Yo, Long Zhen

"Master Aeon, are you trying to get your only disciple killed!?" shouted a young boy, surrounded by swarms of angry beasts. At first, it was only a small swarm of hungry beasts when he was cultivating but as time went on, these groups of beasts only grew larger and larger.

A giant great flood dragon, standing behind the swarm, glared angrily at the young boy. Tilting its head up, the great flood dragon released a draconic roar inciting the beasts to massacre the insignificant mortal.

"Silver, you seemed quite bored while cultivating. I thought it was a nice gesture to add a little bit of excitement," chuckled Aeon, floating in the air hidden from the eyes of the demonic beasts.

"I wasn't even bored!" shouted Silver, swinging a 2.8-meter halberd towards the closest beast clawing at him. He was grumbling inwardly, irritated with his current obstacle. Every time he was close to breaking through, his master would always cause him some form of grief.

"I was just silently cultivating fine and now I'm surrounded by an angry mob of beasts again!"

Only 2 years had passed, Silver's cultivation had been rapidly increasing with his master's teaching ever since that fateful day. With such rapid advancements, his physical body hit a growth spurt to accommodate the rising power within him, but it was probably because he was a growing boy.

However, this rapid advancement was due to his master mischievously changing his appearance, similar to his, causing havoc amongst the head honcho of different territories. Thus, inciting many dangerous situations that nearly killed him during the last 2 years.

Quite frankly, Silver had doubts as to why he was chosen to be a disciple. To him, he was 99% sure that his master was bored and saw him as a pleasant toy. The 1% was that Aeon truly wanted a disciple that could inherit his skills.

As the years had steadily went through its course, Silver now stood at a height of 1.9 meters with an exceptional toned physique under his black-robed clothing. His light brown, above-average, face radiantly shone under the rays of the sun with chiseled jaws, straight nose and slightly thick sword-sharp eyebrows. His originally brown irises had mysteriously become violet, giving a faint and mysterious glow under the shade of the trees around him.

If one look closely to his eyes, one could see glints of light almost as if the starry sky was forming within.

Although he looked vexed, but his intent was poorly hidden as it oozed out from the excitement of welcoming another battle. In his heart, only the heat of battle could ease the monotonous routine of steadily cultivating and constant solidification of his foundation. Silver lips curved into a battle-crazed smile as the adrenaline pumped through his veins.

With an incomparable swing, his halberd slashed against the tides of incoming rage-filled beasts. His goal was the great flood dragon at the end. Silver could only imagine how the meat of the flood dragon would taste like as a drop of saliva rolled down the right corner of his lips. Alas, if all the foodies had strength like him, they would too, drool unconditionally once they could land a taste on such meat.

Cries, shrieks and whimpers filled the air along the stench of blood. Silver's black-lustered halberd swung and thrusted through the beasts. With every move, he was piercing through their throats, chopping off their heads, slicing them in half, and smashing them with the blunt side of the halberd with great force.

One had to be extremely strong when using a great halberd, constantly breaking the restraints of a mortal body, especially for this weapon weighing a bit over four tons. Even those who follows the path of cultivating the body could only bow their heads in shame in front of Silver.

Previously, when they began their journey, his master gave him a body cultivation technique. This technique allowed him to engorge on different kinds of beast meat, rare herbs, heavenly elixirs, and pills to purify and strengthen his body. Of course, he would still have to fight and have his body constantly battered to maximize the body refinement. Not only that, his star mark was sealed every time he fought to ensure he would obtain the maximum benefits.

Even so, the pure black halberd he used was fixed with many gravity seals. Which means, every time his body made some form of advancement, even if it was a miniscule amount, the weight of the halberd would increase.

Just this type of body cultivation could put all body cultivators to shame! The gains outweighed the pain Silver had to endure the past 2 years. Especially, since Silver couldn't use any qi with his Archaic Halberd Arts, he had to demonstrate each move with just his physical prowess and comprehension.


After killing every single beast, the great flood dragon stood there on its four limbs stunned and blinded by an eruption of rage. It grew 5 times its size as its roar resonated into the sky. Soon, dark and gloomy clouds began forming above them as lightning flickered across the gray sky. Multitude drops of water fell, drowning out the strong stench of blood that once occupied the air. Occasionally, a few lightning bolts struck the trees and grounds around them, randomly destroying everything in its path.

The transformed great flood dragon finally reached the peak of its anger, glaring at the tiny ant that infuriated him.

'It was already huge enough . . .' thought Silver, quickly running away.

'Let's just end this. I'm hungry.'

Silver ran to the nearest tree with insane speed, using the momentum he gathered, he ran up and leapt off the tree and hack down the 4-ton halberd down to the skull of the enraged great flood dragon. With his impressive muscular strength, he was able to slightly damage the tough scales covering the flood dragons head. Failing to cut through the scale, he quickly dodged the gigantic jaws trying to snap him in half.

Nevertheless, Silver continued his barrage of attacks, taking a quick swipe at the abdomen. However, it swung its tail and knocked him back with tremendous force causing him to nearly lose his balance. With a few flips in the air, adjusting his position, Silver landed onto the ground safely.

