Sh*t!!!!!! ( ver.2)

"Here it comes, Fenrir goes back to the Spirit Lake until it's over." Wang Xue said to Fenrir which Fenrir immediately obeyed without any objection whatsoever. Planting his feet deeply in the sturdy body of the white tree where he stood Wang Xue begun bracing himself for the next earthly phenomenon.

Inside the giant tornado was the Autumn Iceroots and the Autumn Iceroots was spinning at high speeds then… it suddenly stopped any commotion killing off every momentum that it had in one single stop.

The Autumn Iceroots slowly lost its beautiful glow, the moment that this happened the spirit energy tornado that was raging all over the place begun to wobble losing its speed and intact form. Then, the tornado pulsated like a beating heart.

Then, all was silent once again no motion was made not the people who were luckily able to survive the tragic fate of dying from the spirit energy tornado, only the sound of the air moving was heard, then all of a sudden a bright light shot out of the spirit energy tornado.

Seeing this happen the people around were startled, some were scared stiff while some chose to get some distance in fear of something strange might happen once again.

"Get away quickly, something might happen again… oh no the light." A man shouted as he tried running as fast as he could, however when the bright light touched him and nothing happened he immediately calms down, then it turns to joy, "Nothing happened." He announced for everybody to hear.

Wang Xue heard him say this then his lips curve up to a smile, "That's not what you should be scared about."

The light spread all over the place shining upon the people an ear-splitting sound echoed out for everybody to hear.


The sound was loud and it came from the spirit energy tornado where the Autumn Iceroots floats, the rhythmic beating of the spirit energy tornado hasten to the point that in the eyes of many it was contracting and expanding visibly.

"What is that!? The spirit energy tornado is beginning to become smaller." Someone in the crowd pointed out.

Everybody noticed these happening and all of them watch in awe as this great phenomenon happen. The spirit energy that killed dozens of high-level cultivator was shrinking.

This was a spectacular sight, the giant tornado began to shrink to a size a by now the amount that it had shrunk into was immense but, what everybody didn't notice was that the amount of spirit energy was also beginning to thin out.


A sudden violent suction came out of nowhere all of a sudden startling everybody around except for Wang Xue, the spirit energy tornado that had been pulsating like a heart earlier vanished to thin air and what was left was a blue colored plant that seemed to be a mixed of a vine a twig.

The blue light was beautiful but nobody had the time to look at it and enjoy the scene because what followed was much more of a hell than what just appeared earlier.

There were people who were being sucked in by the powerful attractive force that came from the Autumn Iceroots that was violently trembling as it hangs over the air like a blue colored black hole that sucks everything and anything.

Trees sways, the wind howled, people screamed, and the spirit energy was being cleaned out in a 100-meter radius. People that flew over to the Autumn Iceroots stopped were starting to dry out, and unlike the people trapped in the spirit energy tornado the people who were being sucked not being frozen but their spirit energy were being sucked dry, same with the vitality in their body.

Their meridians were dried in a long but quick fashion and it happened in plain sight for everyone to see. It was a 100 meters death zone and it was still expanding in order to absorb more spirit energy.

"Run, run, sh*t why did I come here, why didn't I just directly went for the exit like the others!? No, nooooooo" A man scolded himself as the expanding radius of the Autumn Iceroots caught up to him, lifting him from the ground and taking him away to be sucked dry.

Wang Xue despite being 200 meters away the attraction force he was feeling was still immense, he had distanced himself this far in order to not get caught up with the absorption but it was still strong the only thing that keeping him in place was the great amount of spirit energy that he placed on his feet and sword.

The Autumn Iceroots was sucking everything in a 150 meter radius and by now the zone it had been had turned to a wasteland where even the spirit energy was nowhere to be found and the white trees had all dried up like a jerky, and as for the humans they had longed been turned to ashes after everything in their being was fully absorbed.

Five minutes passed and Wang Xue took his sword and held it by his side, Wang Xue felt the great attraction force coming to him but he didn't fight it this time like he did, taking out his bamboo hat from his storage bracelet Wang Xue closed his eyes and began to count backward, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

His eyes opened and both of his feet left the trees, his body was flying in high speeds towards the Autumn Iceroots. Many saw him flying in the air ad all of them had the same collective thought that he would die, after seeing what happened to people who were sucked in by the Autumn Iceroots all of them had a clear idea of what will happen to Wang Xue.

"Another one had fallen to death," one remarked as he tightly clutched on the white tree.

There were only a few people left alive in the vicinity, their strength was not as strong as Zhou Yun and the other people who died in the spirit energy tornado but their strength was still at level 4 of the Jade Palace realm and their ability were still better than most.

Wang Xue was weak and everybody saw this point, and as he was about to head to certain death everybody could not help but look at him with great pity, "Such an unlucky person, dying like this when he have his future ahead of him."

"Are you an id*ot? We are also facing certain death like him." someone berated him back, "It's his bad luck and stupidity that got him here in the first place, dying here is his fault."

