Chapter 11 Captured

Samantha wakes up she turn's her head to see Jason isn't next to her she stand's up and move's out of the tent everyone is working on something Chloe is teaching a group of kid's first aid Amelia is no where to be seen as well Hannah and Mia play a game of tag with the other kid's. Abigale walk's over to her "hey Abigale have you seen Jason he isn't in the tent."

Abigale shakes her head "I was just coming to ask you the same thing" a loud scream is heard and everyone goes to the screaming Mia found a body laying behind a tree it's Amelia she has two arrow's in here stomach. Amelia opens her eye's slightly "'s long enough" Chloe runs over with a medical kit "someone get some water now" almost everyone rushes off frightened by Chloe's anger in her voice."

Amelia grabs Chloe's arm "they have taken Jason I tried to stop him but...I took two arrow's I couldn't see his face but he was strong Jason looked different he..." Amelia passes out. "she's lost too much blood we need to get her to the doctor Samantha grab her leg's" They carry her to a tent where a doctor sits outside off he has thin glasses on his nose with salt and pepper hair.

"Good God what happened to her come bring her in" Amelia is placed on a bed the doctor pulls out a bag of medical supplies "I'll need some time to patch her up I'll also need the room." Chloe walk's out Samantha follows "how could someone do this Jason and Amelia are some of the best fighter's I know those archery's skills are good as well how close those arrow's where."

Samantha sigh's "I'm gonna try and find Jason he need's help and I don't like the sound of what has happened to him" Chloe grabs Samantha's arm "don't be an idiot and try and find Jason you don't know where he was taken and Jason wouldn't want you getting you're self killed" Samantha pulls her arm away "I'm going to get him" Chloe groans "I'm coming with you then you will need back up."

Jason wakes up in a cold room the sound of water dripping and the smell of rust is everywhere his head is throbbing in pain his arm is numb and breathing just hurts Jason stand's up. A large door opens up light enters the room blinding him Jason moves forward to the sound of bird's chirping. The sun is refreshing and warm on his face Jason feel's a cold metal object poke him in the back "move now."

Jason follows order's and is lead to a small camp Thomas stand's there with five others "well look who's back again you thought you could escape buddy" Jason wants to kill him the rage is seen in his eyes "why am I here?" Thomas smile's "this is New Eden the future for all of humanity but we need samples from hybrid's like you're self to save humanity. But every other hybrid we have captured has died but you have came back to life more times than I can count."

"But that has a toll on you the hunger to crave human flesh the sound of blood pumping through human veins it's calling to you wanting you to feed I'm surprised that when you killed all those bandit's that you didn't turn into a feral." Jason hears all the heart beats around him it's driven him crazy black line's appear and then darkness Jason wakes up again but this time he's in a cage blood covers his mouth and hand's his shirt has hole's around his chest.

His body feel's weird a few scientists walk past soldiers stand guard by a door "hey you're finally awake he turn's to a voice behind him a young man sits in the corner of the cage "you took a lot of damage took five guard's down before being shot" Jason sits up "what is this place." "It's a testing facility we are test subjects these people here are trying to find the cure but I guess that's what it was before these guy's in suit's came along just wanted to be immune to everything.

"That's why we are here we can change that our DNA is so advanced that we are immune to everything but it only work's when we have blackouts their trying to well reverse that side effect on them but it hasn't worked yet I'm Jake by the way."

"I'm Jason nice to meet you" They shake hand's "we need to get out of here" Jake nods "yea but the only time we can get out is when the scientists need us that's when we need to act" Jason sigh's "I guess we wait then."

Samantha peaks past a corner to see a group of men in black uniforms loading crate's into a truck "come on we need to hurry up and get this supplies to Eden before sun down or Thomas will be pissed." Chloe tap's on Samantha's shoulder "this guy's could tell us where Jason is" Samantha crouches behind a couple of garbage bin's and Chloe starts sneaking towards them Samantha follows Chloe's movement.

They get close enough to take them out Samantha use's a technique that Jason taught her she kick's one of the bandit's leg's making it buckle she then punches him in the head her hybrid power's make the punch even more devastating. While Samantha had dealt with hers Chloe has gotten the other one on the ground. These bandit's are fully clothed head to toe in black combat gear with an odd patch it look's different than when Samantha was working with Thomas.

Chloe interrogates her bandit "where is Thomas or I'll start breaking bones" the bandit races his hand's "okay okay he's at Eden there's a map in the truck but you won't get in dressed like that" Chloe smile's "thanks" she punches the bandit in the face knocking him out "come on strip them time to act like crazy cult follower's."

Samantha look's in the trucks mirror she doesn't fully fit the uniform but if this gets Jason back "hey look's we are here" she look's over at Chloe "you got to be kidding me right?" Chloe sigh's "well this isn't going to be good." The truck is stopped out side of a large city where thousands of undead roam but past that is some sort of large white bunker off in the distance this is where it all began and where the most mutant zombie's are.