Luckily, his body was extraordinarily sturdy, so he continued his attacks against the great flood dragon. As the hours went on, wounded in many areas, Silver stubbornly continued his onslaught of slashing, thrusting, smashing, and so on. With his body, the injuries he gained were comparably light despite the bloody appearance.

At the rate they were fighting, the severely injured flood dragon was close to exhaustion as it used its claw for a final swipe. It could not keep up against Silver's in endurance, since he always came back up after being smacked with full power.

"Break for me!" screamed Silver, smiling victoriously.

His halberd colliding at the incoming claw, a noise rumbling within his body, giving the final push as the halberd blade sliced through the claws towards the head. In a single move, Silver finally beheaded the great flood dragon. Its eyes were still wide open as its head fell onto the ground, a few meters away from its collapsed body.

Finally, after long and tedious fight, the great flood dragon breathed it last breath.

Silver stood still, in front of the fresh carcass of the flood dragon, feeling the new changes to his body. A fierce, chaotic and extremely vigorous blood energy coursed through his veins, healing him at a noticeable rapid rate. Without much thought, he punched out his right fist followed by his left fist in a piston-like motion, breaking the air around him. After a few sets of fist moves, he grabbed the halberd near him and begun training with it too.

Due to him breaking through, the halberd weighed three times the weight it was before. Each technique he used, with only his physical prowess, caused countless of spatial cracks in the air. With the power of his halberd and newfound strength, it is easy enough to create a crack to open a small void.

To him, the Nihility Body Art and Archaic Halberd Art were truly a godsend. Therefore, this made Silver realize how immeasurably strong and mysterious his master, Aeon, is.

In addition, he had gained a huge amount of delicious and precious meat that could last him a couple of weeks. From the corner of his smiling lips, more saliva snuck out, dripping onto his clothes. Immediately, Silver quickly made campfire, more like a large roasting pit, while slicing the meat and putting the excess amount into his spatial ring.

Master Aeon was truly amiable, giving him plenty of resources for his cultivational uses. Sadly, there were no free lunch in this world as he had to go exceptionally strict and ruthless trainings. At times, it somehow reminded him of his first steps of becoming a powerful cultivator.

Several days later, since the battle with the great flood dragon, Silver wandered around the forest waiting for his master to return from his "quick" errand. To kill more time, he ventured deeper into the forest without fear. Not long after, loud screeches and squawking could be heard from afar.

Nearing a small cliff, Silver noticed flocks of bird-like beasts gathering around the edge of the cliff, swooping down here and there. Curious, Silver continued to jump from tree branches to tree branches, speeding towards the place causing the fierce reactions from the birds.

Peering and hidden away in the leaves of the treetop, Silver could see a small group of disciples with their weapons drawn, fending off the flocks of bird beasts. However, he wasn't concerned anymore but before he left, a faint blue light shone in his peripheral vision. Turning his head to the left, a azure-scaled individual could be seen thrusting his long spear against a towering metallic blue-feathered vulture flapping its humongous wing.

Each flap from its wing brought up a powerful gust of wind that could slice any ordinary foe but it could only damage the scales covering the azure-scaled individual. Unable to handle the next set of wind blades, the azure-scaled individual fell onto his back as blood oozed from the cuts and broken scales all over his body. Even though his attempts to defend were futile, he showed an indomitable will.

With the spear as his support, he stood up once again to face his savage foe.

Silver stared at the stubborn azure-scaled boy, sighing audibly, leaping out of the tree and down to the bottom of the cliff. Even though 2 years floated by, like a piece of rotted wood bobbing up and down a serene stream, he knew who the azure-scaled boy is.

It was Long Zhen, from their old Windfall Village.

Dropping above from the highest treetop, readying his twelve ton halberd into a swing, Silver plummeted and took swung his halberd at the head of the blue-feathered vulture.

Sensing a strong killing intent above it, the blue-feathered vulture looked up. Cold shivers ran down its spine as it noticed Silver, its instinct telling it to run or it would die. With a flap of it wings, the vulture tried escaping but Silver was even quicker, slicing off its right wing.

Seeing its wing sliced off, the vulture painfully screeched into the heavens, its power erupting from fury. To be afraid of a tiny, insignificant mortal, caused it to lose its wing and brought shame within its heart. Mixed with fury, shame and pain, the vulture who was stuck at a bottleneck, broke through and became an Elemental King Beast.

Immediately adapting to its new strength, the vulture quickly regenerated its right wing back and glared menacingly at Silver.

"Hmm. . . I didn't expect this to happen," Silver muttered aside, landing onto the ground safely.

Unlike humans, who obtain star marks from the stars, demonic beasts were innately born with elements that allowed to exclusive control either a sole or multiple element once they broke through to Elemental King. Of course, this wasn't the first time he fought against an Elemental King. The great flood dragon was a mid-stage Elemental King, but this vulture had recently become an Elemental King.

Thus, fighting it should be a breeze.

"Yo, Long Zhen."

"Silver?" inquired Long Zhen, staring at the familiar young man that dropped from the sky.