
In some plane in the Serpent's Realm


A demonic beast that towered at 5 meters in height obstructed the path of a 6 person group, its color was black and its body was covered with bones that looked like armor. Its eyes were fierce and its fangs were gleaming with a malicious glint, filled with bloodlust and killing intent it pounces forward to kill the humans who dared entered its nest.

"It's a Bone Armor Panther, what should we do? A level 9 demonic beast actually exist here?" A young man wearing green clothes was trembling in fear seeing the Bone Armor that was pouncing against him and his companions, "Mistress please get away we will hold it off as long as we could."

Fu of the Shan family just shook her head as she disagreed with the sentiment of her companion of saving herself, "Dishang do you really think that I am the kind of person that will leave others?"

Dishang couldn't say anything back, but he felt his heart suddenly have the courage to face the danger that was placed in front of him, 'If the Mistress have the courage to face such dangers what use am I a simple guard to cower with fear?' he scolded himself and steadied his stance in order to meet with the enemy .

It wasn't because Fu was attached to her people or anything like of that sorts nor does she trust them to guard her properly no, it was because she has a mighty shield and spear protecting her and that shield and spear came in the form of Dongfang Qianyin.

Dongfang Qianyin steps forward taking out a sword that was as thin as a cicada's wings from his storage bracelet Dongfang Qianyin appeared in front of Dishang then said, "Get back I will be handling this myself, protect Lady Fu with Alix and the others."

"What are you saying? Do you really think that you can take on such powerful demonic beast all by yourself!? Don't act so conceited, even if you're the great genius of the Boulder Sect and the Dongfang Family you are not as strong as a goddamn level 9 Jade Palace demonic beasts." Dishang's anger was incense when Dongfang Qianyin suddenly appeared before him acting like some kind of big shot.

No answers were heard from Dongfang Qianyin, he only turns his head a little and gave him a cold look before circulating his spirit energy. Raising his sword Dongfang Qianyin raised his sword and a bright light suddenly came out of it blinding almost everyone around.

Under that magnificent light seemed to have the ability to illuminate almost everything in this word Dongfang Qianyin stood tall and looked forwards at the Bone Armor Panther that was coming towards his direction with great speed.


The light coming from Dongfang Qianyin affected the eyesight of the Bone Armor Panther however, it didn't stop itself from coming towards Dongfang Qianyin and the others and with a roar, a field of bones that looked like stakes suddenly rose from the ground and sped its way towards Dongfang QIanyin's direction.

"Blinding Star Sword!" Dongfang Qianyin uttered simple words and suddenly disappeared from the place where he originally stood.

A field of bone-like stakes appeared on the ground where Dongfang Qianyin once stood as for Dongfang Qianyin who wields the sword that glowed with blinding light he was nowhere to be found is until the wind suddenly picked up and a bone field that had been created was suddenly cut into two.


The wind whirls with great intensity and the temperature rose, a pathway of burning stones were created and a melting field of bones appeared from out of nowhere and Dongfang Qianyin stood behind the Bone Armon Panther while holding as he held his sword with his right hand and as for the Bone Armor Panther that showed great fierceness earlier it suddenly stumbled and started to walk slower until..


The Bone Armor Panther's upper half fell down dead on the floor with a thud right in front of Dishang who was still processing what just happened, 'There was light, wind then the field of stake like bones was changed into a field of melting bones, I can't even believe that this is real.'

While he was still in a trance-like a state Fu steps forward and said, "Now that is taken care of let us get out of here. We had already swept the whole place and the castle was already emptied, come on do not dally and let us continue."

Fu's voice was loud and full of energy since they entered this realm this is the first time Dongfang Qianyin had done anything for the ground or tried anything to protect at all.

Fu didn't care about those other times when Dongfang Qianyin didn't make a move himself because she knew that the dangers they encountered when they went to clean up the whole castle that they had encountered, if Dongfang Qianyin follows the contract that they made to protect her from danger, Fu didn't care how Dongfang Qianyin will do it.

Dongfang Qianyin's handsome face didn't have any dirt on it even when he killed the Bone Armor Panther, looking ahead Dongfang Qianyin gaze upon the next oval shaped gate that will him and the other part of the Serpent's Realm.

"Wait for me!" He said under his breath, no one actually knew who Dongfang Qianyin was pertaining to when he said these words… that is except for Fu who let him enter the Serpent's realm together with her.

'We are getting closer, don't make any trouble now.' Her eyes locked with Dongfang Qianyin, she conveyed her message through their eyes before entering the gate for the next place.


Inside the cave were darkness was the only thing that can be seen, the slithering sound once again appeared, a red dot floated upwards and the ground shook a little. The cold and humid surrounding place shook and the sound of something dropping from a high ground appeared.

Clang! Clang!

The sounds of chain moving and colliding with one another sounded out inside that place, the sounds of someone struggling like a chained dog echoed all over the place, those pair of burning red eyes became lively and the chains continued to cling more and more.

However, those clanging sounds disappeared when the freezing chill appeared from out of nowhere suppressing those burning eyes of the beast hidden within the room, however the hope in its eyes was still present even when the chill entered its body forcefully making the flames inside its body to go out and calming the mysterious being down.

As it calmed down the memories that it still held appeared inside its mind, for an unknown amount of years it had been here waiting for someone and it seems like the person it had been waiting for is here and he is near only one plane away from himself.

"For how long have….for a…amount of eons …I will soar…" As those fiery red eyes started to close down an archaic voice sounded out around the place, the cold air trembled and the chains stopped its sounds, the darkness came back to its stillness.


In the Frozen realm where everything was white, the white cat continued watching over Wang Xue and Fenrir who had been recovering his lost strength and Wang Xue who had been continuously creating and disintegrating the runes on top of his hands.

The little white cat was patient as ever, for the longest time that it had been here inside this realm it had traveled everywhere and at the same time, it had seen many things. The appearance of the place that everyone calls the Serpent's realm was the best thing that happened to it.

It had seen many humans and many spirits that come and go for the longest time, but this is the first time that it had seen someone like Wang Xue and Fenrir.

The little white cat saw someone wearing all black moving in the shadows carrying an Autumn Iceroots heading towards this direction, immediately it meowed and the black-clad person changed its direction like it was natural.

As it watched continuously the white cat suddenly heard a Boom!* from behind startling it, when it turns around it found Wang Xue with his face all dirty and Fenrir floating down in order to check what happened.

Another few more hours passed, then it finally hear some commotion from behind not from something or someone exploding but from someone moving around. Turing its little head over it found Wang Xue getting up and Fenrir going towards his shoulder.

The little white cat saw them doing this and thought if they didn't find the item that it was trying to give them.


It jumped from tree branch to tree branch and when it was about to go near Wang Xue and Fenrir it saw Wang Xue suddenly looking downwards then he heard him say those malicious words.

"Meow!" the little white cat heave a sigh of relief before looking at Wang Xue with disdain and at Fenrir who found the treasure with awe, "Meow!" is meowed once more and went back to its original post of watching for people who wanted to interfere with the two.

The treasure was already found the only thing that it can do was wait for them to obtain, although the last part would be somewhat hard to do.