The man was harsh with what he had said but he was correct, only people who were strong deserved to enter the Serpent's Realm and if you were to die inside the Serpent's Realm every fault fall onto you, in the eyes of many Wang Xue was actually lucky for still being alive.

But dying was the last thing on Wang Xue's list of doing no… that was incorrect because dying for the second time had not even entered Wang Xue's mind, this was his second life already, and it would not give him anything good to risk his life in attaining this Autumn Iceroots if he didn't actually need it and if he was not completely sure on what he was doing.

Wang Xue didn't fight the attraction coming from the Autumn Iceroots, instead, he freely gave up his body and rode it only moving his body when he's about to hit something. He rode the wind with grace and patience.

The spirit energy on his body was being absorbed slowly by the Autumn Iceroots were quickly replaced by another layer of spirit energy. As he got closer the rate of absorption also became much faster and the amount that was being taken away from his was about enough to empty the second layer of the Golden pagoda inside his Qi Sea.

Then, when the second layer of his Golden Pagoda was about to be emptied out Wang Xue saw a sudden change inside the spirit energy tornado. The moment that he saw it his mouth curved into a smile and he made his spirit energy go and circulate inside his body frantically.

"Huu!!" exhaling the air in his body Wang Xue steadied his heart and mind and looked forward towards the direction of the spirit energy tornado that begun to beat like a heart of a massive dragon once again.

Bathump!! Bathump!! Ziii!

The spirit energy tornado began decreasing in size at a rate that was visible to the eyes of the people around, and it didn't take long before it fully vanished into nothingness and what replaced the previously raging tornado that was made of spirit energy was an azure almost sapphire like colored vine that twists itself forming into a five spiked ball.

This was the final form of a 500-years-old Autumn Iceroots, with its body twisting and turning with the help of the spirit energy tornado the Autumn Iceroots will not have any of imperfect image, its previous form that did not carry any elegance to it.

"Finally." Wang Xue moved with high speeds as he runs on the ground below, with the wind from the tornado gone he was forced to move on his own and as he was running forward the distance between him and the Autumn Iceroots were only a few meters left.

He only need to take one big step forward and Wang Xue would be able to obtain the Autumn Iceroots for himself, then as he was going for it he heard a lot of screams coming from behind. Turning his head around Wang Xue saw the many people running and gunning towards him.

"You bastard stay where you are, that Autumn Iceroots is mine don't you dare touch it with your dirty hands."

"Get out of here while you still can, just be thankful that you didn't die from the Autumn Iceroots and scram before I get there."

Cultivators who had noticed what's going on frantically started running towards his direction, all of them wanting to take the Autumn Iceroots for himself, everyone's eyes were red from the greed.

Wang Xue saw them and a smile appeared on his face, he was about to get the Autumn Iceroots Wang Xue didn't want to throw this golden opportunity away just because some petty threats were thrown by the leftovers from the earlier show.

Turning his head over Wang Xue prepared to get the Autumn Iceroots and get away from this rowdy place in one swoop however when he was about to plant his foot to the ground and get away from that place with haste, a bloodlust filled intent appeared from behind.

Wang Xue's heart shuddered because he knew how strong the person who was behind him was and he also knew that he didn't have any chance if he were to fight right now.

Shoot!! Shoot!! Shoot!! Shoot!!

Four arrows flew in the air tearing through the air releasing a red a light that made anyone look at them have their hearts backs be filled with cold sweat.

Four arrows were released in the air and three cries of agony were heard from behind, "Three people were hit?"

Wang Xue paid extreme attention to his surroundings and observed what was happening through his other senses other than sight. As he runs forward without looking back, Wang Xue felt danger quickly heading his way targeting him from behind.

Wang Xue did not hesitate in the least and took out three Ice Steel Knives from his storage bracelet and coated them with spirit energy before throwing them behind him as he targeted the arrow homing from behind him carrying death with it.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The three Ice Steel Knives were thrown and met with that one arrow however it was only met with a great force and all three was not able to stop the arrow, it only slightly changed the course of the arrow by a tiny margin. However, that doesn't mean he was out of the red as the arrow was still going to hit him on his right shoulder and Wang Xue wasn't in the right posture to dodge.

"Sh*t!!!" Wang Xue noted this fact and immediately took drastic measures in order to avoid it, using his spirit energy and his left arm Wang Xue forcefully change his course by a few inches enabling him to dodge the arrow heading for him, but it was not with a price as he suffered some internal injuries.

Despite suffering from an injury such as this Wang Xue still didn't have any time to rest, as another arrow was about to find its way towards his heart.

Wang Xue knew that he would not be able to evade so gritting his teeth he called for his savior, "Fenrir, it's time to get some work done!!"

A black shadow appeared Wang Xue's back and the moment that it did Wang Xue's spirit energy was focused to his sword as he mumbled, "Fenrir you better not have lost your touch!! First Form of the Wolf, Lonely Moon."

A bright radiance appeared from out of nowhere blinding many people.


The two chapter update will be late, I apologized in advance.