A Pinch of self esteem would be more than enough?

Sarah frowns "But that doesn't matter now! They disrespected you so they have to be punished!".

Maya gets irked and rebukes "Does not matter?! It does matter Sarah! Tell me one thing! When your Crown Prince himself disrespects me, how will others pay me respect?!".

Sarah stammers "H-He is your husband. But others can't -".

Maya smiles coldly "Husband? So what if he is the husband?! Who gave him the power to disrespect me?!".

Sarah "..." How could someone question their husband? And how could you even think of questioning Crown Prince? !

Robin "..." Who will give the power to The Crown Prince?! He is an invincible source of power himself in the country!

Maya smirks seeing them "Why can't a woman punish her husband for disrespecting her?! Why is there a leeway for men in every rule?!".

Sarah points "But why should the Officials be left unpunished when they don't respect their Queen?!".

Robin looks at Sarah weirdly as she was speaking to Maya in an angry tone.

Maya sighs and explains "Because I don't deserve the power-".

Sarah declares harshly "You are married into the Royalty and you are The Queen of The Northern Country now! You have every powers to order them!  Those who disrespect Crown Prince wife should be punished!".

Maya shakes her head defeated "Seems you swore to die for your Emperor and his descendents!".

Robin frowns "Everyone of the servants swears on his or her life to serve the Royals! Whether they are soldiers who die in battles or the servants who take care of the Royals personally".

Maya shrugs "What did I do?! Why should you have to respect me? Did I fight your battles? How can a mere stranger could step into the country and punish you all however she wants just because she is married into the Royalty?!".

Sarah and Robin looked at Maya as if she has gone mad.

Maya sighs 'You people would never understand my statement! As for me, I wanted to stop the officials from entering this chamber and I have done it!'.

She says looking at Robin "Just make them stay away from this chamber! I believe they won't enter in here forcefully".

Robin bows "Yes Ma'am!" and walks out of the chamber to guard the chamber.

Celina comes out from the bathing chamber and frowns seeing Sarah angry.

She creases her eyebrows seeing Maya calmer as ever.

Celina speaks "I-I will bring something to eat" and runs out of the room timidly.

Maya walks beside the bed and looks at the children who are sleeping peacefully.

'I should protect these children.. At any cost. I should find a permanent way to save them. I wonder who could help me'.

Maya sits on the floor beside the bed and leans supporting her head on the edge of the bed.

She recalls Xavier and closes her eyes.

'I only know him here. Crown Prince said it would take a year fir him to return from the battle. It's unsure that he would help me even if he returns early! I have to do something so that Xavier helps me!'.

Sarah creases her eyebrows seeing Maya sitting on the floor.

'Is she forgetting that she is a Queen now?! How can she not follow the etiquettes?'.

She doesn't like Maya ignoring the truth just because the Crown Prince scolded her. As a filial wife she should forgive him or try to explain him when he returns!.

'Without trying anything how could she blame him completely?! How can she be so irresponsible enough to let them go?!'.

Sarah too walks out of Maya's chamber displeased.

Maya lets out a relaxed breath for being left alone. She had been used to be alone even before she came to this country.

'I don't want to talk to you anymore!'.

She doesn't know why Xavier's single sentence kept on ringing in her ears. They are making her to feel sad even though it was not her fault completely.


Maya wakes hearing the sound from the door. She rubs her eyes and yawns. May be the sleepless night made her to drift into sleep.

She frowns feeling something around her waist and gasps.

The two children were sleeping embracing her waist as if weak vines clutch the strong tree to survive.

'When did they wake up and why are they embracing me?!'.

Maya gets uncomfortable due to their closeness. She never likes to be with children. She finds them annoying most of the times. Moreover, she might be dangerous for them when she is in the effect of her Curse.

She tries to free herself from their hold but they hold her tight as if their lives depend on her. Even though it was the truth.

Sarah enters the chamber but gets surprised seeing Maya's 'condition'. Seeing Maya struggling to free herself, she couldn't help smile forgetting her previous anger.

She carries each child and makes them to sleep on the bed. She adds "The Official...The arrogant one.. wants to take his leave. He..requests your presence".

Maya says carelessly "Ask him to leave".

Sarah gets stunned "Aren't you going to speak to him?!".

'Does she think herself a mere commoner?! Is she ashamed to speak to-'.

Maya smirks "I don't respect the one who disrespects me!".

Sarah "...".

Maya smiles and pats Sarah's shoulder "I don't need to be a Queen for that! A mere commoner with a pinch of self esteem would be more than enough".

Sarah gasps and laughs suddenly "You are one of a kind Maya!".

Maya too smiles "Indeed I am".



The Royal Palace.

Xavier's Chamber.

Xavier sat on a chair and staring before him. Since he got to know Lady Maya's 'truth', he couldn't help being disturbed. He procrastinated the issues to be handled immediately and locked himself within his chamber.

He was never disturbed to this point except when Empress Claudia died.

Xavier slaps his hand hard on the table and swera under his breath harshly.

"What bothers you so much Xav?!".

Xavier stands instantly and looks behind him in horror.