Irritate Little Cat

Wang Xue steps out of the gate and was welcomed by a very cold wind. Seeing and experiencing another cold and freezing place Wang Xue wanted to think if this place was the same frozen realm he had just been to but when the spirit energy went inside his body Wang Xue confirmed that this place was definitely different.

"This place is mix with the same energy found in the spirit realm, although it is weak I can vaguely feel it and other than that there's something calling to me…"

Wang Xue was baffled at the fact that something was in this wide and frozen place, he wanted to find the source where that thing was calling him from but because of the fact that the energy was dispersed everywhere, it made it tracking the source even harder.

However, even with this big hurdle place in front of him Wang Xue still wanted to try and find the spirit hidden inside this realm after all a spirit in the physical world is weirder than a human wandering an in the spirit realm.

Wang Xue covered his whole body with spirit energy creating a cover to himself that safeguarded his body and internal organs from the cold found in this place.

"Huff, this place is huge."

Wang Xue said as he looked towards the open area that spreads over the horizon. The darkness of the night enveloped everything but even so, something stuck out from everything else and that thing was a giant structure built in the middle of this frozen tundra.

Stretching his body out Wang Xue started getting his body pumped, his next destination was the structure in front of him.


He disappeared from where he stood and appeared 100 meters away. His movement was fast, much faster than before he begun cultivation in this place. Looking ahead he estimated the distance from where he currently was and to that structure and made a conclusion that it was about 5 to 8 kilometers away.

From the gate where Wang Xue came out of a little paw stuck out and slowly the little white cat came out of the gate. The cure and fluffy body it possesses was assailed by the fierce wind of this new place but it just stood there motionless as if it wasn't affected in the least.

The confused looked that it had when Wang Xue left it before was gone and was replaced with a look of irritation, its cute little brows met in the middle of its forehead being ignored by Wang Xue earlier when it tried to approach him directly hurt its pride a little but even when it did the only thing this white cat can do was endure until its final goal was fulfilled.

"Meooow!!" With a meow Wang Xue left that place and immediately followed Wang Xue's scent, it nose started twitching as it started tracing Wang Xue then, its ears twitch a little its head raised and immediately it disappeared from that place and proceeded to follow Wang Xue.


"How long do we have to wait until this thing is opened? The moon had already shown itself and till now the castle had yet to be opened!" a young man wearing yellow clothing was shouting as he waits for the opening of the ice castle.

"Oh shut up for a bit, will you? This is the exact reason why Boulder Sect is thought as a barbarous bunch, they don't have any decency at all." Someone from the Heavenly Sword Sect commented on the side.

Of course hearing such insults from the sect they consider a rival made that disciple angry so summoning spirit energy from his Jade Palace's that disciple shouted at the person who insulted him and his sect, "Why don't you shut up, this place is already a goddamn hell and if I kill you, someone with such disgusting attitude that just may help me relieve some stress out."

The atmosphere in the surrounding was tense as people around started arguing. The people who surrounded the ice castle was waiting for the right time when this castle was said to open and with all the waiting and with the harsh environment they are in made everyone be on the edge.

The Ice Castle was some of the few documented places in the whole Serpent's Realm because inside the Ice Castle there were two things that can be found, one was the exit of this place and two was a plethora of treasures that range from valuable spirit herds to an Earth-Category treasure.

This is said to be the place where the Two Color Fan of the patriarch of the Dongfang Family and the Golden Body Strengthening technique of the sect master of the Boulder Sect were found. The Ice Castle was a place with many dangers but even more benefits.

Cultivators who entered this place targeted this Ice Castle in order to get a treasure that will help them turn into a dragon from a koi and surpassed others just like the patriarch of the Dongfang Family and the Sect Master of the Boulder Sect, but the Ice Castle only open at a fixed time and that was when the Ice Castle directly reflects the moon.

It was said that the moment that moon was reflected by the castle a light so beautiful will come out and the gate that leads to many great treasures will appear but that time was still another hour from now on.

The two people were brimming with energy and their body was releasing steam from the heat melting their fatigue away, the two disciples were ready to fight but a voice echoed in their surroundings.

"Stop this useless fight at this moment, no fighting in the presence of lady Fu. The young miss of my family and the g—genius of the Boulder Sect is waiting for the door to open quietly so the two of you better follow suit, or else sir Dongfang may just become irritated." Dishing said in a loud voice before going back in front of the gate and waited with Fu and Dongfang Qianyin.

Everybody became quiet not only because Dishang warned them but because Dongfang Qianyin opened his eyes and checked what was happening around him and after he did he said, "Please quiet down..." it a normal request but everyone obeyed it and now everyone quietly let the hour pass without much problem.

Wang Xue who was in the shadows could not go any closer to the gate of the Ice Castle because from where things stand his enemies who want his dead were gathered in one place so even if he was to go there now he would only be beaten up to death with a doubt.

"I don't have any skin from a shifter so I don't have anything to hide my face with so I can't get any closer than this or else I'll die. What should I do?" as he was in the corner without anything to choose to do anything Wang Xue heard a cat.

"Meoow!" the irritated cute cat stood in front of him acting all cute.