Chapter 2 The Electrical Facility

Jason kneels down in a room he was given a class room with a make shift bed which is mostly made from boxes and wood that has a gym mat as the mattress on top Jason sits down on the bed and rubs his neck he take's off his shirt showing a muscular torso and arm's he hears a knock on the door. "come in" Samantha walk's in and stop's in her tracks she carries a tray of food she keeps looking at Jason's body.

She is getting extremely distracted "I...was coming to bring you...some food and now I'm getting distracted by you're amazing body I should stop talking now" Samantha is blushing Jason step's over to her and take's the tray of food "thanks." Samantha walk's away and whispers under breath "oh my god" Jason set's down his meal and eats it he look's out the window this is gonna be a nice home.

Jason wakes up the next day and put's on some fresh clothes he walk's out of his room and walk's around exploring he bump's into Henry who is holding a book in his hand "ah our new member I can't thank you enough for helping my sister." Jason nods "so I could use you're help with something our power is running out and Samantha is going to the power station with some of our group I want you to go we could use the help."

Jason nods he goes back to his room grabs his M16 and his backpack Samantha stand's by a flag pole with three other people one is a tall guy with a. Baseball cap on and hunting clothes on the other two wear normal teen clothes Samantha wear's a black T-shirt and black pants she wear's gloves and has a backpack on with bolt cutter's hanging from her side.

Samantha nods at Jason "you ready Jason" he nods they all walk out the guy with the baseball cap is Gregory he talk's with Samantha in a quiet tone Jason hears some of the conversation "I don't trust him he is too friendly ." "Will you stop it he hasn't done anything bad yet and he saved my life if he was a bad guy I wouldn't be here" Samantha sounds furious Jason feel's a tap on his shoulder it's one of the other member's.

"hey I'm Quinn and that's Michael she point's the other guy I heard you saved my friend's life" Jason nods Quinn smile's they have an idle conversation about their old life when they finally get to the electrical facility. Samantha pulls out her bolt cutter's and starts cutting the chain linked fence Jason goes first through it when Samantha finishes.

Weed's break through the cracks in the ground dried bloody hand print's are on the rusted metal door a sigh that read's warning high voltage Jason look's around nothing much a but a few. Buildings and an uncut patch of grass bird's chirp over head as Jason goes over to the door And opens it the smell of rotting meat make's Jason take a step back and then enters he see's a case of stair's that lead down they make a clanking sound every time Jason put's a foot on the step's making him cringe the smell make's him feel a tiny bit dizzy.

Jason gets down from the bottom of the step's he turn's on his flash light he see's nothing but a few generators and few human remains the bodies are nearly fully decomposed Samantha stand's next to Jason she gag's a little. "god it is not a good smell down here" Jason walk's past the bodies with his M16 in his hand he move's forward and the floor cave's in he fall's and Samantha with him.

He land's on the hard metal floor Samantha land's next to him he see's the other look down at them "you guy's okay" Jason coughs "yea we're okay go on ahead we will catch up" Jason look's down and see's. Samantha holding her glasses they are cracked and she can't see out of them she squints "Damn it" Jason help's her up she grabs his arm and they move slowly.

Jason reaches a door it has rust all over it and is only on one hinge he opens it but it fall's over with a loud crash Jason gives a sigh when nothing comes to the sound he move's past the door the sound of generator's above them hum loudly. As they turn the corner a white figure sits by a corpse munching away it's a nightcrawler very tough and excellent hearing but can't see Samantha gasps loudly which make's the nightcrawler turn around showing while cloudy eye's.

Jason pulls Samantha as close as he can get to him as possible the nightcrawler move's past them slowly on all four's it's long black claw's scrap as it move's across the floor and then turn's into a room. Jason let's go of Samantha but she has Jason's hand in hers and squeezing tightly "Samantha can I have my hand back" Samantha look's down and let's go immediately Jason rubs his hand.

They move forward and Samantha tap's on Jason shoulder and points to a electrical room they go in hundred's of computers are in the room still operating. Samantha goes to a computer and starts to redirect power from here to the school Jason checks the room for any infected he turn's to see three nightcrawlers come in Samantha turn's around to see them Jason quietly step's over towards Samantha.

The nightcrawlers make grunting noise's Jason gets to Samantha she has a terrified look on her face Jason grabs Samantha's hand and lead's her slowly to a door way where he see's the other's Gregory speaks in an angry and loud voice. "Hey where have you been" a loud roar comes from behind them Jason run's with Samantha he closes the door behind her.

Jason hears the nightcrawlers scratch the door's he look's at Samantha "tell you got everything" she nods he turn's to Gregory "next time be more quieter" Jason lead's the way to a small exit it's starting to get dark. "We need to get to the school before night time there are worse thing's out there than nightcrawlers."