A Treasure Appearing

What fine archery." Wang Xue praised after seeing three simultaneous arrows pierce the body of the boulder sect disciple, "Three shots all in the vitals."

The three arrows were deeply ingrained on the boulder's sect body, he was struck on the left shoulder, left knee, and on the middle of his abdomen, however, even with this kind of injuries the boulder sect disciple had yet to die and even with the violent foreign energy invading his body he still struggled to stand on his feet.

"HA!" with a loud shout his golden hands glowed with resplendent golden light, his spirit energy became vigorous and full of life and then, he tried catching the arrow that was heading his way.


Another explosion occurred, red and golden light shout out everywhere, the debris' flew everywhere and crash to the giant white trees that stood in the White Scales Forest, the snow turned to steam as the ground cave in.

"Show yourself, coward!! All this time you have been hiding in the shadow disgracefully trying to kill me with these petty tricks!!" Blood was oozing out of his body, but he was still as energetic as if the damage on his body was nothing to him.

His loud voice was heard all over the place, however, no one answered back to him and not one arrow flew at him it was as if the assailant who had been chasing and picking him off from before had finally given up on him, he should have been happy but he knew the reason why the attacks stop.

'What a sly fellow.' Watching the bloody image of the boulder sect disciple Wang Xue had an idea why the attacks suddenly stop, 'He's waiting for him to die, huh' he mused.

The attacker did not stop his salvo of attacks because of pity rather it was because the amount of damage given was enough and Wang Xue was clearly able to see this point. The Boulder Sect disciple may have high vitality but he will die soon after his body calms down.

'The raging spirit energy inside him is the only thing that's keeping him alive, his intestine was pierced by the arrow and---and that is not normal at all.'


Like what Wang Xue had thought the Boulder Sect disciple fell to on the ground, he kneeled on the ground with both of his knees and felt his meridians being corroded by foreign energy, he tried using his spirit energy to suppress it down but alas he failed in the end.

Feeling his body his meridians were filled with raging spirit energy and no matter what he did to make it calm down something was keeping him from doing so, blood climbed up his urethra his body didn't have much strength anymore and by now he had completely lost control over his spirit energy making him incapable of holding back the blood coming out of his mouth.

"Argh..." Black colored blood burst out of his mouth accompanied by some internal organs that had been corroded by the foreign energy, "Poison!? Sh*t this is bad."

Seeing the black blood the Boulder Sect disciple finally realized that the arrow that it was not normal at all and his body was already corroded, nonetheless he didn't want to die so with a flip of his right hand he took out a red talisman with some runes written on it.

He didn't waste any more time and was about to crash it with his bare hands but the sound of arrows tearing the air sounded out once again after it had stayed silent.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two pierced both of his hands, and his right hand that clutched the talisman was also pieced by the arrow destroying it in the process. With the arrows nailing him on the ground the boulder sect disciple was put in an awkward position with his posture looking like he was prostrating.

"Argh, damn it you coward, how low can you get?" he bellowed to his surrounding using all of his remaining strength, he knew his life was going to end and he could not do anything about this impending death no matter what he does the fact that his body was poisoned was not going to change and now that his last hope of escaping was lost the only thing that he can do now was to wait for his death.

His heart was filled with hate from the fact that his enemy used poison to kill him, but the fact that he was not even able to see the person who killed nor did he see his shadow made the Boulder Sect disciple feel horrible, and in the time of his death, his vision started turning dark and after a couple of seconds his last breath was gone.

No sound was heard all was silent, even the wind didn't blow, the silence was so prevalent that if a needle was to be dropped at this time even Wang Xue who hid above the trees will be able to hear it, then the sound of the wind being torn broke this silence.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Two arrows flew, the arrow didn't carry any color nor was it coated with spirit energy it was just an ordinary arrow fired by ordinary means. The arrow turned a beautiful arc on the air as it gracefully descended from above to the back of boulder sect disciples head.

Thud! Thud!

