Lonely Moon

"Fenrir, First form of the Wolf… Lonely Moon." The Ice Steel Sword that Wang Xue carried shone with bright radiance illuminating his surroundings. Blue colored lights sparkled as the black shadow behind Wang Xue slowly drifter into the sword as if it was merging together with it.

No runes appeared on the surface of the sword showing that Fenrir did not give Wang Xue any kind of buff like other Beasts type Martial Spirit. His sword did not any kind of runes on the surface however, instead of having runes inscribed the Ice Steel Sword experienced a change.

The black color of the sword slowly change to blue and insignia of a beast appeared on the end of the handle, white lines appeared on the surface of the sword.

A huge amount of spirit energy went to his Ice Steel sword then, a low roar of a beast came out of his sword. Smiling Wang Xue felt the familiar feeling and bathe his senses with it, 'It had been too long since I felt this way.'

The arrow homing for his heart continued unobstructed on its path, seeing this blood arrow Wang Xue drew the sword close to himself. Wang Xue waited for the arrow to get closer and the moment that its distance was only 10 meters away from himself Wang Xue placed his feet on the ground and made a horizontal slash targeting the arrow.

The arrow was fast but Wang Xue's sword was not any slower, the slashed that Wang Xue made was beautiful and as it passed it created a vague image of a ball of spirit energy looming over Wang Xue's head and as he made that slash the moon seemed to have been cut in half.

Shii!! Bang!

His sword tore the air is it flew in the air and by the time that it met with the arrow the bluish white sword of Wang Xue had already halve his remaining Golden Pagoda layer. Concentrate with spirit energy the collision created an explosion resulting for smoke and dust to spread everywhere.

Wang Xue successfully parried the arrow and he was even able to cut it in half. The cultivators who were trying to chase down Wang Xue stopped on their tracks, after witnessing such marvel all of them were hesitating if they should go and continue on pursuing Wang Xue or start running for their lives.

They had seen the arrow in action and most of them knew that if they were in Wang Xue's position earlier they would've died already without a doubt, 'This kid is not ordinary… that sword is also extraordinary, that must have been the thing that let him .'

In their eyes the sword that Wang Xue's awe-inspiring attack all came from the sword that he was carrying with himself.

'I want that sword to be mine, if I can get that sword I will be able to become one of the strongest people in the whole Jade Province, I will be able to rise above and look down upon everyone else.' many of them thought.

However none dared to get closer to Wang Xue, and as for the person who was hiding in the shadows thought differently than others because he was able to see the mutation of that sword when Wang Xue's Martial Spirit was called out.

'What a strange Martial Spirit.' That person thought, holding a bow type spirit weapon that person drew back the strings of the bow, spirit energy gathered to that person's fingertips and quickly after a blood red arrow appeared from thin air.

Waiting for Wang Xue to come out of the smoke that person didn't move and kept his gaze on the smokescreen, 'Come out already and I will be able to get out of this place.'

Wang Xue inside the smokescreen held his sword close to his chest, his spirit energy was already halved but he didn't immediately disable the mutation of his sword regaining his stance Wang Xue softly landed on the ground and quickly made a mad dash towards the Autumn Iceroots.

Upon coming out of the smoke the person hiding in the shadows saw him and carefully aimed for Wang Xue, however, when he was about to fire the arrow away that person Wang Xue raised his sword up then smashed his blue sword on the ground resulting for dust and smoke to appear once more.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

The hidden person didn't have much trouble concerning about the smokescreen appearing hindering his eyes, but Wang Xue did this kind of absurd thing a few times until he finally reached the place below the Autumn Iceroots.

Wang Xue stood directly below the Autumn Iceroots and in one single breath Wang leaped up the air coming out of the smokescreen that he created.

Shoot!! Shoot!!

The hidden person saw Wang Xue aiming for the Autumn Iceroots and immediately tried to stop him with his arrows, however, Wang Xue already knew that this kind of thing would happen so twisting his body Wang Xue dodge the first arrow and deflected the other.

