Fine Archery

"What the hell is with this place!? It is too cold."

"I know, when I went to look around earlier the whole place was covered with frost as far as the eye can see, and till now I am still unable to find anything in this Tundra."

"Let's just go already nothing in this place is of any value… we can't stay here for any longer I feel my meridians freezing and I might freeze to death if I don't leave this place any time soon."

A pair of a male and a female cultivator hurriedly left to find an exit to this tundra-like place. With the ground frozen and no trees or any sign living thing present for a 5 kilometers radius this place was truly like a tundra, a frozen hell.

With the ground frozen and everything around was white Wang Xue sat on top of a hill as if the freezing winds were nothing to him Wang Xue kept his eyes tight shut and continued meditating. His spirit energy wraps around his whole body as if it was some kind of thin layer of a sheet that protected him from the biting cold of this tundra.

Wang Xue slowly opened his eyes and a cold light shot out from them, his eyes reflected a deep hue of blue which slowly started to disappear at this very moment, the spirit energy surrounding him was changing a shadow was silently looming over his head, non-moving like him.

"How are you feeling?" saying this, Wang Xue slowly raised his head and took one look at the shadow atop his head, the shadow seemed ethereal and its body was translucent and could almost see through its body, even so, one can still make out its silhouette for some four-legged animal that's still in its early stages of life.

The hazy image of the four-legged animal moved a bit showing that it was fine, as it does this motion an almost inaudible voice entered Wang Xue's ears, "good---but---not---enough." It was weak and the voice was stuttering, however, it still manages to complain.

Wang Xue smiled thinking how Fenrir was somehow able to absorb some of the frosts in this place. When he entered this place Wang Xue wanted to start wandering around in order to find some treasure hidden around the area, however when he was about to do so the cold spirit energy was suddenly sucked into his body and went directly to his Jing and Mai where his Spirit Lakes were located.

Seeing this happen Wang Xue was overjoyed that was because Fenrir was actually able to absorb the almost frozen spirit energy in their surroundings… and now after two hours of cultivation and meditating Fenrir was finally able to show a translucent silhouette and slightly come out of his Spirit Lake.

"Can you sustain this form?" Wang Xue asks.

Fenrir did not answer quickly, feeling out the spirit energy that had been stored inside his body Fenrir said, "No---I---still----can't---this---is---only---temporary."

Fenrir's voice had clear disappointment mixed in them, his current translucent body I was only obtained through the aid of the spirit energy around this frozen realm and it didn't directly come from Wang Xue himself.

"At least be thankful that you can come out for a while, so will you continue to hang around with me here or will you go back to the Spirit Lake." As Wang Xue asks Fenrir he checked the spirit energy surrounding him and made sure that Fenrir had stop absorbing.

'Must have reached his limits already… this glutton actually has a limit.' He thought as he started standing up, as he stood on top of that mountain Wang Xue's body was covered with, his bamboo hat was currently inside his storage ring showing his face to the world.

"No---I---will---stay---for---a---while---the---dragon----there---is---such---a---bore." He said as he descended above Wang Xue's head and rested on his shoulder. Keeping his silence Fenrir lay down on Wang Xue's shoulder and relaxed.

Wang Xue did not argue with him any longer for he also knew just how much the Dragon Dwelling Pagoda shows its indifference to anything unrelated to its own growth and progress. Wang Xue leaped down from the mountain and started to descend the snowy mountain that he was currently in.

As he went down Wang Xue looked around and still did not found any demonic beasts nor did he found any spirit entity lying on the ground or wandering around the place. He quickly went down and started heading north.

Wang Xue did not know what this place was and he didn't have any kind of treasure that may show him the way, the only thing that he can do now was to wander in this place. The frozen realm had an abundance of frost spirit energy good for those whose Martial Spirit have any affinity to a frost or anyone who practiced a Martial Skill that has any connection with frost.

