The Little White Cat's Excitement

Wang Xue held on to his sword after hearing the meow of a single cat and even though his reaction was rather too cautious it was still understandable, he was in an unknown place after all.

Looking down Wang Xue found the little white cat that made that sound he stepped forward touched its head rubbing it for a while and waited for it to start purring little by little and quickly grabbing its neck then carrying it like some kind of wet towel.

"What do we have here, wait aren't you the cat earlier? Did you follow me to this place where the temperature is much, much colder than the other one by any chance!? Also, do not try dodging the question by acting like a little cat and acting cute, a normal cat can't survive here so you must be some kind of demonic beast and an intelligent one at that seeing how you followed me all the way here."

He was bombarding the little white cat with different questions, he wasn't letting up and no matter what Wang Xue was not going to let go until he gets some kind of reply to the white.

The little white cat tried struggling for a while to get away from Wang Xue's evil clutches but when it did so the evil Wang Xue pinched its neck and pressure point immobilizing. Without any way to get out of the clutches of this vile human, the little white cat stopped flailing as it admitted defeat.

However, inside the heart of the little white cat it had already pinned this event deep inside its heart and made sure that Wang Xue will pay for it one day, "Meeeow!!" its ears were drooping downwards together with its cute little head as if it had lost all of its energy as it let out a cry.

Noticing its action Wang Xue sat on the ground blanketed by snow and slowly placed the little white cat down. Although Wang Xue was cautious feeling how its action still didn't hold much hostility in it….not counting when he hurt it, Wang Xue confirmed that it wasn't trying to bait him in order to prey on him.

Wang Xue had Fenrir as a Martial Spirit so having a companion beast with him he could at a certain level ascertain sincerity of beasts that approached him so after confirming that it wasn't hostile to him he crossed his arm then said;

"Sorry about that seems like I am being overly cautious here." Wang Xue was apologizing to a cat but he didn't mind, it was a demonic beast after all.

The little white cat saw Wang Xue apologizing to it and felt strange seeing a human apologize to it like this. The little white cat's goal in approaching Wang Xue was Fenrir which it had taken a liking to and interest and the other fearsome being that resides in Wang Xue's body,

The little white cat sized him up and sighed, "Meow!!" the little cat was angered but it suppressed its anger in fear of it getting in the way of their final goal.

The little white cat released a soft sigh and looked at Wang Xue who was apologizing and as if it was saying I was enough the little white cat waved its front paw.

Wang Xue saw this and didn't react much to this scene, he had long suspected this cat to being a demonic beast and it wouldn't be surprising to see a demonic beast who possesses a high level of intelligence such as this one.

Demonic beasts have different bloodlines that connect them to their ancient predecessors and with those who possessed purer bloodlines to have greater power and potential to evolve to the point that it can surpass humans.

Demonic beasts already possessed stronger bodies than a human does but humans compensate this difference by using Martial Skills, but if a bloodline of some ancient being appears in the body of a demonic beast even if humans used Martial Skills and cultivation the advantage of the demonic beasts is already too big making it difficult.

Other than having stronger body and possessing stronger power a demonic beasts that have a pure bloodline with also have great intelligence compared to others and this little white cat naturally looked like it have a pure bloodline but it doesn't seem to know how to talk in human tongue although it obviously understands Wang Xue it still couldn't speak.

'It might be because it is still too young so the lack of experience in the world is still too little.' He thought as looked at the little white cat, 'Wait that might work.'

Wang Xue opened his mouth and strange noises came out, it was sounded like it was some random ramblings and some random sounds made by the howls of some beast but when the little white cat heard him its ears perked up just like how it does when it sees something new or gets excited.

"You can speak ancient beast language!? Are you also a demon who inherits the language from our bloodline!?" and just like that after knowing that Wang Xue can actually communicate with some other beings other than that snake.

"I don't know much but I can talk normally like this. So are you going to tell me what this place is and why those people aren't opening the gate and entering that damned castle?" Wang Xue asked in the language of the beast.

The little white cat nodded its head and said: "I wasn't prohibited to talk about this."

The little white cat was so excited to finally getting to talk to someone that it had actually explained what those people in front of the castle gate was waiting for.

Wang Xue listened attentively making the scene where he listened to a cat look comical when o9bserved from far away.

"Then what about this place? What the hell is the Serpent's Realm?"

"Serpent's Realm? Is that what they call this place outside?" looking genuinely confused the little white cat said, "This is not some realm you know, from what the snake told me ten years ago it was called ummm…that's it Realm Cage."


Please check out Heaven's Wrath and tell me what you think T.T.