After deflecting the arrows Wang Xue didn't keep his sword back inside his storage bracelet nor did he call back Fenrir to himself instead he drew his sword back and the moment that he was at the point where the Autumn Iceroots was floating in front of him Wang Xue made a horizontal slash.

'What the, is he insane!?' the person in the shadow saw Wang Xue cutting the Autumn Iceroots in half and thought that Wang Xue destroyed the whole thing, enraged by this scene that person pick up his bow and drew back the line, when the arrow appeared the person in the shadow was about to release that blood arrow when he heard Wang Xue scream on top of his lungs.

"I don't know who you are but I'll be taking a little part with me, but all this shall be yours." Wang Xue raised his hands and a bright azure light shot to the sky, it was the bigger part of the Autumn Iceroots.

The people around saw the azure light and stood in awe as they see one of the most beautiful things in their life, the bright light carried a wonderful aroma of sweetness and the thick spirit energy radiating from it can be picked up by the surrounding cultivators.

Smiling from ear to ear Wang Xue kept the part of the Autumn Iceroots in his storage bracelet, and with a shout, Wang Xue threw the other part of the Autumn Iceroots in the middle of the cultivators.

The Autumn Iceroots drop onto the ground creating cracks on it, everybody was in a momentary pause for a moment and nobody said anything nor did anyone react to what just happened. The thing that they were fighting for earlier was right beside them and anyone could take it if they were to step forward even by a little bit.

Wang Xue saw their reaction and smiled, before leaving he said, "I will take my leave now, for those who want the Autumn Iceroots I wish you guys the best of luck." With that Wang Xue circulated his spirit energy and started dashing off that place with great haste.

Everybody looks on as Wang Xue left but as far the thing that he had just said most people still couldn't wrap their mind around it, 'He left just like that leaving it behind?' they thought, and as they look down on the Autumn Iceroots that glowed with blinding radiance everyone knew that it was real and as that information gradually started sinking everyone entered a state of fervor.

"That is mine now hahaha." One cultivator was laughing as he picks up the Autumn Iceroots, the moment that he got the treasure that he had been aiming for since the start made him excited and could not help but yell out.

However, when he did this kind of thing he also did a big mistake, the cultivators around heard his cheers and all of their attentions were taken away by him. Seeing him holding the Autumn Iceroots with a face full of smiles everyone felt irritated and started ganging up on him… or rather everyone wanted to take the Autumn Iceroots for himself.

"You piece of trash, give me that or I will make you hear leave your body."

"You also better shut up, you fucking piece of shit, no matter what every one of you says I am the strongest one here so I get this or else I will kill all of you!"

"Hmph, such arrogance you think you can take us all? Everyone take him out first then we can talk about the Autumn Iceroots."

From a minor squabble to an all our riot where lives were lost, the scene that unfolded next was complete bloodshed where only one life will be left, everyone wanted the treasure but there was only one Autumn Iceroots.

The person in the shadows held the bow tightly as he looked towards the direction where Wang Xue had left. He didn't follow him even though he had a part of the Autumn Iceroots and as for the blood arrow that appeared earlier on his bow, by now, it was already gone.

"A strange man, cutting a piece and leaving the bigger part here, well that also works for the both of us." The man said, it was not that did didn't have any hate for Wang Xue but thinking about it the only thing he could do was laugh at this happenings, he has the choice of following him but that means he will be giving up the bigger part.

Sitting on the white tree that he had been hiding up till now, the person with the very dangerous arrow kept his bow and waited for the people down below to finish the fight, he have the ability to finish them off now all by himself but upon thinking how much spirit energy he will have to spend on the Blood Arrows made him decide to wait for the winner and kill him off instead.

"I'll kill him if I meet him once again." That person said as he closed both of his eyes in order to regain the spirit energy that he had expended.