Wang Xue have Fenrir however he is still too weak at the moment and the only that he can actually do was to store some spirit energy for himself and if Wang Xue tried to cultivate with him like this Wang Xue's meridians have a high chance of becoming frozen and for frost type Martial Skill Wang Xue didn't have such things if he didn't have Fenrir to provide him with the frost.

Moving with fast speed Wang Xue continued to see nothing but a sheet of snow and ice over the horizon, and even though there was a sun over his head it didn't give him any kind of warmth to him at all but he was thankful enough that guides his path.

Moving forward for a solid hour Wang Xue finally saw something showing over the horizon, as he got closer to the forest he saw something on the very edge of the white forest… a statue of a serpentine being that towers for over 10 meters in height.

Wang Xue stopped in front of the serpentine statue and started checking it out, as he was observing it Wang Xue noticed some kind of writing in the lower parts of the statue, in the place where its tail was touching different lines were written.

"This is runes." Crouching down Wang Xue gaze at the runes that were written down on the statue. He had seen some runes in past and upon seeing this Wang Xue was able to make out what kind of language was used.

Wang Xue did not even need to slowly comprehend them as this set of patterns was all too familiar because these rune patterns were the same as the ones that he was thought by Fenrir in the past… it was the language of the Spirits.

"White Scales Forest." the runes were long as long as two sentences however despite how long it was the message that it conveys was nothing but the name of the placed he was about to enter. Wang Xue looked at the statue one more time after reading the runes and then entered the White Scale Forest.

Fenrir moved slightly at the sight of the giant serpent behind him and thought some things, he kept his quiet and just continued to enjoy the scene in front around him.

The White Scales Forest had towering trees that were even taller than the statues two times and the leaves of each trees were white and as they fell from above they drifted like snow as they gently sway with the winds.

The atmosphere inside the White Scale Forest was different than outside, when Wang Xue entered the White Scales Forest he felt the air changed a little differently compared to outside the wind here were much gentler and the temperature rose a bit a lot different than what was happening outside.

Wang Xue admired the scenery for a bit before continuing on his way, as he continued onwards Wang Xue's ears suddenly twitch after hearing some commotion happening from somewhere, then as he was finally able to pinpoint the actual location of this sound a yellow light suddenly descended from above followed by a dark red arrow.


An explosion suddenly appeared 20 meters away from where Wang Xue, seeing this Wang Xue quickly went into hiding as his face was not covered in any way, Wang Xue immediately went up one of the trees by hopping from one of the tree trunks to the other and finally he reached around 35 meters above the ground did he finally stop.

Wang Xue hid his spiritual energy and watched on what was happening downwards, below was a man wearing yellow clothing's the same clothes the Boulder Sect wore, the man stood steady as he stood on the ground that had been carved up by the explosion earlier.

However, although his face showed calmness and indifference his heart was still burning with anger, then as he stood there another red arrow once again appeared aimed to pierce his heart in one go.

A dreadful aura came with the arrow, the boulder sect's disciple saw this kind of attack then went from keeping his cool to losing himself to anger, "SCRAM!!" the disciple shouted on top of his lungs and a strong pressure appeared from inside his body.

The boulder sect disciple grabbed the flying arrow coming to him with his bare hands.


Both of his hands glowed with a golden luster his veins started to enlarge as it became visible all over his body especially around his neck area, "Golden Orangutan Palm." He screamed with all his might as he prepared to meet the arrow.

Wang Xue who had been watching from above saw this move then commented, "He's dead."

The red arrow directly went forward in high speed, the golden palm of the disciple connected with the arrow however he didn't notice the death creeping up from behind him.


An arrow pierces him from behind, the boulder sect disciple felt the arrow entering his body, he tried dodging at the last second however he failed to even move his body.

Swoosh!! Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

Three arrows piece him from all over the place, the arrows didn't come from one direction as if there's more than one archer after him.

"What fine archery." Wang Xue praised.