I went to elder Jarrt to join the vanguard unit and hoped these opportunities where worth it. After a while all the goblins form the cave I was raised in chose an elder to go with and out of the 25 of us that are still alive 4 went with elder Baz, 2 went with elder Motaz, 6 goblins including me went with elder Jarrt, 4 went with elder Sid, 9 goblins went with elder Satco, and not a single goblin went with elder Keltaz. Guess being a shaman isn't an easy job to get neither is begin a wizard, but I'm guessing that elder Staco gets a lot of goblins to work for him. Bortez than said "well I guess this goodbye you brats I can't say it was a pleasure taking care of you whiny little sh*ts, but I guess someone had to and I'm glad it was me. So take care and remember to do what is best for yourself and what's is best for the tribe."
After Bortez said that elder Jarrt said "follow me" and started walking away from everyone and so me and the other goblins followed him. As I was following elder Jarret I looked around the place we where and found that this tunnel is pretty big and after a while we found our self at another gate and elder Jarret nod at someone and the gate soon the gate was open. After we walked through the gate I saw a lot of different kinds of goblins, some where a little bigger than us and some where as big as the goblins guarding the gate and they where all wearing defeat type of clothes or armor. They we talking, laughing and even trading with each other for I think food and they where using currency I'm not familiar with but it looked liked sliver or something.
As we kept walking I notice that although the other goblins looked at us and some where laughing, but they didn't go out of their way to make us feel ashamed or bother us that we where naked. We kept walking through this tunnels and that had more goblins in it and was more lit and I could see some forms of decorations all over the place such paint symbols, flags and weapons hanging on the walls along with what I believe to be bones of humans and different kinds of beasts. As we kept walking for a while I could hear what I believe to be the moans of women, and I looked around the cave but I couldn't find any women, but I could smell what I believe to be musky sweat of lust and shame.
I kept look around and smelling for the source of the smell and moans and I saw that the other goblins that where walking with me where also looking around and smelling the air around them. Some where even panting and I think I saw one of them with a hard on. It was long before we could no longer hear the moans as we kept walking, but I could still smell the musk of it and I'm guessing so can the other goblins cause now two of us are walking with a hard on. I don't know how long we kept walking for, but eventually I saw what I believe to be the entrance of the cave and it was heavily fortify which a bunch of goblins here to defend it. I saw about 50 of those big goblins that guarded the gate of where I was born and they were armed to the teeth. I also saw other goblins that wielded staffs, and I also saw archers on platforms and watchtowers that had bows and I'm pretty sure some even had what I think was a rifle.
The cave entrance was massive If I had to guess it was about 50 feet tall and over a 100 feet wide and that was just the hole that connects the cave to the outside the interior of the entrance of the cave had a ceiling that surpassed the height of the hole. The tribe here had fortify the entrance by putting a wall that had a height about twenty feet and had a platform on the top of it for archers. There were also watchtowers and more walls inside the cave that I believe was if the wall was to fall and I believe I saw the walls had cannons in them because I saw metal tubes that was sticking out of the wall. As we walked to the wall entrance of the cave there was other goblin that approached elder Jarrt and spoke "Jarrt your here with the fresh meat ay". Elder Jarrt spoke "Yeah I just hope at two or three of them live long enough for the crazy funny bunny festival." The other goblin laugh "HAHAHAH yeah we could always use more men for the festivals, but I doubt that even one of these bastards will live through your trial now that those kobolds have started to multiply like crazy." Elder Jarrt just grunted and stated "If these guys can't even survive a few more dogs then they should become their food."
The goblin just chuckled "Ha well you raise your men your way, the vanguard has improve since you took it over so you must be doing something right." Elder Jarrt just grunted "Yeah, yeah enough with the small talk Dalrt explain the laws of the tribe to the newbies so I can start whipping them into shape." The goblin now know of Dalrt nodded "ok ok relax I will tell the newbie what to do and not to do and hope they listen or they will have to deal with Sid." Dalrt walked to us and said "Alright men listen to me I'm elder Dalrt and I'm on the Circle of Rule of the Red Iron Fist tribe. I'm also in charge of the defense of the main entrance you all are in, now listen well our tribe has three main laws that must be follow for all of us they are. The first being unless they are trying kill you don't kill your fellow tribesmen. The second you don't steal from your fellow tribesmen. The third you must honor Malrkailel our God of Darkness, War, and Blood. They are other laws that the Circle has made but most of them are complicated or unnecessary to explain and if you do break a law unless it's one of the three you can fight for forgiveness in the arena."
"Alright you all understand the laws for inside the tribe." elder Dalrt asked us and we all just nodded at him. "Good" elder Dalrt said "Now Jarrt I told your men the law it job now to make they worth something to the tribe." Elder Jarrt complained "you still haven't told them about the military and tribe hierarchy, the cave and bases, the currency, and having women Dalrt." Elder Dalrt just said "dude they are going to spend most of their time outside the cave I figure you're going to tell them all that since you know more about how to deal with all that and being in the vanguard." Elder Jarrt sighed "Mmh lazy bastard giving me more work, alright you little bastard we are going outside the cave now and going in to the dread leaf forest, stay close to me till we reach raxi base-3 or I can't guarantee your lives."