Spiritual Pillars

Wang Xue looked at the beautiful third layer of the Golden Pagoda and could not help but puff his chest out showing how prideful he was as he looked at them. Wang Xue looked at the simple design of the three layers and even to this could not help but praise it.

"The dragon's tail is getting longer, I think the hind leg will appear after level nine." Wang Xue looked up at the tail of the dragon that seemed to have been cut off from its body.

It was a shame that he cannot see the whole picture in one swoop but seeing it like this as his level up go up made Wang Xue feel like he was building the whole thing himself little by little. Entering the third layer of the Golden Pagoda Wang Xue sat down in the middle of the third layer and begun his cultivation.

For some reason, every time Wang Xue's level of cultivation level go up and create the next layer of the Golden Pagoda Wang Xue would need to go to the highest layer in order to command spirit energy and control it.

Wang Xue did not delay any further and reestablish his connection with his storage bracelet. Wang Xue kept cultivating and strengthening his foundation. With the help of the Autumn Iceroots, at least what was left of it Wang Xue did not have to meditate that much when he went on ahead to strengthen the foundation of his current cultivation.

Wang Xue opened his eyes and looked around the place, seeing that nobody was there Wang Xue heave a sigh of relief and started checking the spirit formation surrounding him. Wang Xue wanted to leave quickly, however, seeing that Fenrir was still regaining his lost reserved strength Wang Xue decided to wait for him so he started checking the spirit formation surrounding him.

The Shroud was his original creation using a mix of runes from the Spirit Realm and ancient to modern types of runes. Wang Xue has to things that have a lot of interest back in the days, one was cultivation and one was runes.

Wang Xue became a peak cultivator but when it comes to runes the only thing that he can do was comprehension, although it was amazing that he can read three types of runes without much application they are useless.

"I better learn some things before Fenrir wakes up, at this rate I have another hour before he wakes up, I better learn how to create some minor setups by then." Wang Xue said as he took the Mid-Tier 2 spirit formation from his storage bracelet.

"Mid-Tier 2 Blue Mist Tiger Devouring Wind spirit formation." Wang Xue read the words on the cover of the book and got interested all of a sudden, "Its name sounds rather powerful, although it is from a weaker tier it sounds like it has potential."

Wang Xue opened the book and started reading the whole thing, the whole book was rather thin consisting only of 40 pages and some of them were made of example diagrams and the effects that it will hold when the spirit formation was to be invoked.

"So that's how you place a proper diagram." He mumbled to himself then looked at the spirit formation surrounding him, "Interesting, even without connection to the said element by calling them with a medium, like spirit formations I can also call upon them."

Lifting his hands Wang Xue gathered the spirit energy from inside his body and started forming runes on his hands. Following the instruction from the book, Wang Xue started constructing a mini version of the s Blue Mist Tiger Devouring Wind spirit formation.

"Three points in the east, three at the west, five at the north and four at the south, meeting at the middle to create the beast." He recited the diagram inside his head and focused his mind in constructing and placing the runes on the right place, rather than focusing on the amount of spirit energy that he should be using.

"Gently, gently."


A little explosion happened and Wang Xue's face was smeared with charred spirit energy that had turned to smoke from the explosion. Fenrir who was absorbing energy was startled and stopped his absorption of spirit energy in order to check what was happening.

"Did—someone—found—us?" he immediately, only to see Wang Xue's face covered in black, "What—happened---to—you?---did---you—suffer---from---energy—displacement?" he asked, it was good that his voice didn't show any emotion and his face still cannot be seen or else he and Wang Xue would be having an argument from him laughing at his comical countenance.

Wang Xue immediately wiped the black smoke on his face then asks Fenrir, "It's nothing don't worry about it, more importantly, are you done already? If you are then let's go already, I want to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Wait—a—little---more---you---were---too—noisy---I—can't---concentrate---so--shut---up---for---a---while." He said in response to Wang Xue before going back to absorbing spirit energy in the air.

Wang Xue sighed and felt a little tired after that little after misplacing his spirit energy, "Seems like you can't exactly create a mini version unless you change some minor things with the whole formation or else it will explode like the previous one."

The spirit formation earlier that he was trying to create was a failure, Wang Xue was trying to create a mini version of the Blue Mist Tiger Devouring Wind spirit formation in order to know what will happen but seeing how it exploded Wang Xue learned that creating a variation like that was not easy.

Although the only runes used in the spirit formation that he was using earlier was all normal and didn't have that much variation to it, through this minor failure Wang Xue grasp that something like the spirit formation is not as easy as it looks, and becoming a formation master was not easy either.

"I already have a spirit formation of my own creation, I just need effort in doing this." Wang Xue said to himself as he came back to reading the book on his hand.

Time passed by quickly as Wang Xue studied the book thoroughly, he had memorized everything that was writing on the book he had bought Wang Xue like all cultivators were able to memorize the whole text written in the book without any problem.

Wang Xue continued his research in terms of spiritual formation for a while and before he knew it 2 hours had passed, the amount of time that Fenrir need seems to have increased since earlier today before Wang Xue leveled up.

"I only need to properly test this thing out." Wang Xue thought as he closed his eyes and entered a deep state meditation in order to regain the amount of spirit energy that he had lost when he was practicing setting up spirit formation.

Wang Xue's reserve of spirit energy was drained with just him creating and experimenting on how to utilize runes in order to create the proper diagram and create the proper way to set up the spirit formation.

While he was practicing Wang Xue mostly focus on control and not with the speed of the runes. As he learned more about spirit formation Wang Xue also comprehended many things as he did so.

When setting up a formation the stability will be placed on the focal points that the formation master will place, this focal point varies in number depending on how strong the spirit formation was being created, a good example of these focal points would be his Shroud spirit formation where the number of the focal points relies on five pillars or five points that act as the foundation.

These focal points were called Spiritual Pillars that acts as the very foundation and base of the whole spirit formation, creating a spiritual pillar does depends on how much spirit energy the user has the more the spirit energy someone have the more the number of spirit pillar can be created.

Formation masters who can only create 5 to 10 spiritual pillars are considered all tier 1 formation master, for someone to become a tier 2 formation master the number of spirit pillars that they have to create should be 11 to 30 spirit pillars.

Wang Xue at the moment can create a total of 17 spirit pillars without any problem, spiritual pillars are not easy to create as it would seem because in order to create a spiritual pillar someone would need great concentration and a good control on their spirit energy, both of this requirement was already met by Wang Xue.

With that, even something like death cannot faze partnered with peak level ability to control spirit energy that he got from his past life made Wang Xue practically someone that can create as many spiritual pillars that he can as long as he have the sufficient amount of spirit energy.

With these two characteristics that can be compared to some top tiered formation master Wang Xue can literally be called cheating in terms of spirit formation, if Wang Xue were to actually learn the proper method and the proper way to create spirit formations, when Wang Xue regains his power when he was the Bloody Monarch the greatest monster that no one can stop may be born from this independent realm.

"Fenrir seems like your already done let's go already, I want to get to the next realm right away." Wang Xue noticed that Fenrir was already done and said to him.

Fenrir did not answer back immediately, it seems that he was feeling something in the air. Dropping on Wang Xue's shoulder Fenrir said, "Xue—look---down---there—seems---to---be something--- good---he--hehe."

Wang Xue look down on the frozen lake not knowing what the thing Fenrir was talking about, he wanted to say something about how it would be impossible for him to miss something important but when he looked down a very malicious smile crept up his face.

"The next breakthrough might come a little faster than before, hehehehe."