mind.

Wang Xue's goal in the Dragon Catacomb was originally just two, he wanted to stay there in order to train and even get some demonic cores to be absorbed… demonic cores were filled with spirit energy, after all, although they were a chaotic and aggressive type of spirit energy Wang Xue thought of using the Golden Pagoda's skill of purifying spirit energy then use the spirit energy he obtains as a substitute for the spirit pills he was currently lacking.

As for his other goal it was to lay low and try to avoid any contact with anyone until the search for him died down a little, he knew that he was a wanted man now and the best way he can hide was to go here and train himself at the same time.

For his new goal that would be to find the source of that unearthly chill that he felt earlier, this may sound hard for him this is now his top priority. The more he knew if spirits the better and who knows that whatever that thing was a treasure may be hiding with it.


The Jade Province received big news like today, and that news was… 'The entrance to the Serpent's Realm was found and the location was given to the public by the Shan family.' This is the biggest news in the Jade Province and at this very moment, after the people received the news, the number of people rushing towards the direction of the Dragon Catacombs increased by many folds.

'The entrance to the Serpent's Realm had been found, haha, it's been too long since the last time it had appeared. I will get a rare spirit weapon this time around.' This is basically the thing that is going on in other people's mind at the moment.

With the appearance of the Serpent's Realm that also means the appearance of great treasures. The Serpent's Realm last appeared 81 years ago and it had been too long, because when it first appeared the number of treasures taken from it was immense and some of the big names in the last generation all got a huge amount of benefits when they came in here, and one of the fortunate persons of the last generation was the current head of the Dongfang Family, Dongfang Qianyin's father.

Aside from Dongfang Qianyin's father, there were also the Head of the Boulder Sect and the Legendary Mist assassin. The tale of the wondrous treasures that can be found in the Serpent's Realm had spread far and wide and no one in the Jade Province can fight against the temptation the Serpent's Realm presents.

However there was a limit in the placed upon the Serpent's Realm and that would be, no one whose strength had exceeded level 9 of the Jade Palace realm could enter because if they did, death would be the only thing that they will be encountering.

The people of the last generation had learned about this rule the hard way thankfully this information had already been circulated and now no one who was already a Spirit Manifestation realm expert dares to enter or get near it anymore, in fear of dying.

However, for the people whose strength was at the Jade Palace realm the excitement were eating them up as they quickly made their way to the Dragon Catacombs, as they entered many took out a light sphere that can be bought in the Line City.

The Dragon Catacomb at this time was little with dead bodies off demonic beasts that had been killed by the countless cultivators who went to find the entrance of the Serpent's realm.


A man slashes a Sonic Bat in half as he proceeded forward, the Sonic Bats who had lived here for years were currently being killed indiscriminately. The gate to the Serpent's Realm was said to be located in the area that borders the third level and the second level of the Dragon Catacombs.

The deeper the level the stronger the demonic beasts at this point no one whose strength is lower than level 3 of the Jade Palace realm could venture and even if they tried they would just die, because of the high-level demonic beast that can be found in the edge of the second level.

However, a level 2 Jade Palace realm man seemed to be attempting to enter the second level of the Dragon Catacombs, many lower level cultivators saw this and started ridiculing him behind his back some even shouted at him.

"Hey, some kid is throwing his life away for the Serpent's realm, what an id*ot." A man said as he looked at the back of the man's white clothes and could not help but snort.

However, the man in white did not stop nor did he slow down at all, in fact, he even moved faster than before… if this man in white was not Wang Xue then who could it be? At the moment as he moved forward his eyes looked much focused.

As he moved forward he muttered something to himself, "I finally found you!!"