
Everyone stood still, staring back at the lonesome man in all black. Suddenly two more individuals emerged from thin air, appearing behind the devilishly handsome man. They too, released their mark of a Crimson Eagle and a Shadow Horned-Snake, carefully observing the moves of the unknown individual.

"To be received by so many experts from the last war, but you should know I can demolish this place without fear," chuckled the devilishly handsome young man in unknown joy.

"Well, what does our esteemed guest want? What would have an astounding interest to bring you here?" puzzled Arus staring coldly. He already realized who that man was by their eyes. One of their kinds had started the great war, causing great changes within the Ethereal Expanse.

"That boy," the devilishly handsome man chirped, pointing his right index finger at a young boy with a small black cat perched on their shoulder.

"Be my disciple, young one."

All three turned around, almost to have forgotten Silver was standing there in the courtyard with them. But why would a powerful immortal would want from Silver?

However, Silver felt different from the urgency within the courtyard. His heart gave the same feeling when he first met his master in the previous life. It was screaming for power, a thirst for knowledge, a feeling he once felt before rumbling through his heart, mind and soul. To him, this mysterious man clad in all black, was someone who would definitely understand his star mark.

"Disciple greets master!" Silver decided without a shred of hesitation, kneeling onto the ground kowtowing. He knew this man's intention to have him as their disciple.

"Master accepts his first true disciple," acknowledged the devilishly handsome man, still smiling.

"I am the current and only leader of the Nihility Clan, Aeon."

Everyone stared at Silver, who was still in a disciple kowtow, feeling baffled. They were prepared for everything except this current outcome. The infamous Aeon, who banned the Nihility Clan from returning to the Ethereal Expanse, had come to find a disciple.

Furthermore, Aeon's true power was shrouded in mystery, but they knew he had the ability to annihilate the whole Ethereal Expanse. His prestige was renowned throughout their world, the world of ascension and lower realms. A powerful individual that traverse through all worlds and realms unhindered. Only a few are aware of his true appearance throughout the realms, excluding the members of the Nihility Clan, but the rest had only heard of his feats.

Many years ago, during the great war of Ethereal Expanse, he outcasted some bad eggs from his clan. One of the main reasons for their exile were their destruction amongst the world and realms. Causing havoc in their pursuit of power and domination. Finally, it came to the point every powerhouse had gathered to stop them.

Consequently, they could only halt these 9 individuals, unable to kill them off as planned. This group of 9 were too powerful, so instead Aeon had chosen to use a powerful skill to banish them into a different universe. Since then, the North Star Kingdom was born and allowed them a breath of fresh air.

What happened to them after Aeon finally banished them, due to many complaints, was none of their concern. They were glad to get rid of those 9 troublemakers.

Kong Galbi and Nori still glared at Aeon fiercely, clearly discontented with his wants and needs.

"Don't give me that look. You should know our kind do not bother with the messy predicaments of this world. Those foolish individuals from the last war were only outcasts who became possessed with their greed and poisoned mind. Only I can come out, you know?" said Aeon, defending himself through facts.

"And rarely do I come out unless it involves my clan or something of interest emerges in this world."

"Mother, Father. I want to go!" declared Silver emanating a firm, unbreakable intent in his decision.

"Alright . . ." Galbi and Nori reluctantly agreed with a proud smile. Although they didn't like Aeon, but they didn't necessarily hate him. With this, they instantly caved in with their son's determined eyes.

They knew all too well on how stubborn their child was.

"Visit us when you have time, take care of yourself and cultivate hard!"

"Yes, mother and father," smiled Silver feeling relieved. He turned his head to the left, looking at his new master who kept a warm smile.

"I don't have much, but I want to bring Blacky."

"As long as he does not hinder your progress, I will allow it," spoke Aeon in a mysterious tone, opening a dimensional path and walking into it.

"Follow me."

Silver, puzzling over the odd answer, but still followed the mysterious Aeon into the dimensional pathway. Blacky stayed perched on his arms, already aware that Aeon knew who he was. They were of the same existence, but Silver was unaware of that. Soon, the trio of two men and one beast disappeared from the Crane's Clan courtyard.

Both Kong Galbi and Nori stared at the now vacant spot where Silver once stood. In their hearts, they hoped their son would return. Fu Arus and Xin Yanhua shook their heads, looking at the married couple, hoping that their child would return safely too.


Chaos ensued all over Desolate Tundra and the other 8 continents, the emperor's launched a full-scale search for the individual or group causing the changes in the world. Many slumbering clans and sects, preparing for their rebellion, began their attacks on those who sided with the foreign and demonic emperors. It was an all-out bloody war with death reaping the most benefits.

A new era, emerging, as the old one has already begun crumbling.

'Fate is finally revealing itself. To overcome a dark era into a new prosperous era they must fight through the calamity and wrath of the outcasted cultivators of our Nihility Clan,' Aeon thought, peering into Silver's true world.

Eventually his eyes moved slightly to the left, a large sect was shown before him, landing his gaze onto a violet-black cocoon drifting alone within a void. If one were to carefully observe, they would be able to see an energy-like pulse emitted from the cocoon.

'Once you experience this universe test and passed, your soul will return to your original world. Transforming into a true void-like being like us. You are the true inheritor of our clan and that three-eyed crow. Hopefully… you pass on time.'