
The tunnel was more or less at the place it had been this afternoon. Foundation was up, some metal plates attached here and there, but nothing specialist. This time, however, I was seeing it from the ground. Not the top of the wall. As big and grand as it had looked from up on highs, it was nothing compared to how it looked from the ground. It dwarfed even the tallest of building in the slums. Which wasn't that impressive, to be fair. 3 stories as a matter of fact. And that was the only 3 story building in the slums.

"Wow I fucking hate this place." I murdered to myself. There was nobody around. The workers had gone back to the military district and had taken their tools with them. SO I wouldn't be stealing anything, but I could still get a way inside for myself.

I walked along the sides of the tunnel, passing through the tunnel to see the other side from time to time. Any sewer grates in the way of the tunnel were filled with cement. It was already dry. Probably one of the first things they did. I wouldn't be surprised if they made the floor steel as well so no earth benders could could sneak in from underneath. A new entrance into the city or the military district hadn't been made yet. I imagine it would be one of the last steps once the tunnel was actually fortified leading me to thinking of only one possible entrance.

The walls, while wide, were hollow, allowing for engineers and soldiers to move around freely inside. What if I were to loosen some metal panels on the wall allowing me a way to enter easily. I already knew a nearby discreet entrance into the wall. I didn't want to make an entrance straight into the tunnel as it would be carefully checked for at least another few months, but thought he wall, however, that would be easier and less likely to draw attention.

I decided to test my idea out and made a small dent in the section of the wall I had my eyes on before going through the steel door into the inner workings of the mall, making sure to keep it slightly open behind me. I didn't have a key nor have I ever lockpicked the door. I just saw a solder entering a few weeks ago, snuck up behind him and put a brick in the doorway so it wouldn't close. The soldier didn't end up coming later that day nor did he since then. Or anyone else for that matter. Guess patrol sizes were really dwindling with a good part of the garrison going off the Ba-Sing-Se. It was no secret. News of the siege had gone around and Citadel was fully aware of the deal with that city. I felt sort of bad for the Rats in a way. They chose a bad time to throw themselves in with the Earth Kingdom.

Did I think the Fire nation would take the city? I did. Did I like that? Not particularly. I wouldn't mind if they kept throwing themselves against those great walls so long as that meant they didn't give a shit about us here in Citadel. If they keep this. Up, there's a good chance we may even be able to leave Citadel. For good. Now that was an interesting thought.

I got to the point of the wall in question. I found the small dent I had made and checked to see how easy it would be to remove the steel sheet. Only a few screws. Nothing too bad. I could have waited for another day, but I didn't want to forget anything. I found a lonely toolbox nearby with a screwdriver and went up to the steel sheet. For being steel, it was rather thin and the screws weren't in all the way. Pretty shitty maintenance if you ask me. I got the screws out easy enough, removing the sheet to the best of my ability which meant pushing it out so it landed on the hard earth with a loud clang. I kept my eye open to see if anyone had heard it, but when nobody came, I felt confident enough that I was safe.

The metal sheet was out and It lead straight into the tunnel. We were set. Moving the sheet back into place and screwing it back in wasn't nearly as easy given the weight and size of the sheet, but I managed. I completely screwed in the top and left sides of the sheet and screwed in only two on the bottom and right sides. Figured that we could just raise the sheets slightly to go through and avoid taking out the entire thing.

Well. That was easy. And you know what? I was proud of myself. I did something. I put the screwdriver back in the tool box and kept the screws with me so nothing would look suspicious. From what I could tell. I was in the clear. Managed to get some thinking done and I may have just saved the Hornets. We had access to free food and to this tunnel which could mean anything from food and supplies to a way out. Maybe I wasn't entirely right about what I said earlier. Maybe we were doing okay. Maybe we would be okay.