Two clear sounds of the arrow piercing the skull and hitting the brain were clearly heard… now it was clear that the boulder sect disciple was truly dead without any doubt.

The arrows were sent down to confirm the kill showing just how careful the person who made this disciple into a porcupine. After a short while a person wearing black clothing appeared, he was wearing clothes all over his body and no part of his skin was showing.

Quickly making his way through the body of the boulder sect disciple, he came and he goes after taking the storage bracelet the disciple was wearing and making sure that he made the arrows disappear from existence.

Looking around the man in black left immediately after making sure that everything was clear and nobody was around.

'So the arrow was the Martial Spirit." He said as he stood up from the tree branch.

Wang Xue came down from above, standing beside the boulder sect disciple Wang Xue crouched down then said, "You are pretty unlucky." He said as he laughed.

"Will---you---follow---him?" Fenrir asked as he looked down on the corpse below.

"Nothing, I don't want to make any unnecessary enemies at the moment, that man is not simple, those arrows move like they had eyes dealing with him will be too troublesome." Wang Xue answered back, before leaving.

Wang Xue didn't stay any longer in that place, he had already checked the corrosive spirit energy imbued on those arrows and now that Wang Xue knew how dangerous those arrows were he wouldn't mind acting like he didn't see anything.

He was clearly able to feel the level of cultivation that person had and in his observation he was able to confirm that he was already a level 5 Jade Palace realm cultivator and what's more is that his stealth ability is good because when Wang Xue was watching from above he had a hard time finding him in this kind of environment.

As he was going through the White Scales Forest Wang Xue notice something moving around the trees, a shadow of an animal was constantly hopping from one tree to the other. Wang Xue did not stop his movement nor did he stop to check what this shadow being was because he didn't feel any kind of killing intent from it and the only thing that he felt uncomfortable about it was the fact that seemed to only have been watching him and observing him from afar.

"What---a---curious----being," Fenrir said to Wang Xue.

Wang Xue did not pay him any mind as he focused on the direction he was going through especially the trees that were surrounding it and the fact that had a very peculiar shape and appearance, its white trunks and the white leaves that seemed to be snow was something he had not even seen before.

"What a strange place, no matter where I look the only thing I see is white and…" It was weird but his mind started to drift the moment that his nose suddenly picked up a sweet smell in the air and this sweet smell was so mesmerizing that even he was beginning to have his mouth water.

Without any hesitation Wang Xue diverges from his current path and change his course as he went towards the direction of that sweet smell, then as he was running Wang Xue noticed people were also round running towards the same direction as him.

Wang Xue took out his Ice Steel Sword and readied himself for any conflict that may arise all of a sudden, "Whatever that smell is coming from there would be many people going for it."

There were many people around the place meaning there were many contenders for the spirit herb that he was smelling, if it was a normal case Wang Xue would not care for this thing because of the people around were too much but the sweet smell was not normal.

The aroma suddenly appeared like it just pops out of from thin air and the surrounding spirit energy was being directed towards a single location, and from Wang Xue's memory there was only one kind of spirit herb that can show this kind of phenomenon, "If this is an actual, Autumn Iceroots."

At this moment the attraction force of the spirit energy in the air suddenly got stronger until….

Swishhhh!!! Swooosh!!

The air that begun to be forcibly attracted towards a single point and when Wang Xue raised his head he saw it, a giant tornado suddenly emerging from out of nowhere and absorbing every spirit energy in the atmosphere.

Seeing this phenomenon Wang Xue quickly went up the tree branch and hasten his steps, as he went higher he saw many people going continuing onwards from down below.

"Get----it-----Little----Xue." Fenrir roared as loud as he could.

Giggling to himself Wang Xue said, "I will even if you don't tell me, Wang Xue gathered his spirit energy then took out three Ice Steel Knives from his storage bracelet

."Die for me now." With that said Wang Xue threw the Ice Steel Knives to three different directions, as he runs passed many people loud explosions suddenly occurred as a fight suddenly break out.